The Berger quickly shuttled between the waves. Under the command of Perona and the control of Aeron, they quickly arrived at the entrance of the Upside Down Mountain with the help of the fierce wind.

Looking ahead is an endless stretch of red mountains. The tops of the mountains are blocked by clouds, making it impossible to see the edge. Majestic and spectacular, this is the greatest natural miracle in the world - the Red Earth Continent!

"Hey, hey, hey, hey~~Brother Yilun! Is this Upside Down Mountain?"Perona summoned a large number of ghosts to form a lookout group and constantly monitored the changes in the sea currents.

With a wave of Ellen's finger, the Beagle's sail changed direction slightly and accurately adjusted the position of the bow to the entrance of the Upside Down Mountain. In front of

"To be precise, what we are seeing is the Red Continent, and Upside Down Mountain is part of the Red Continent, and it is also the first intersection between the Red Continent and the Grand Route."Robin held on to the railing of the ship tightly to prevent himself from being thrown out by the bumpy Beagle:"Ahead is the entrance to the Upside Down Mountain, which is also the most formal entrance to the Grand Route from the Western Sea."

"Everyone, hurry up, we are ready to 'climb the mountain'!"Ellen held the cables on the ship tightly with his right hand, and then all the cables on the Berger slowly began to squirm as if they were given life. Then

, a few free cables hugged the waists of Robin and Perona, and the rest The cable moved and the sail was fully deployed, and the fierce wind once again accelerated the speed of the ship. At the same time, the sea currents began to surge at extremely high speeds, and the Berger used the turbulent sea currents to rush towards the entrance of Upside Down Mountain!


The speed is getting faster and faster! The entire ship rushed to the top of the Upside Down Mountain in an instant, glide briefly in the air for tens of meters, and then fell towards the wide sea channel ahead. But the landing point is slightly off - the Berger is about to fall into the mountains next to the sea channel!

"Wow ah ah ah!!! I'm going to die, I'm going to die!!"Perona and Wu Hongji were so frightened that they hugged each other and screamed. Robin broke out in cold sweat on his forehead and hugged the cable wrapped around him tightly.

A smile appeared on the corner of Ellen's mouth, veins appeared on her forehead, and she held the cable with her right hand. exert force violently

"Don’t worry...resin zipper·RIDER·Fly among the stars!"

In an instant, the entire ship of the Berger seemed to be alive. The sails expanded, and a large number of resin zippers suddenly sprang out from both sides of the ship to reconstruct. In just one second, two huge gliders were constructed. , the two wings of the double-winged goddess of victory on the bow of the ship also unfolded.

The Beagle Gliding Mode!

Aeron smiled and waved his fingers like an orchestra conductor, fine-tuning the angle of the glider, and the gliding direction of the entire ship was Accurately adjusted to the direction of the entrance of the Grand Line.

Amid the exclamations and laughter of the girls, the Beagle quickly and firmly glided toward the entrance of the Great Line directly ahead!

At the same time.

The entrance of the Great Line, Twins Gorge.

This is the beginning of the Grand Line and the starting point of the seven routes. Here, there is a towering lighthouse pointing the direction for every traveler who enters the Grand Line.

Of course, there are also some not-so-smart guys who always want to take advantage of opportunities.

"Hello! Stinky old man! Say it! What happened to my compass needle?"

There is a huge pirate ship moored next to the lighthouse. The statue on the bow is a wooden rhinoceros head. On the shore, a group of ferocious-looking pirates surrounded a bald old man with a hairstyle like petals. One of them looked like a sailor. The soldier's pirate grabbed the old man's collar, held up the compass with his other hand, put it in front of the old man and shouted:"Did you do something here? Say it! Otherwise I will kill you!"

The old man Hua Petal was wearing a fancy vacation shirt, with several copies of the News of the World scattered at his feet. He frowned and said,"You don't know anything and you dare to run to the Grand Line? Even if we die together, we must die together. It’s such a touching friendship.……"

A big man wearing a captain's hat frowned and said viciously:"Old man, do you really think we don't dare to kill you? Will, who am I!?"

A villain next to the old man Huaban said loudly:"Old man! You But be honest! Our captain is the famous 'Rhinoceros Bill' in the South China Sea! The bounty is 45 million berries!!"

"oh~~~~45 million beli na~~~"The old man Hua Petal protracted his voice, his tone was particularly perfunctory.

‘Rhino Bill's brows furrowed even more tightly. He took out the long knife from his waist and was about to say something when he suddenly heard a whistling sound coming from above his head.

Everyone looked up and saw a beautiful two-masted ship with wings falling from the sky and sliding smoothly to the sea not far from the lighthouse.

After landing on the sea, the wings of the brigantine immediately disintegrated and retracted, and then the sails flapped and slowly sailed towards the coast near the lighthouse.

‘The boy next to Rhino Bill raised his telescope and looked at it for a while, then suddenly showed an evil smile and hurriedly reported to Rhino Bill:"Captain! There are several beautiful girls on this ship! There is only one man, and he looks thinner. You're so weak, and it's not enough for the captain to punch you!"

‘Rhinocero Bill smiled with satisfaction:"I didn't expect it to be opened just after arriving at the Grand Line... Kids, take this ship down for me! Kill the men, and I'll let you play with the women after I've finished enjoying them!

" The gangsters cheered like ghosts and howls, completely ignoring the old man with petals. The old man Hua Petal frowned slightly and walked back into the lighthouse hut while they were not paying attention.

This gang of thugs surrounded the captain"Rhinoceros Bill" and walked towards the shore. The navigator unluckily kicked the newspaper, spat on it, and then hurriedly caught up with the large group.

The Beagle slowly docked beside the lighthouse coast, which was already occupied by the 'Rhinoceros Bill' gang. Each of them was holding a musket and a long knife, shouting fiercely, trying to intimidate the people on the boat.

And their ship‘Rhinocero Bill carried a long knife and shouted loudly:"Guys on the boat! Get off me now! If you obey, I will spare your lives and only steal your goods! If you dare to disobey me, 'Rhinoceros Bill,' I will let you Everyone lost their heads!! Did you hear that?!"

On the deck of the Berger, Perona and Wu Hongji had just recovered from the sensory stimulation of falling from a high altitude. They lay down on the railing at the edge of the deck and curiously headed down to the shore. While looking at it

‘Rhinoceros Bill's eyes lit up, that boy really wasn't bragging, they were really two charming little beauties! The delicate beauty with black hair and purple eyes makes people drool just looking at her, and the little girl with pink hair is also a beauty. Earned it, earned it!

He coughed and yelled with a louder voice:"Come down right now! Otherwise, I'll kill you! Huh? Pretty boy, are you a cook? Take these two chicks and get down immediately, I can still spare your life.""‘Rhinoceros Bill' saw Aeron appearing on the edge of the deck, and he became even more energetic.

Ellen, who was wearing a black suit, looked slightly cold, stood on the railing with his hands in his pockets, and slowly said:"……If you dare to say another word, I will kill you."

"Your kid said...huh? Why are you pulling me? ?"'Rhinoceros Bill' was furious. Just when he was about to curse, he was pulled hard by the navigator on the side. He turned angrily to look at this idiot who didn't cheer him up but was ruining it. If he didn't give him a proper If there is a reason, after a while, 'Yu Tang' will no longer be worthy of this kid!

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