Wu Hongji's tone was full of joy. His long-cherished wish was finally coming true, and his family's long-stolen sword 'Red Snow Zuoji' was finally returned to its original owner.

"Ah? I'm not surprised that the weird old man didn't die. Xiao Wu, why wasn't your red-haired opponent rescued by these weird people?"Perona looked at the big pile tied with rope and asked curiously.

Wu Hongji put the famous swords 'Hongxue Zuowen' and 'Red Siam' on her waist together, and then replied:"That person was The demon sword poisoned him too much and there was no way he could be saved, so I beheaded him and the demon sword together. This could be regarded as the kindness of a samurai.

Perona snorted:"You have too many tricks in Wano Country. Lord Pepe can't understand it." Brother, shall we set off now? Don't you need to give this big man a knife?"Her little finger was pointing at Moonlight Moria who fainted on the ground.

Ellen shook her head, turned to Wu Hongji and said,"Hongji, that zombie maid has a few things hidden in her chest, please help me take them out. Perona, wake up this lion face."

Perona laughed happily,"Okay.~!", raised his small umbrella and excitedly swung his bow left and right at Absalom's lion face.

Wu Hongji followed Elen's instructions, walked up to the blonde zombie maid Sindori, groped in the deep groove on her chest with a blushing heart, and took out a few things.

Two strange-looking watches, and a sleeping phone bug.

When Aeron saw these things, he couldn't help but smile.

"Aeron, what are these?"Although Wu Hongji didn't know what these were, seeing Yi Lun so happy, she also felt happy.

Yi Lun took these things and said with emotion:"I told you before, our The goals are the same. Your target is Wano's stolen treasures, and my target is them.""The indispensable recording pointer for traveling to the Grand Route; the permanent pointer that marks the position of the terrifying three-masted sailing ship in the magical triangle sea area; and this special phone bug for the 'King Shichibukai'."

At this time, Perona grabbed the collar of Absalom, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face with a frightened expression. She curiously poked her head towards Aeron and asked,"Brother, what is that terrifying three-masted sailboat you are talking about? Sounds so cute!"

What this girl likes most are horror novels with a dark atmosphere and decadent and gloomy Gothic rock music.

Ellen held up one of the watches. The center of the watch was inlaid with a transparent glass ball, with a diamond-shaped pointer hanging inside. He spoke briskly Said:"There is a legendary sea area in the Great Line. Its sea is filled with thick fog that cannot be dispelled all year round. It is said that more than 100 ships disappear in this sea area every year. Over time, people have taken care of this sea area. It's called the 'Magic Triangle'’"

"And in this magical triangle of sea, lurks the world's largest pirate ship, the proud vehicle of Moonlight Moria of the 'Shichibukai' - the terrifying three-masted sailboat! It is both a ship and an island, and no one can find it lurking in the Magic Triangle. My goal is this island of terror, which will become the base of 'Coral' in the Great Channel! And this permanent pointer will be the only coordinate leading to the world's largest pirate ship. Aeron looked at Absalom, who was submissive and did not dare to say anything, and said softly:"I will not kill you." If Mr. Moria wakes up, tell him for me - this time you did not lose to me, but to fate, so I decided to fight you again. No matter who loses next time, he must promise the other party Require. He tossed the permanent pointer in his hand and showed a smirk:"However, as punishment for defeat, your terrifying three-masted sailboat belongs to me." If you want to get it back, just fight again in the Grand Line!"

Eren gradually had an idea after fighting against Moonlight Moria. He hoped to recruit Moonlight Moria to become an ally of 'Coral'. Having read the comics, he knew that even if Moonlight Moria's strength declined seriously in the future, he would still become a Although he lives in a fat house, he is still a man who values ​​​​love. This can be seen in the comics when he forcibly breaks into the territory of the"Yonko" Blackbeard for Absalom.

This man should not die here like this. On an island where the whole world is about to be destroyed!

And in his own opinion, his last blow was actually a bit weak. Even if others say that he is hypocritical, Aeron still hopes to compete with Moonlight Moria again when he is in good condition. And next time, I will definitely defeat him openly!

"Okay, there is a small caravel sailing boat on the south side of the island. You can take Mr. Moria and leave on it. Move quickly, it's about to be overturned by the wave."Iron closed his eyes and searched with his knowledge and knowledge. He found that the 'Cheese Pizza' was still surviving tenaciously under the rough waves, so he gave it to Moriah and his gang.

"ah? The 'Cheese Pizza Number' was given to them, so what should we do, brother?" Perona almost hit Absalom hard again when she heard this, making the latter tremble.

Aeron smiled and looked away On the sea surface, he said softly:

"Don't worry, everyone is here to take us home."

On the sea in the distance, a merchant ship was struggling with the increasingly turbulent waves while trying hard to sail towards the island that was about to be destroyed.

It was the 'Croissant'!

It was night, and Luozhong Village, which has a history of more than 700 years, together with the village Bell Island was completely destroyed

‘The King's Shichibukai's Moonlight Moria accidentally broke down in his hometown, the West Sea, and disappeared after the defeat.

The leader of the West Sea gang organization 'Coral'——‘Fierce Chain' Philia Aeron is famous across the sea!

Grand Line, Naval Headquarters--Marinvando

"We urgently call everyone to hold this meeting. I believe you all know the purpose of this meeting. So, who among you here can tell me, who is this Philia Aeron?"

In the sunny white office, a muscular old man with a mohawk and a spiky hair was sitting behind his desk with his shoulders in his arms, looking at everyone in the room seriously.

"Let me make a brief written report, Marshal Kong."

Admiral Buddha Sengoku, wearing round glasses, picked up a stack of reports and read in a loud voice:

"Filia Iron, 17 years old, is the son of a fisherman in Koli Village, West Sea. He joined the West Sea gang organization 'Coral' two years ago and did not show any noteworthy fighting ability during this period. This person really started to stand out when he defeated three gang leaders who were quite famous and capable in the West Sea a month ago in the town of Alghero, one of whom was his nominal boss at the time. Please note that this person defeated these three people alone in less than 10 minutes after eating the chain fruit.……"

"Sorry, Warring States General, please allow me to interrupt for a moment."A tall and thin man with instant noodles raised his hand and shook it.

General Warring States nodded and said kindly:"Please speak, Lieutenant General Kuzan. Lieutenant General Kuzan, who was called one of the 'monsters' by the pirates, scratched his head:"I just want to ask if the Chain Fruit mentioned by the Warring States General is the one that Colonel Marvin ate a few years ago... …fruit?"

At this time, an old man next to him who was nibbling senbei burst into laughter:"You are right Kuzan, it is the zipper fruit that those boys privately call the 'Shame of the Navy'""Oops, thank you Uncle Karp, I have no problem. Please continue, Warring States General."After receiving the reply, Lieutenant General Kuzan shrank back into the large chair.

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