Shake! Behind Moonlight Moria, a zombie wearing a kimono and a katana staggered out. He also held a short sword with a crimson sheath in his hand.

"That, that is!"Mai Honghime couldn't believe her eyes. The national treasure of Wano Country that had been stolen for many years appeared in front of her at this moment! The body of Ryoma, the 'God of Swords', the black sword 'Shushui', and the 'Red Snow Zumonji'! She Holding the handle of the 'Hong Siam' knife at his waist, his pretty face was full of frost:"How dare you desecrate the remains of the 'God of Swords' like this?"……"

Moonlight Moria raised his head and laughed:"Hehehehehe!! 'God of Swords'? He is a pretty useful 'humanoid' here! How about it? If you want, get the equivalent one." Something to exchange for! Just take it……"

Moonlight Moria suddenly pinched the head of Ryoma Zombie and said with a ferocious smile:"How about replacing it with the new intelligence officer in your organization?"

Ellen sighed:"What Becky told you is really wrong. Young Master... So you're also eyeing Robin? Then we won't be able to continue our conversation."

"Hehehehehe! There's no way, Capone Becky doesn't actually know her true identity, but you were so protective of her that Capone Becky became suspicious of this chick's identity. After he told me, I immediately knew how useful she was! But you keep this chick in your headquarters all day long, which is too close to the naval base. If things get serious and the navy discovers that I have plans to plot historical texts, my position as the 'Shichibukai under the King' will be at risk. Hehehehe. Moonlight

Moria walked up and down with a smile, wagging her index finger and said,"So, I'll let that idiot lead you to Luo Zhong Village so that we can talk face to face."……"

"Think about it carefully, Zipper Boy, did you lure that girl named Robin to Luo Zhong Village? Or will the lives of the three of you be completely ruined here?"

As Moonlight Moria pressed, a large number of zombies emerged from the surrounding houses and under the soft soil. The total number reached thousands! They all held weapons and had different shapes, and they all stared silently. The three of them were holding Elon.

But even this sea of ​​thousands of zombies could not compare with the terrifying oppression brought by Moonlight Moria itself! Facing this terrifying behemoth that looked like an ancient demon, Aeron felt The exposed skin tingled, and I knew in my heart that it was the oppression caused by Moonlight Moria's aura that had materialized!

This was one of the 'Ossian Shichibukai' with an original bounty of 320 million berries. It was terrifying. The 'King of Zombies' Moonlight Moria!

Facing the malicious 'choice question' raised by Moonlight Moria, Aeron stood up slowly, and the zippered wide chair behind him decomposed and melted back to the ground.

"Don't underestimate people, Moonlight Moria. Aeron put his hands in his pockets and said word by word:"As a father, if you can't cover your subordinates, how can you convince the public?""

Moonlight Moriah suddenly lost interest, sat back in front of the big clock, and yawned half-heartedly:"Tsk...the little lambs these days are quite ambitious, right? It's really troublesome... Hey, you guys, help me get rid of him!"

"As you command, Master!"The cadres around Moonlight Moria responded at the same time.

The old scholar wearing a thick bottle bottom looked at the other cadres:"Who will take action? I was also in a hurry to prepare the potion for Lord Moria. Let's draw lots, you little bastards!"

"Hiss! Hiss! Hiss! I am a genius doctor! Doctors don’t kill people, right, Sindori?"The geek doctor with a round figure but two bamboo pole legs sneered and asked the zombie maid who came to him.

The lion face in the top hat roared loudly:"I don't care who does it, just keep that beautiful woman in kimono. Oh, I want to marry her!"

The red-haired burly man was the most direct. He held the long knife in his hand and walked towards Aeron step by step. His deep voice was full of displeasure:"I just wanted to chop you with a knife, you foul-mouthed boy."

When he was less than ten meters away from Aeron, he suddenly swung his sword, and a strong and fierce sword wind struck straight at Aeron!

"Tiger evil wind!!"

"Huang Huangge!"An elegant and fast whirling sword wind, accompanied by a sound that sounded like a sacred bird's long cry, directly offset the fierce sword energy wielded by the red-haired man.

Wu Hongji stood in front of Yi Lun, lightly holding the famous sword in her right hand. Hong Siam', that gorgeous flying slash just now was her masterpiece.

Moonlight Moria laughed loudly and weirdly:"Hehehehe!! interesting! interesting! Hey, zipper boy, I changed my mind! Let's have an arena match, one-on-one! Let Fleming fight with that chick! Aeron

's face grew colder:"My partner is not a juggler for you to watch, Moonlight Moria." Perona, Hongji, jump up and hide!"

Elun's right hand suddenly opened a zipper, and an unsheathed long knife suddenly sprang out from it. It was the"Lei Yuzuo" of the 50th-grade Liang Kuai Dao! The end of the handle of"Lei Yuzuo" was in line with Elen's finger. The zipper at the end was connected into one, and then the blade and the handle were broken inch by inch, revealing the single-sided chain teeth connected to it! With a loud roar, Aeron twisted his whole body to swing this infinitely extending sharp chain knife into a terrifying Big circle!

"Metal zipper·circular milling!!"


First there was the harsh buzzing sound, and then the violent slashing wind!

Along with the loud noise, both the surrounding residential buildings and the zombies standing dumbly were all directly destroyed by this terrifying and violent chain blade! The turbulent air flow in the sky is filled with gravel, sawdust and body parts!

There are exceptions. In addition to Wu Hongji who jumped into the air and Perona who was picked up by her, the opponents also had their own methods to avoid this horizontal chain slash that covered the entire village. The giant red-haired man squatted down to gather strength and then jumped high into the air. The old scholar stepped into the air several times and walked as if walking on the sky. The geek doctor with numb legs was picked up by the zombie maid beside him, along with his top hat. The lion heads hid together on the stone platform next to Moonlight Moria.

And Moria yawned and didn't even bother to stand up. Black shadows surged under him, and then the majestic sea of ​​shadows spurted out, condensing countless huge shadow arms and smashed the stone slab under Moria one after another. The platform and the old old floor clock behind it were uprooted and held high in the air.

Even if these shadow arms were completely destroyed by the chain blade, more shadow hands would emerge from the ground and continue to hold up the huge stone platform in less than 0.1 seconds.

After a few seconds, the storm subsided, and the hand of shadow slowly lowered the stone platform back to the ground. Moonlight Moria didn't even bother to say a perfunctory compliment, yawned again, and said lazily:

"Is this a complete breakdown? Forget it, stop drawing lots, kill them quickly, and then go to Alghero town to snatch back our new cadres!"

Moonlight Moria doesn't care about these low-level zombies at all. His elite zombie troops are kept on the terrifying three-masted ship. He wants as many low-level goods as he wants! The red-haired giant kept his feet after landing and picked them up. The long knife was slashing towards Yi Lun! The old scholar with a hunchback stepped quickly from the air and coordinated with the red-haired giant to attack Yi Lun.


Wu Hongji pulled out the 'Red Siam' and held the red-haired giant firmly. When the long knife struck, bursts of sparks erupted from the surface where the two knives came into contact. Then she suddenly released her strength to the side, taking advantage of the giant man's long knife to miss with a side slash to force him back, and then used high-speed continuous slashes to make him lose the initiative. The giant man gradually forced himself to the other side of the battlefield.

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