I don't know when, outside the manor, there was a dark crowd of"Coral" cadres and gang members. There were at least 500 people, and most of them were experts who had been temporarily sent to other island villages and towns in the past few days. At this moment, they were fully armed and looked at Capone and his gang in the manor with anger.

"I gave you a chance, Mr. Becky. The voice on the other end of the phone became even colder:"Kransner doesn't believe you will rebel, so I will let him personally guard the headquarters building and see with his own eyes how his good friend betrayed me.""

"Do you think...you think that I will be beaten up by you like a stray dog, snatched away all the bones, destroyed the shelter, and then you will scratch my chin and comfort me for a few words, and then wag my tail obediently to you and beg for mercy?"Capone Becky had blue veins on his face and roared at the phone bug at the top of his lungs:

"You are dreaming! Philia Aeron! You will die if you go to Luo Zhong Village. If you don't go, not only you, but also 'Coral' and all surrounding island towns will be completely destroyed by the 'Zombie King'! you have no choice!"

"but me! I will use the power of this fortified fruit to completely destroy the town of Alghero! If you're not here, who can you expect to stop me? This half-buried old man? This cow that only knows how to show off? Or is this Klansner stupid enough to consider me his friend?"

Capone Becky was completely crazy. He laughed wildly and shouted to the surrounding Capone gang:"The 'King of Zombies' has promised to reward me with the West China Sea! Kids! Kill me! Burn it for me! Hang the old man's head on the fence! Traumatize this cow until it dies and then take a photo and post it on the street! Chop this stupid, ridiculous, child-like Krasner who longs for friendship into mincemeat!"

"I am the 'bad guy' Capone Becky, I don't need any friends, I don't need any leader! I am the lonely and only leader!"

"Mr. Becky, are you looking down on my men? The voice from the phone bug seemed disapproving:"They will deal with you and your men easily and happily, and then prepare everything to wait for my return." As for you... I have no interest in watching your final end. Farewell, Becky, you've been kicked off Coral"

"Wha...wait a minute! I want you to listen to the screams of your men being tortured by me... Don't hang up the phone bug!"


The other end of the phone hung up the phone. Robin held the phone and took two steps back, hiding behind old man Wendrew.

Capone Becky's eyes were full of burning passion. Anger. At the end of the day, are you still going to humiliate me, Aeron... Very good, you will regret it. I will destroy everything you hold dear!

And Krasnapin raised his hands Fencing with a sword, the tip of the sword pointed at Capone Becky's forehead

"Becky, the boss has given the order. From now on, you are no longer a member of 'Coral'."

He took a deep breath, his eyes became firm, and the fencing sword in his hand stabbed Capone Becky's forehead like lightning!

"Rhapsody·Passionate solo dance!"

At the same time, the 'Coral' cadres and gang members outside the venue had raised their muskets and long knives, and began to annihilate the 'Capone Gang' gang members who were hesitant in the manor. Amidst the hail of bullets,

Capone Becky was killed Kransner's powerful and heavy thrust made him unsteady on his feet and he took several steps back. Becky shook her head, trying to get rid of the slight dizziness:"Kransner, you are wasting your efforts! Ordinary swords and guns can't break through my defense. You can only…………Well!"

Before Capone Becky could finish speaking, he was drowned by the continuous stabbings like a violent storm.

"Symphony and dance group singing!"The black top hat on Kransner's head has long since disappeared. His expression is covered by shadows in the night and cannot be seen clearly, but the double-edged sword in his hand is as unstoppable as a storm!

Although Capone Becky has no real He was injured, but the continuous powerful impact made him retreat continuously, and the shock to his internal organs and brain became more and more serious.

The castle in his body became a mess, and the gang members in the castle in his body could not even stand due to the violent shaking. If you can't stand still, how can you help Capone Becky with fire cover? The Gotti heavy fire team at the 'hand gate' can barely stand, but whenever Capone Becky wants to raise his palms and aim at Gram Lansner's arm would be stabbed twice so hard that he couldn't even lift his hand.

The continuous stabbing lasted for 3 minutes. Capone Becky was already in a semi-conscious state and could barely stand up just by relying on perseverance. With holes all over his body, only two questions echoed in his confused mind: Isn't my defense indestructible? Why can a mere Klansner suppress me? The panting Klansner positioned himself With his posture, the tip of the sword pointed at Capone Becky's chest, and said softly:

"Good bye my friend……"

The next moment, Klansner had appeared behind Capone Beki. While pacing slowly, he slowly put the double-edged fencing sword into his staff.

"……Requiem·Festival Dance."

It was still for a second, and then blood splattered on Capone Becky's chest, and he fell to the ground with a thud.

"Well done...my friend...……"The heartfelt words before his death were drowned in the sound of gunfire and roaring fighting.

Figures emerged from Kapen Beki's side one after another. This was proof that the Fortress Fruit was beginning to lose its effectiveness.

"Boss!"How is it possible... the boss actually……""Hey, run away, or you'll be killed by the Coral guys!"Have mercy!" I surrender! forgive me!"

A large number of members of the 'Capone Gang' either dispersed or surrendered on their knees, but they were all ruthlessly executed by the 'Coral' cadres and members who had blocked the area. Because the order issued from above was——"Leave no one behind!"

The remaining dozen or so members of the 'Capone Gang' stood guard in front of Capone Becky's body, took off their hats and placed them on their chests to express their condolences, and then uniformly took out their muskets and committed suicide. In this way, 'Capone The gang was completely wiped out.

Klansner picked up the black top hat that fell on the ground, patted the dust on it, then slowly walked to the body of Capone Beki lying on his back, and gently covered his hat with his head. face.

Then he turned to look at Windrew. The old man had put down his musket and was holding his waist with a painful expression.

"Mr. Windrew? Are you injured?"Kransner was a little panicked and hurriedly ran over to help the old man.

"No... I just held the musket for too long and my waist slipped. Oh thank you, Miss Robin, you are such a kind angel. Windrew sat on the chair brought by Robin and took a breath:"In this way, the internal crisis will be resolved."

Robin asked with a worried look on his face:"Is everything okay with Boss Ellen?" Listening to what Capone Becky said just now, it seems that there is a trap waiting for the boss in Luo Zhong Village."

Wendrew shook his head:"The boss has already anticipated everything. All we can do is to appease the base camp and wait for the boss to return in triumph. Okay, Krasner, go and lead the cadres and gangs to clean up the battlefield. Really, the nice manor lawn was made a mess…………"

The night is still long.

At the same time, on the sea

"Brother, that Becky really rebelled?"Perona looked at Aeron who hung up the phone in surprise:"I thought this short fat guy was tamed by Lady Perona's 10,000 ghost bombs!"

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