"You're rewarded, BOSS. Cartman didn't want to hand over the work, so I gave him a ride as per the rules."

"That loser dared to embezzle money from the gang. He was so stupid. It would be a good idea to die! Having said that, you did a really good job in the battle in Katsuri Town, and all the brothers were convinced. In addition to the two contributions to Luozhong Village and Xiangyin Wharf, I, as the BOSS, agree to your request."

As he spoke, he pushed the box on the table in the direction of Aeron, with a smile on his lips:"Open it, this is a treasure from the sea worth 100 million berries!"

Iron ignored the half-smiling expressions of the people around him and slowly opened the box. Lying quietly in the box was a blue cantaloupe. It was small and covered with jagged stripes. The surrounding cadres looked mocking. , because BOSS Pippin has told them what the ability of this fruit is. Generally speaking, only a very few people can identify the ability contained in a devil fruit based on its appearance, but this fruit is an exception. Because it is recognized The waste fruit - the chain fruit.

As the name suggests, the person who eats the chain fruit will become a zipper man. The ability is to open a zipper on the object that he has touched.

Six years ago, there was a navy colonel By chance, he ate this fruit. As a result, not only did he end up with a useless ability without any attack power, but he also became a landlubber. He became a complete laughing stock. Within a month, he was killed in a battle with pirates. After a lapse of time , Many years ago, this fruit reappeared in the sea, and was acquired by the 'Coral' organization BOSS Pippin.

At that time, Pippin was already a person with the ability of the animal type Niu Niu fruit buffalo form, so he wanted to sell this fruit at a good price, but After three months, no one was willing to buy it, let alone 100 million berries, and even 30 million berries. After many inquiries, I learned that because the deeds of the naval colonel were so famous, everyone who knows the goods knows this. How could he spend 100 million beli to buy back a useless garbage fruit if he didn't know the specific appearance of the fruit? Pippin had no choice but to store the fruit in his treasury and gradually forget about it. Let's talk about Aeron. Lun took his sister Perona and took the initiative to join the 'Coral' two years ago, and relied on his unrivaled skills to complete many difficult missions. The most amazing one was when he was alone in Katsuri Town a month ago. One person severely injured six major cadres of the Suleiman Family, another major gang in the West Sea, causing the Suleiman Family to lose nearly 80% of its top combat power in an instant. In desperation, they had to make concessions to the Coral, making the Coral' has gained huge benefits.

According to the gang's rules, Aeron's credit would be worth 100 million even if it were replaced by Berry. However, Aeron, who has always been indifferent to merit rewards, made a request this time - he wanted to get a A Devil Fruit.

BOSS Pippin was originally very wary of Aeron, fearing that he would seize his throne as leader, so how could he allow Aeron to obtain a Devil Fruit to greatly increase his strength. But this time Aeron's achievements were too dazzling. , if you refuse directly, you are challenging the gang rules. When Pippin was in a dilemma, one of his subordinates reminded him:"Leader, don't you still have a useless useless Devil Fruit in your hand? Just give it to Aeron, not only will it block his mouth, but it may also make his strength decrease instead of increase!"

Pippin was overjoyed after hearing this, what he said makes sense! Even if Aeron knew the power of this fruit, he proposed to get the Devil Fruit as a reward, so it is reasonable for him to give the Chain Fruit to him as a reward.

So he immediately held a commendation ceremony to formally reward Aeron at the Black Ax Bar. In order to prevent Aeron from being dissatisfied with the ability of the chain fruit and hurting others, Pippin made two preparations. On the one hand, he led all the gang members Several other major cadres supported the battle, and on the other hand, he also specially gave Elon an extra gift - letting Elon deal with the gangster Cartman himself.

Cartman embezzled gang property, and he already had the idea of ​​​​dealing with him, which happened to be Cartman had teased Perona before, and Elon had probably wanted to kill him personally for a long time. Elen is his most capable and strongest subordinate, so it is necessary to comfort him.

In the secret compartment of the Black Ax Bar, in Under the gaze of everyone, Aeron picked up the fruit without hesitation and bit into it. Sure enough, the taste of the Devil Fruit was as disgusting as the legend said, but his expression never wavered. Because... everything was going according to him. The plan is in progress!

He has been planning for two years, and one of his goals is the Devil Fruit in his hand. The

Chain Fruit, a special super-human devil fruit that is even rarer than the natural devil fruit!

Aeron closed his eyes and felt the feeling inside his body. The new power was surging.

It didn't feel raw, but rather like an innate instinct. Aeron felt that this power was like his other arm. But before he could continue to study the Devil Fruit's ability, An unpleasant voice interrupted him

"Hey, Aeron! Isn’t the chain fruit very powerful? Give us a show!"

The speaker was the 'Three-Fingered Fox' Dam, a tall dark-skinned man with sharp metal fingertips on the index, middle and ring fingers of his left hand. It was he who came up with the idea of ​​using the chain fruit as a reward. Dam considers himself to be second in strength. Because of the leader Pippin, he was very jealous of Aeron, who had snatched the title of the best master of his gang when he first arrived. This time he tried his best to see Aeron make a fool of himself, and it would be best if Aeron could not bear the humiliation and act in anger, so that he would Now is the chance to teach this brat a lesson!

Aeron opened his eyes, glanced at the 'Three-fingered Fox' Damm coldly, and then looked at BOSS Pippin.

Then he slumped on the sofa and smoked a cigar lazily. Pippin had no intention of persuading Dam.

It was obvious that he planned to watch a good show.

Aeron showed a teasing smile and turned to look at Dam:"Mr. Dam wants to watch the show? Watching a show isn't as fun as going to the theater in person, why don't you come and have some fun?"

BOSS Pippin, who was puffing away his smoke, raised his eyebrows when he heard this. Is there something in this kid's words? It's interesting. Let's ask Dam to teach him a lesson and smooth this kid's hair.

On the other side, 'Three-Fingered Fox' Dam Hearing this, he was not angry but happy. What was waiting for was that this kid, Iron, couldn't stand it. He strode forward, moved his shoulders and said with a grin:"Little Iron, go out and play, Uncle Dam will let you do everything you can."……"

Before Dam could finish speaking, a fist appeared in front of him! He only had time to raise his arms to protect his face when he felt as if he was hit head-on by a rhinoceros sprinting at full speed. An unimaginable force came from his arms!

The next second, the stone wall of the bar collapsed directly, and Dam was directly blasted into the air along with gravel and broken boards!

Dam was dizzy in mid-air, and his arms were completely numb. But before he could react, a huge pulling force came from his chest, and he was violently pulled toward the ground! Immediately afterwards, the second heavy punch hit Dam directly on the head!

Click! Click! Click!

With a series of dull and dense bones breaking sounds, Damu staggered and fell straight at Aeron's feet, a pool of blood quickly seeping out from under his body.

The BOSS's skin was ugly, and the other subordinates might not have seen it because of their lack of strength, but he did! When Dam was knocked into the air, a long zipper appeared on his chest, and the other end of the zipper was in Aeron's hand!

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