"Roar? The Richa in your hand is not ordinary either."The long knife in Aeron's hand was slowly pressed down, and he lazily answered the question:"Let me see... a good and sharp knife can cut wild hair for fifty times?"

The black-clothed ninja suddenly opened the long knife, jumped back and waved his left arm! At the same time, Aeron flicked the long knife in his hand a few times, and with a few clear sounds, several surfaces were painted. The special shuriken 'Ding Ling Cang' with matte black dye bounced to the floor.

"Good skills and good eyesight."The ninja jumped to the window of the captain's cabin with a few backflips, held the 'Ran Hair Kiri' behind his back, and took a stance. He praised in a low voice:"Even with Lord Kaidou, you can be the mainstay... hand over the dance. Hong Ji, you can leave on your own, I will never make things difficult for you. Aeron put the long knife on his shoulder, and there was a sneer on his usually gentle and handsome face:"I like to be polite before fighting. Now I will give you a chance, get off the boat immediately, and it doesn't matter whether you drown or feed the sharks." It's none of my business. Otherwise, you can give me this newly obtained good and quick sword, the fifty-gong 'Red Siam', to try out, a ninja from the Orochi Imperial Court."

"……Since you know my identity and still dare to resist with a knife, are you ready to die?"The eyes of the black-clothed ninja became extremely sharp.

"There is only one fate in a person's life, and your fate has long been determined, Mr. Ninja. Aeron said impatiently:"Let's end the harsh words here. The dead have no words."……"

"……If you lose, shut up!"

The two sword lights met together in an instant!


The two sword lights met in one place, and there were dozens of crisp collision sounds in an instant, and then the two figures jumped back. They held their hands backwards. The black-clothed ninja with his ribs cut wildly looked at the blond man across from him with the tip of the knife hanging down leisurely in confusion. His heart was horrified. He had never held back just now, and he swung at least eleven swords in one second, but the sword was The sword was easily blocked by the other party, as if he was predicting the future. No, wait, this man's sword skills are not very good. He relies entirely on his prediction skills, and I seem to have seen this from Kozuki Oden before. Is this the same kind of skill?

"Are you as good at predicting the future as Kozuki Oden?"The ninja slowly took out another large scroll with a red curse seal from his waist:"No wonder you have to protect Wu Hongji.……"

Aeron lazily put the knife on his shoulder, with a mocking look on his face:"Is that you, the country bumpkin who has never seen the world, is talking about you? Stop making excuses for yourself. If you don't attack me, I will take action."

The ninja said to his ribs. After thrusting back into his waist, his hands danced wildly, and at the same time, several smoke bombs suddenly exploded under his feet! In Aeron's perception, dozens of invisible invisible shurikens were rapidly attacking at various vital points on his body, but he did not panic and could not move while carrying the swords, but an equal number of weapons instantly opened on his body. Dozens of zippers, large and small, dodged all the shurikens in an instant.

Resin zipper and spotted pocket!

Then the handle of the long knife 'Red Siam' in Aeron's hand turned into a zipper, and Aeron used it as a flying sickle to spin several times in the air and throw it directly towards the smoke where the ninja was!

The sharp blade instantly cut through the smoke, but there was nothing in it. There were chaotic footsteps downstairs. It seemed that others had noticed the fighting in the captain's room on the top floor and quickly approached the top floor.

"You stay below and protect Wu Hongji!"Iron shouted toward the door, and then the long knife turned into a flying sickle and slashed across the roof, instantly cutting out a zipper. Using the force of his feet, he easily jumped over the zipper space above his head and jumped directly to the top of the merchant ship.

"Ninja's Veda Dry Bones’!"

The moment he landed on the top of the merchant ship, a strong gust of wind came from behind Aeron. He half-twisted his body and kicked the attacker violently in the chest. The opponent was caught off guard and had time to protect his chest with both hands, and was then directly hit. Kicked into the air.

But right now! The two long knives slashed hard at Aeron, one from the left and the other from the right! The left sword is wrapped in lightning, and the right sword is wrapped in evil wind!

"Ninja Technique 'Kurarai Quick Cut'’!"

"Ninja Technique 'Fengluo Yanliu Scroll'’!"

Aeron chuckled lightly, and the tips of the five fingers on his right hand turned into zippers. He turned around and shot out a sharp vortex composed of five golden chain blades with himself as the center!

"Metal zipper·five-string pipa·puppet ballad!"

Two chain blades wrapped around the non-electric hilt of the thunder sword on the left, and the remaining three chain blades wrapped around the blade of the wind sword on the right and exploded with large sparks. Then these two famous swords directly turned into The zipper was recovered into Aeron's hand along with the five chain blades and turned into a knife shape again.

"What! Is it witchcraft? ?"Brother Thunder Blade, my knife was taken away by him!""

These are two weird ninjas wearing masks. One has a wind bag behind him like the wind god in the myth of Wano, and the other has a thunder drum behind his back, obviously imitating the god of thunder. At this moment, they looked at the empty space in panic. hands, obviously not understanding how Aeron snatched the weapons from their hands through the air.

"So, if you don’t know how to use armor and Haki and don’t know the opponent’s weaknesses, don’t just casually fight against Superman-type enemies, you guys from the country of Wano.……"Aeron threw away the two famous swords in his hands, and his eyes suddenly lit up:"Huh? Another two good and fast swords with fifty skills? 'Lei Yuzuo' and 'Wind Pearl'? There are so many good weapons in Wano Country. , How many of you Orochi Royal Court Fans are here? Come out together, I don’t mind that there are too many weapons."

As he said that, Aeron put the two famous swords 'Lei Yu Zuo' and 'Wind Pearl' into the zipper in his hand. In the space, only 'Red Siam' is left in the hand, looking at the three ninjas opposite with a smile.

"I'm sorry, Wind Blade and Thunder Blade, something happened suddenly and I didn't have time to explain this magician's weird magic to you, so you fell into his trap!"The ninja in black said apologetically.

"It's okay, Goemon, as long as you kill this kid, you can get the sword back. Let's go together!"Thunderblade looked at Aeron bitterly, and the latter smiled and waved to him.

"……Okay, you are going to use the blinding ninjutsu to block your sight, and now you are going to use the most powerful stealth ninjutsu, 'Hidden Kill', to quietly cut off this kid's head.…………Um?"

Suddenly, a beeping sound came from the arms of the black-clothed ninja known as Goemon. Under the disdainful gazes of Wind Blade and Thunder Blade, Goemon's face turned slightly red and he took out the phone while trying to defend himself. :"This phone bug actually won't interfere with my stealth ninjutsu at all, really! You believe me, I am a professional!"

After a few feeble excuses, he found that not only Feng Ren Lei Ren, but also Elen were looking at him with disbelief. Goemon could only answer the call in dejection:"Captain Fukuroju, here It's Goemon"

"Huh... Judging from the tone, you know the task is not completed yet. The general ordered to suspend the mission and immediately set off to return to Wano."The phone bug turned into a bald old man with a high forehead and sunglasses.

"well? The Wind Blade and Thunder Blade are also here. The whereabouts of Wu Hongji have been found out, and they will be there soon.……"

"I said, immediately, return to the country of Wan. The voice on the other end of the phone was full of anger:"The general will summon JOKER's spokesperson in three months, and we need the personal protection of Orochi Royal Court Fans." The Wind Blade and Thunder Blade are just right by your side, tell them to come back right away."

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