Mim turned his head with difficulty to look at Perona, who had a sneer on her face, and bowed fiercely to Elen:"Please don't worry, boss!"

Elen nodded, then turned to look at the white-haired old man who had been standing quietly aside. , Wen Yan said:"Mr. Wen Drew, I will trouble you to look after the gang during my absence."

"Please don't worry, boss. The old man bowed slightly and said respectfully:"I wish you good luck in martial arts.""

Ellen showed a smile. This old man was very smart, and he probably guessed the real purpose of his trip.

"Okay, everyone, get on board! Let’s go to the land of flowers!"

The 6th day of sailing.

Large merchant ship 'Croissant', VIP room on the 3rd floor.

Ellen looked at several zipper samples of different styles and materials spread on the table in front of her, and fell into deep thought.

After talking to the 'Three-Fingered Fox' 'From the moment of the battle, Aeron understood why the Navy considered the Chain Fruit to be a waste fruit. Unlike Bruno Bucciarati's stand-in 'Steel Chain Finger' in the comic"JoJo's Bizarre Adventure", the Chain Finger The chain-opening ability of the fruit cannot be used on other creatures.

In other words, the chain fruit does not have the most deadly ability of the"steel chain fingers" in the comics - it can decompose the enemy with a zipper as long as it is touched. Faced with it The most that the enemy can decompose is the opponent's clothes.

However, after a simple adjustment test, during the battle with Pippin, Aeron discovered that the fruit of the chain can actually affect himself. In this way, he has a lot of abilities. The operability.

And the most important point is that the Chain Fruit is a special super-human demon fruit. This is what my own special knowledge and domineering 'Apocalypse' told me. The Chain Fruit also has 'superpowers'’、‘superhuman body’、‘Super Creation's three major superhuman characteristics. What he needs to do now is to study the performance of various zippers in depth and develop more powerful moves.

Boom, boom, boom.

Very rhythmic knocking, it should be Klansner

"Please come in."

After receiving permission, Krasner pushed the door open and came in:"Boss, the captain wants me to inform you that the lookout can already see the port of the Kingdom of Flowers, and we will be able to dock in about 40 minutes."

"okay, I get it. Notify everyone and prepare to log in"


30 minutes later, everyone gathered on the deck, waiting to dock. The huge port of the Kingdom of Flowers was right in front of them, and ships of all sizes shuttled around the port like schools of fish. It was very lively. And surprisingly, A large number of pirate ships were also docked at the port, and the surrounding civilians and guards turned a blind eye to them.

"嚯 咯 咯 ~ ~~ Finally arrived in the country of flowers! I heard the food here is very delicious!"Perona jumped onto the pier immediately, raised her hands and cheered.

"That's right! Sister Perona! I heard that the super spicy food in the Flower Country is like a ghost!!"Mim, who jumped down immediately, had a rare agreement with Perona.

"……It's a miraculous craftsmanship, right? I remember the stir-fry in the land of flowers…………Wait a moment! What are we here for? Food, drink and entertainment tour group?"Capone Becky, who was the third to get off the boat, looked at the two foodies in front of him with a dark look on his face, then turned to look at Ellen:"Boss, are you leaving now?"

Iron stood on the pier, admiring the surrounding cultural scenery with great interest, which was obviously different from the style of Alghero town. He nodded and responded:"Well, let Krasna lead the guys to count the goods, and then set off to Tiger. Yinshan"

"Huyin Mountain? Isn't that the headquarters of the Babao Navy?"Becky was shocked. The Babao Navy is not easy to mess with. It is one of the eight official violent pirate groups in the Kingdom of Flowers, and its leader 'Qingjiao' is a world-famous pirate. It is said that even after the Great Channel Half of the sea is full of strong men, and the leader Qingjiao is also a first-class master.

"Yes, Babao Navy. The other seven naval forces are not easy to deal with, but I had a chance encounter with the next pillar of the Babao Navy."Ellen said briskly.

Seeing that his boss had already planned, Capone Becky stopped talking. Together with Krasna, he directed the gang to count the goods, and it was ready in a short time.

Store all the goods in After entering the castle space in Capone Becky's body, Aeron took only Perona, Becky, Krasna and Mim and set off for Huyin Mountain, while the rest of the gang stayed on the 'Croissant'.

At this time, At the Naval Base in Alghero, Branch 91, a middle-aged man with very deep wrinkles on his forehead was crossing his legs and happily eating the most famous grilled cheese bagel of 'Simon Cheese Ring'

"Report that Philia and his gang have arrived at the port of the Kingdom of Flowers."A sailor reported to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man, Navy Captain Crohn, struggled to swallow the bread in his mouth and waved to the sailor:"Ahem...he has special anti-monitoring methods. , have all the people monitoring you withdraw!"This Philia is really restless. Should he go to the Kingdom of Flowers to discuss business or fight? Forget it, he won't have a good life for a few days, so let him do it.

He has already planned it. After Teacher Zefa comes to the West Sea and surrenders Philia Aeron, he must take the opportunity to establish a good relationship with this young civilian genius. If he grows into a vice admiral or even an admiral in the future, wouldn't he have another big one? Backer?

Navy Captain Krohn took a sip of hot coffee. At this time, the personal phone on the table started buzzing.

"Colonel Crohn, you're safe."The phone bug's face automatically changed into an old man's face with less obvious wrinkles.

"Teacher Zefa! I'm really ashamed that you took time out of your busy schedule to call me personally! Crohn felt a little ashamed, then cheered up and asked,"Did the naval trainee officer exam you were responsible for at the headquarters go well?" You must not exhaust yourself……"

"Sorry, I can't go to Xihai for the time being."Zefa interrupted Crohn's attentive greetings and said helplessly:"The marshal hopes that I will personally accompany the ship to supervise the training ship this year, and I agreed. Crohn felt as if he was struck by lightning. He stayed for several seconds before he stammered and asked:"N-Nafilia Aeron?"……"

"You guard the entrance to Upside Down Mountain and don't provoke him. In about two months, I will end my internship ship supervision mission here. Before that, you should work hard on your own."

"yes! Please rest assured, Teacher Zefa, students will do their best!"Crohn gave a military salute directly to the phone bug.

"Well, keep yourself safe."Click, the phone bug changed back to its original face and closed its eyes.

…………Something bad is happening!

Crohn, who was covered in cold sweat, immediately summoned the sailors and loudly ordered:"Send more troops to garrison the entrance to the Upside Down Mountain! As long as that Philia doesn't take the initiative to go to the Upside Down Mountain, leave him alone!"

Perhaps for General Zefa, , this Philia is a small character who can be dealt with easily. But for him and Xihai, the 100 million Berry simulated bounty means that Philia Yron has reached the top high-end combat level in Xihai, and there are only a few people with higher bounties than him.

He could only hope that Philia would not risk his own life and provoke the eight-treasure navy of the Kingdom of Flowers. Otherwise, it would be difficult for the gods to save him, and his plan to return to the navy headquarters would also come to an end.

In the Kingdom of Flowers, Elun and his gang finally arrived at Huyin Mountain, the home of the Babao Navy.

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