God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 998: Dark element

At first, Jiang Chen didn't know about Chaos Heart.

He indeed felt a core capable of controlling the Five Elements Chaos in the body of the Dark Chaos Howl Sky Beast.

But Jiang Chen thought that it was the crystal nucleus of the Dark Chaos Sky Howl.

Now he understands.

This chaotic heart is a trace of chaos.

It turned into a monster, and because it was not used as the material to form the world, it held a grudge, thinking that one day it could bring the world back to a state of chaos and destroy the world.

Due to bad thoughts, the Chaos Howl Sky Beast turned into a blackened state.

The Dark Chaos Howl Sky Beast is the demonization of Chaos Heart!

As soon as Jiang Chen explained to the angels of Xiong Country who did not move Yanhuang culture, everyone understood.

Vera still looked carefree.

"Haha! Anyway, just defeat it and take the beads!"

"The first time I cooperated with my husband, I felt a little nervous~"

"My husband~ Whoever grabs it will take care of him! Don't shame!"

Jiang Chen nodded with a wry smile.

The two players looked at each other and their expressions suddenly became fierce.


The terror warfare in the sea of ​​twelve people burst out instantly.

The Dark Chaos Howl Sky Beast was immediately summoned and hissed for a long time.


Endless elemental power rushed crazily, like a halo standing behind the Dark Chaos Howling Sky Beast.

hiss! Roar!

The mighty power burst out, and the power of the five elements chaos swept the audience!


A powerful chaotic shock wave burst out

call out! !

Everyone suddenly became nervous!

Twelve people jumped into the air, avoiding the fatal impact.

Vera took the lead and started the counterattack first!


The steel war bear suddenly opened his big mouth, and the mechanical power source in his chest was hot and hot.


A pulse energy cannon burst out suddenly!


The high temperature makes the water vapor in the air evaporate, and the laser is like a shot, piercing the dark chaos and howling beast!

I saw the black and white behemoth's eyes condensed, and the same posture as the steel war bear, the blood basin suddenly opened, as if a black hole expanded in its mouth.

Boom! !

The coercion that destroys the world is coming!

Two beams crashed into one place!

A light wave exploded from the place of collision.

Everyone couldn't open their eyes because of the blazing fire.

The high-temperature pulses of the steel war bear continue to break apart, and the length of the beam is gradually shortening.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Chen was shocked.

"It turned out to be an anti-element!"

Tang Shishi asked in surprise.

"What is an anti-element?"

Jiang Chen replied nervously and solemnly.

"Because light can be transmitted in a vacuum, scientists assume that there is an undiscovered substance in the world."

"This substance is invisible and five colors, but it allows light to be transmitted."

"Subsequently, some scientists successfully captured the trajectory of this material in a vacuum and named it dark matter."

"This kind of substance has a characteristic, that is,'anti'."

"Its attributes correspond to all the attributes in the world, but contrary to all the attributes!"

"For example, in poetry and poetry, your attribute is fire, then there is a corresponding fire element in dark matter. Your fire element has almost the same effect, but once two collide, they will cancel each other out!"

"Dark Chaos Chaos Sky Beast possesses this kind of power, and its long-term resentment has turned it into an anti-world life form!"

What Jiang Chen said coincided with the data description of the Dark Chaos Sky Howl.

When Vera heard it, she was immediately surprised.

"Ah? Isn't that just a black hole!"

Since the Dark Chaos Chaos Sky Beast had this characteristic, she immediately commanded the Iron War Bear to evade and retreat.


The steel war bear instantly disconnected and jumped down in the air.

However, the terrifying dark elemental energy in the mouth of the Dark Chaos Chaos Sky Beast was not diminished, and it shot directly towards the cave rock wall.


Suddenly, the stone wall was annihilated!

Everyone was shocked.

If it hits a person this time, half of the body is gone.


A huge rock fell.

Everyone evaded.

Unexpectedly, they were all caught in the trick of the Dark Chaos Howl Sky Beast.

I saw the colorful power of chaos condensed behind the black and white dark chaotic howling sky beast.


The divine wings of the power of the five elements suddenly opened, and the energy fluctuations were like tentacles entangled, and they went straight to the bear country and the angels attacked.

The two angels were in a hurry and had nowhere to hide. It was worth relying on their own beast defense.


A sun golden lion beast and a storm dragon and ape roar together.

The tyrannical energy comes from their bodies.


The Shilian platform shook loudly.

call out!

The energy wings behind the Dark Chaos Howl Sky Beast slammed two Royal Beasts suddenly.

Danger struck, and the two overlord Yu beasts broke out unprecedented power.

The lion's claws swung fiercely, and the sun burst out!

Amid the roar of the monkey, the terrifying tornado drill burst out suddenly.


The energy of the positive and negative elements collided.

The explosion tremors the cave!

Visible to the naked eye, the tyrannical attacks issued by the two imperial beasts were quickly offset by the anti-element in the wings of the Dark Chaos Howling Sky Beast!

When the two fight each other, the defense of the two beasts has been lost, but the anti-element divine wings continue to grow endlessly.

The defense broke through instantly!

After a collision, the two bear country angels fell into a passive position.

Seeing the pair of divine wings attacking his teammates, Vera felt anxious, without thinking, went up to save the people!

The steel war bear suddenly jumped up, blocking the two angels like a mountain.



The wings of the gods are like whips, directly drawing several terrifying black scars on the steel body of the steel war bear!

Everyone felt that they had just breathed a sigh of relief for the surviving of the two beautiful girls, but unexpectedly, the support of the steel war bear was in the arms of this treacherous, dark, chaotic, whistling sky beast!


The dark chaotic sky howl beast roared up to the sky, and the endless pressure fell, Jiang Chen couldn't help dripping sweat on his forehead.

One can imagine what terrifying power the Dark Chaos Howl Sky Beast used.

I saw the Dark Chaos Chaos Sky Beast stabbing into the Shilian platform with its wings behind it.

At this moment, as if a big tree took root on the ground, the colorful anti-element force penetrated into the ground.

call out!

In Shi Lian's eyes, countless fluorescent and shining element tentacles were quickly drilled!

Without everyone reacting, Vera's body was bound by countless anti-element tentacles.

No matter how hard her strong muscles work, it won't help!


More and more tentacles are coming!

In an instant, Tang Shishi couldn't react with a few angels, and was directly trapped by the anti-element.

The armor and elemental power on their bodies are in a situation of being corroded by the anti-element!

In the next instant, Jiang Chen shot a tentacle under his feet.


Jiang Chen burst out.


The power of starlight burst out.

"Dou Zhuan Xing Yi!"

Jiang Chen left his original position instantly, floating in the air!

Xiao Hei's figure slowly appeared, his face full of anger.

Jiang Chen's thoughts changed sharply.

From now on, every second, the anti-elemental force is likely to break through everyone's defense and bring annihilation!

At this time, everyone has only one way to go!

"Xiaofu! Xiao Cong, cooperate with me!"

"Dajin! A Leng! Xiao Dong! Zilin! Kun Kun!"

"Follow me to detonate the power of the elements!"

"Xuan Ming annihilated!"

boom! !

I saw Jiang Chen burst into an extremely powerful absorption field from his side!

All the elemental powers in the domain must pass through Jiang Chen's domain to be able to function.

This was originally a tactic used to restrain the field.

But at this moment, in the pure elemental power confrontation, it has become the best bridge to integrate the power of all!

Frost, rock and sand, undead, light and darkness, space!

The terrifying elemental vortex instantly shattered the anti-element wings of the Dark Chaos Howl Sky Beast!

A lot of tentacles in the lotus hole are broken!

Taking advantage of this moment, the Tang poetry and poetry all escaped, dangerous and dangerous!

However, Vera did not have the protection of the beast at this time, unable to break free from the anti-element, and was at stake.

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