God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 996: Peppa Pig

It was the first time that Jiang Chen had eaten wolf steak. The taste was very distinctive and not delicate.

It smells good after all.

Jiang Chen is also very fragrant.

Tang poetry on the left is fragrant, and Vera on the right is also fragrant.

The unique fragrance in the girl's mouth, nose and breathing entered Jiang Chen's nose, it was so fragrant!

But what's the use of incense alone!

While everyone was eating, Vera learned about the relationship between Tang Shishi and Jiang Chen.

But the angels of our bear country directly convinced everyone with a famous saying.

"I'm not married anyway, my old lady has a chance!"

This old lady is almost like Tang poetry.

Immediately afterwards, the two girls competed.

"My husband, open your mouth~"

Vera delivered a piece of soft lobster meat to Jiang Chen's mouth.

This thing, in island countries rich in seafood, will cost several thousand yuan a coin.

"Xiao Chenchen! Open your mouth!"

Tang Shishi presented a cream ice cream.

The two women may have been enemies in their previous lives.

Their personalities are actually very similar, except that Vera is from the bear country and received a Western education.

But what Tang poetry received was the traditional education of Yan and Huang.

For this reason, their expressions are very different.

Until night fell, the spark between the two women finally paused before Jiang Chen's belly broke.

Jiang Chen couldn't lie down at all.

And Tang Shishi yawned, fell asleep on Jiang Chen’s legs

Upon seeing this, Vera also fell asleep.

But she pondered it for a while and felt that sleeping together on the first day seemed a bit irregular.

So I just chatted with Jiang Chen.

The two talked about the purpose of the Bear Country Angels team this time.

What Jiang Chen didn't expect was that Vera directly and heartily told out all of his plans!

There is an ancient mystery under the cave, which must contain treasures!

"You... Did you tell me?"

"I have the nickname of Jiang Bandit, aren't you afraid that I will **** it?"

Vera's pink tongue spit lightly.

"My husband will be willing to **** me?"

"Hey! But if the husband wants it, we can go find it together."

"But! This treasure is related to Alliance secrets, so whoever gets it first will get it!"

Jiang Chen suddenly realized that such a straightforward girl also has a very cute side.

Savory, neat, without turning.

The most important thing is the strength.

That mechanical war bear is as high as level 66, and the young generation is full of strength!

No wonder Vera is called the Angel of Victory!

In the country of Xiong, she is not known to be the favorite of young people, the goddess of many men.

But their goddess was sitting next to Jiang Chen now.

The plate armor battle skirt has been replaced with a small dress.

The white skin on the chest and the round and tender thighs up from the knees were all visible by Jiang Chen.

at this time.


Tang Shishi snored suddenly.

Vera suddenly laughed.

"Sister Shishi's snoring look is quite cute!"

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly.

He knew that Tang Shishi was reminding Jiang Chen to agree to the treasure hunt.

Team Yanhuang is robbing. . Cough! In this regard! It is absolutely professional!

Jiang Chen agreed immediately.

The baby that can make the Bear Nation League covet, it must be very special!

The next day, the two teams of twelve returned to the cave.

The Nordic Mythology team believes that its main beast has been killed, and the remaining beasts are all auxiliary beasts that are aimed at the Meteor Saint Fighting Lion.

If it is irrational to enter the dangerous situation, it can only hinder Jiang Chen.

Not only that, the strength of everyone is greatly reduced, and it is very likely that they will be damaged again in the ancient mystery!

Several people in the Asan League decided to brush their points first.

Their main task this time is to get a higher ranking and even win the championship.

The Angels didn't care about this game at all, they just wanted to find treasure.

Therefore, Jiang Chen led the crowd and entered the fishbone cave with the six angels of the bear country!

The Rock Demon wolves that everyone killed yesterday were just appetizers.

In fact, everyone didn't even touch the edge of the ancient mystery!

At this time, the two teams went deep into the cave.

Vera always stood in front of Jiang Chen, and said to Jiang Chen from time to time:

"Husband! I'll protect you!"

Unexpectedly, when I was walking, the road ahead was suddenly heated.

Jiang Chen closed his eyes lightly, and the vastness of his mental power suddenly exploded!

At the feet of everyone, there are giant whale bone fossils.

Just below this fossil is full of rich fire elements, most likely magma!

"That's not right! This is only a dozen meters underground, and it is not a volcanic zone. How can magma suddenly appear?"

While thinking, Jiang Chen suddenly heard the impact.


Very regular, very rhythmic.

I'm afraid there are some weird creatures in the rich fire element!

Jiang Chen suddenly opened his eyes.

In front of him, there is a pink pig Peppa.

Peppa Pig's eyes are very prominent, even rounded.

Jiang Chen's face was full of question marks, and he took a step back and found that he was in front of him with a pink half sleeve.

The owner of the half sleeve is wiping himself.

Looking up, Vera had already removed his armor, and wiped himself with a towel on his forehead with sweat on his face.

It turns out that the heartbeat is Vera's, and Peppa Pig's bulging eyes are. . .

Jiang Chen was shocked when he thought of this.

"I'm going! What's the situation!"

There was a bit of bitterness on Vera's face.

"Husband, you are awake, we seem to have fallen into a secret without knowing it."

"The temperature here suddenly rises. Ten meters ahead, it has reached a point where it can ignite the fabric."

At this moment, behind Vera, Tang Shishi came over.

She had a basin of ice water in her hand, and her eyes were full of care.

"Xiao Chenchen! Xiao Chenchen, you finally woke up!"

After that, he pounced on Jiang Chen with a crying voice.

Vera was moved by this situation.

A man who is so concerned by a girl must be an excellent man.

When Tang Shishi's mood recovered, Vera envied.

"Sister Shishi, you two are so happy!"

As he said, he stretched out his hand.

Tang Shishi was about to take the towel from Vera, but Vera grabbed both hands.

I saw Vera's eyes twinkling, her expression full of seriousness.

"You have moved me, Sister Shishi, I don't mind being with you!"

Tang Shishi's face flushed suddenly, and her eyes rolled around.

"Vera... what are you talking about... in Yanhuang language, serving one husband together means..."

Vera said immediately.

"Sister! I understand! No need to explain, from now on, Brother Jiang Chen will be your common husband!"

"The six angels of our team will all be husbands from now on!"

After speaking, Verara turned and ran away, turning around and shouting.

"I'll change the towel!"

Jiang Chen and Tang poems face each other.

Before Jiang Chen could speak, Tang Shishi suddenly showed a happy smile.

"As long as you can wake up safely, I don't care if you serve a husband together!"

"But you have to think about Sister Gu Yuesha and Sister Mo Yan..."

Speaking of this, Tang Shishi put down the ice water basin in his hand.

"Okay! You can let that little Nizi wipe your face in a moment!"

"Anyway, this lady is tired of rubbing you off, so I'm going to rest for a while, just in time for that silly girl to take the place of work."

Jiang Chen had only a wry smile on his face.

Later, Li Xiaofu and Wang Sicong came over.

"Brother Chen! You are awake!"

Jiang Chen doubted.

"What's wrong, how long have I been in a coma?"

Wang Sicong said immediately.

"Brother Chen! You have been dizzy for nearly two and a half hours!"

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