God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 994: fighting tribe

Monster Beast Space, the third floor.

The angels hurried along the range shown in the treasure map.

Yanhuang is also on his way.

The Eagles are also planning to go to the fourth floor.

All Blue Star young elites were immersed in the game, but they didn't know that with the escalation of the pressure of the Void Ancient Whale, a fatal danger was coming.

After a long while, the Angels seemed to have found the target-a strange cave.

The entrance of the hole is like a black hole, all the light is diluted by pitch black.

Ye Lienasi said in surprise, covering her mouth.

"What's the situation in this hole? How can it be like the big mouth of a monster beast!"

Vera grinned.

"Haha! My little angel, your eyes are so good."

"This is a monster beast!"

Ye Lienasi was taken aback, and immediately guarded.

Seeing her natural look, Vera couldn't help holding her belly with **** waistcoat.

"Hahaha! Don't be afraid! It's a fallen beast!"

Vera smiled and came to the cave, raising her fist.

On the arm, muscle stripes emerged.

Her closed armguards immediately opened the mechanism.


In the humming sound, a huge alloy arm armor suddenly ejected a strong flame!

It turned out to be a miniature airship engine accelerator!

boom! ! !

Boosted by the flames, Vera banged a heavy fist on the cave wall.

The arm armor was embedded in the rock, and the cave rock collapsed.

A chilling scene appeared in front of the angels.

A huge whale skeleton stands on the mountain pass.

This is not a cave at all, but the mouth of a huge whale!

As for how this whale got into the belly of the Void Ancient Whale, it was necessary to ask its owner, Tamiya Manzo, whether he had stocked it in the outside sea.


Vera pulled out his armbands and slapped the huge whale skeleton carelessly.

"Let's go girls! Let's go in and see!"

A group of angel beauties followed Vera into the whale's mouth.

It's dark here.

The weird thing is

Angels in plate armor slowly searched the hole.

At this moment, in the dark cave, four or five hundred pairs of terrifying and trembling eyes suddenly flashed.

At this moment, Vera had only one word in her heart.


"Retreat! Retreat! It's the Rock Demon Wolf!!"

Rock Demon Wolf, a king-level gregarious monster.

Their actions are uniform and bloodthirsty like an army.

The size of the diagenetic demon wolf is no different from that of a rhino. The body of each demon wolf is covered with rock armor, and the claws are also covered with a layer of rock blade.

Just as all the fighting girls slowly retreated, the magic wolf in the cave was already awakened!


boom! ! !

With a howl of a wolf, terrifying coercion rushed out of the cave.

For a time, the wind blew up.

Vera immediately yelled badly in her heart.

But at this moment, it's too late to say anything.


Ten thousand wolves are galloping, and there are tens of thousands of stars radiating light in the dark hole.

At this time, the leading force rushing to the front has already rushed to the Angels.

Vera shouted.

"Defense Mode!"

The angels screamed.


The separated metal plates on the six people's plate armor protruded from the mechanical armor, and the entire armor was immediately connected.

Six immediately stood in a triangle formation.

Between the armors, a connection is made, and the force is stuck together.


A triangular shield popped out of the six arm locks.

Just like a copper wall and an iron wall.

"Withstand the shock!"

The six women are like infantry soldiers in the Middle Ages.

Boom! ! !

In the first wave of Rock Demon Wolf, sharp claws hit the alloy hard.

Cang! !

Mars splashes.

The formation of the six suddenly became loose.

Sure enough, the attack of the king-level monster beast could not be resisted by a single human.

It was this small gap that immediately plunged the Angels into crisis.


The rocky claws waved, and the white thigh under the skirt of an angel was severely cut!


The angel fell, and the triangular defensive formation suddenly collapsed!

Vera wanted to take the opportunity to summon the beast, but it was too late.


Ten thousand wolves are rushing, Vera is hit by life!

The six angels were dispersed by the wolf tide!

But the title of Xiong Country Angel's fighting nation was not made fun of.

The six girls have been tempered in countless close combat.

At this moment, the devil wolf is close, but they are not stepped on by the devil wolf.

I saw Vera used Xiong Country's wrestling skills!

Holding a wolf's head with both hands, the blue veins on the white lotus-like arms violently, two white thighs suddenly thrust into the soft abdomen of the giant wolf!


The giant wolf was forcibly lifted by Vera!

Boom! !

Vera threw the wolf to the ground.

His eyes were filled with infinite fierceness and domineering.

A powerful and fearless aura descends like a king.

Swept by the eyes of this king, the pack of wolves immediately stopped!



More than a dozen rock demon wolves exhaled heat in their mouth and nose, grinning, but they didn't dare to step forward.


Vera roared wildly like a **** of war.

An iceberg war bear phantom suddenly appeared behind him!

The wolves actually had a retreat at this time!

At this moment, a wolf howl suddenly came from the cave.


I saw a huge mountain-like magic wolf slowly coming out of the cave!

It was the head wolf of the wolf pack!

It must be this wolf who treats this treasure as his territory!

Taking this opportunity, Vera quickly summoned his beast.


The phantom behind her began to quickly solidify.

A cyan light flashed, and a huge mountain-like bear hit down in the sky.

The giant bear is covered with silver and green iron plates.

The joints, teeth, and eyes are all steel machinery!

It is actually a mechanical life!

Zheng! !

Cold light suddenly appeared.

The one-meter-long huge armor blade suddenly swung.


For a time, it was as if ten master knives were swung frantically, forming a wall of knives.


The rock demon wolves that entered the range of the knife wall were chopped into raw meat steaks.


"Bethephine! Kill them! Grilled wolf chops at night!"


The steel war bear was angry.

I saw the armor plate on the left side of the giant bear's chest, mechanically staggered, and a missile silo appeared!

A bear head warhead slowly rolled out.

When the wolves were bewildered, the missile ignited and burst out.

Boom! ! !

A huge mushroom cloud rushed to the sky!

The terrifying energy wave shook the kilometer range!

Jiang Chen who was in flight was suddenly lifted by a wave of air.

Li Xiaofu was not happy then.

"My Lady Lin! Who attacked the young master!"

"Is it the Thai Demon Alliance! Or the **** Yuenan Alliance!"

Everyone eased the impact, and a mushroom cloud of fire flashed in the sky.

The horrible explosion sounded from far away.

The captain of the three teams looked at each other and suddenly turned to the direction of the explosion!

At this time, Angel Vera drove the giant bear and went down with one shot, killing all the surrounding rock demon wolves.

Within a hundred meters, no grass will grow!

But there is an exception.

The head wolf of the Rock Demon Wolves was not located in the center of the explosion, and its level was very high.

This bear missile flew and exploded, only to knock it off.

At this moment, the wolf and Vera glared at each other.


Rock Demon Wolf issued a battle cry!


Vera roared back.

The wolf was furious and saw a burst of brown and yellow light between its eyes.

As the energy flowed, the claws suddenly burst out of rock elemental light.

Seeing the wolf trying to rush over to fight, Vera frowned.

The moment she noticed the abnormality, everything was too late!


A huge yellow sand arm suddenly protruded from Vera's feet!

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