God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 992: ranking

The kitten took this spar, heavy.

This spar is pure energy, without any inheritance power.

But everyone’s spiritual world has been truly baptized.


The Slaughter War Emperor Beast roared, and his heart was full of determination.

The kitten's slender hand held the star gem.

Rumble! !


The constellations in the sky endow this gem with divinity.

A whirlpool slowly appeared in the one eye of the Slaughter Battle Emperor Beast.

The star gems floated slowly into the air at the same time.


A wave of light shocked the scene.

The mighty king swept the earth.


Slaughter and the emperor beast roared to the sky.

The Star Gem blended into its eyes.

Rumble! !

Above the sky, the thunder exploded and visions grew.

The upper and lower corners of Blue Star were all stunned by this sight.

The stars fell suddenly, cutting through the air, and descending suddenly.

The golden light flashed across, as if the space was broken and the night sky collapsed!

But the Slaughter Emperor Beast remained motionless, and the firmness in his eyes was enough to face such terrifying pressure.

Boom! !

The stars burst.

Yingying golden light melted into the body of the Slaughter Emperor Beast.


The body of the Slaughter Emperor Beast skyrocketed!

On the dark skin, the golden magic lines spread wildly!

In an instant, its hair became golden like a lion.


Wind hunting.

The Slaughter Emperor Beast is arrogant, and his eyes burst into starry golden light!

When Jiang Chen looked at the Slaughter Emperor Beast, its data had already changed.

[Name of Monster Beast]: Killing the Emperor Beast (Xinghui)

【Monster Level】: Level 61 (Overlord Level)

[Monster quality]: Legendary quality

[Monster Attribute]: Variation Fighting System/Super Power System

【Monster State】: Healthy (pleasure)

【Characteristics of Monster Beasts】: Possess the bloodline of the Slaughter Emperor Beast, find a complete inheritance, can be transformed into the Slaughter Emperor Beast, the killing intent is substantial

Accept the baptism of Leo, the power of killing mutates into the power of killing star

[Weakness of Monster Beast]: Demon

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

The killing magic pattern on the Slaughter Zhanhuang Beast squirmed and burst out of brilliant stars.

Jiang Chen was shocked.

"Constellation baptism!"

"The Slaughter Emperor Beast has broken through the shackles of quality!"

Everyone immediately gathered around.

Somehow, the blond hair on the head of the Slaughter Emperor Beast danced, quite like a lion king.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but sigh.

"It comes from the Galaxy, overlooking the mountains."

"Now, it chooses to stay in the world."

"Kill, it will turn into a star and be with you."

"Now, we have to make it meaningful!"

Roar! !

The Slaughter Emperor Beast suddenly roared to the sky.

Xinghui's killing intent was stirred up all over his body.


The golden blood-red sword of killing intent suddenly shot out from the eyes of the Slaughter Emperor Beast, rushing through the air.

Under the control of Shangguan Kitty's heart of killing, he circled in the air and stuck it back on the back of the King of Killing Beast.

The golden star magic pattern on the back merges with the sword.

On the hilt of the sword is engraved with the emblem of the lion king.

at this time.

"Brother Jiang Chen!"

A shout came from the periphery of the lake.

Jiang Chen was taken aback.

"A Sankun? How did you find this place?"

Ah Sankun smiled and led the team to come.

"Brother Jiang Chen, you are really an honorable person who forgets things!"

"Didn't we discuss to act separately? I am responsible for this direction!"

Jiang Chen then remembered that he was eager for a while and forgot the direction he was chasing.

The two hadn't said a few words yet, but there was an unexpected movement in the scorched earth.

I saw Captain Trump's body suddenly started to squirm.

Jiang Chen, who had seen the resurrected dead, suddenly became nervous.


A sharp dagger shot straight out.


The dagger sank into Steve's chest.

Steve's tight-fitting combat uniform suddenly burst.


With a disgusting burst, Steve's body burst suddenly.

The dark green disgusting sap melted into the soil.

This juice Jiang Chen is too familiar.

The blood of the death carrion eagle is like this.

Jiang Chen immediately covered his nose and stepped forward, his hands instantly turned into dragon claws.

"Absolute control!"

call out!

Jiang Chen pinched the dragon claw, and suddenly a turbid crystal flew out of Steve's corrupted body.

This thing is ugly, like an eyeball.

But Jiang Chen was happy.

"Now a few members of the Nordic team are saved!"

Jiang Chen will not break his promise about the Meteor Saint Lion King!

Everyone immediately returned to the corrupted alien space.

The Slaughter Emperor Beasts mobilized the power of the stars to control the skeleton of the alien space.

And Jiang Chen sacrificed the odd eyeball to the sky.

In the next moment, Jiang Chen frantically urged his Xuanming annihilation domain!

Rumble! !

The endless elemental power swept the sky, surrounding the sphere of corrosion, forming a colorful chaotic vortex.

The corrosive force in the alien space was immediately extracted by the vortex.

On the surface of the sphere of corrosion, the dark green luster circulated wildly.

The surface of the space prison slowly fell off, and the figures of the six Norse Mythology team reappeared.

The force of corrosion clears, and the Orb of Corrosion falls in the air.

Jiang Chen immediately ordered the power of invisible chaos to form a huge encirclement.


The Orb of Corrosion was completely wrapped.

Jiang Chen threw this thing into the portable space.

At this time, Eoria, who was seriously injured behind him, slowly walked towards Jiang Chen.

Thinking of the Meteor Saint Lion King who had overdrawn his life, Jiang Chen's expression revealed a low.

"Sorrow and change," Jiang Chen said.

Aiolia smiled bitterly.

"I have seen everything it does."

"I have always had a misunderstanding of the mysterious East, but this time, maybe it is right."

"As a thank-you gift for your trustworthiness, I volunteered to present the scoreboard and crush it!!"

As Eoria took the lead, a group of players also raised their scoreboards above their heads and bowed their heads slightly.

Jiang Chen and Eoria looked at each other. The two stared at each other for more than a few minutes before finally Jiang Chen nodded.

Click! !

Jiang Chen crushed the scoreboard.


The blue energy poured into Jiang Chen's scoreboard like the soul of a dead monster beast.

The total points of the Yanhuang team doubled once again, reaching a terrifying 240,000!

Points query.

Because the Trump team was destroyed by the Meteor Saint Lion Kings, Aiolia volunteered to present the scoreboard.

The points of the Yanhuang team are equivalent to the sum of the points of the three top ten teams!

The unexpected moves of the two strong teams directly vacated the ranking positions.

In an instant, the points of Yanhuang Team surpassed the Eagle League, Stick League, Yama League and other powerful alliances, and directly climbed to the third place in the real-time leaderboard of the Blue Star Beastmaster Competition! !

For a time, the world was a sensation!

This is the highest ranking of Team Yanhuang in a world competition in history!

Jiang Chen checked all the team rankings again.

Currently ranked second is the Xiong Country women's team known as the Wild Ice Bears!

But what surprised Jiang Chen was the current number one, which turned out to be the Island Nations Alliance.

The island nation league team with a full 310,000 points!

Aiolia said after seeing Jiang Chen's surprised expression.

"This brother should be participating in the Blue Star Beastmaster Competition for the first time."

"It is normal for the island nation to be the first, especially this year it is the island nation's home game."

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly.

"What do you mean, I met a few island players outside before, but I didn't see how strong they were!"

Aiolia shook her head.

"Not strong, but crowded."

"As a force independent of the island country, Chuanmu Group will send people to participate in each competition."

"But Chuanmu originated from the Island Nations Alliance and has many fans in the island countries."

"So, in this kind of points match, as long as Kawaki gives the points to the starting team, you can easily get high scores!!"

Li Xiaofu suddenly jumped angrily after hearing this.

"Isn't this cheating!!"

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