God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 988: Death Carrion Buzzard

Li Xiaofu was immediately blinded.

"This guy, is an old monster that has been frozen for a hundred years?"

"Then why was he transformed?"

Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Things went too secretly, and after a catastrophe, a lot of evidence was destroyed."

"But guessing from the time point, it may be related to the Dark Throne at this time!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he took out a piece of vetch powder from the pot and sucked it into his mouth.

At this time, an excitement came.

"Right two! Anyone want it! Hahaha!"

"The plane has wings!"

"To K to A to 2, bring one three and one four!"

Ye Lanyi sat cross-legged on the ground and said triumphantly.

Ever since I played Doudizhu, my waist has no longer sore, and my legs have not hurt anymore, and my elder relatives have not felt uncomfortable anymore.

When this scene of family music was projected onto the live video, it shocked all the audience.

Through hundreds of sets of video equipment, the audience can see that the war between Trump and the Nordic teams under the mountain is about to start.

But the six members of Team Yanhuang were eating hot pot, singing and playing poker on the top of the mountain a few hundred meters away! !

The global audience is silly!

"It seems that something is wrong with the plane."

"Yanhuang people are too good at playing! Are they here for a picnic?"

"I'm going! Aren't you playing a game? Be serious! Hey!"

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly and looked at Wang Sicong.

"Pick the second plane?"

"Is she lucky or you staggered her gameplay, what the **** is the second plane!"

As everyone in Yanhuang was talking and laughing, endless clouds fell in the air.

A huge black shadow rushed into the valley.


The scream of horror resounded across the sky!

"It seems that Captain Trump and the Nordic team have fallen apart!"

Jiang Chen immediately leaned to the side of the telescope, paying attention to the movement of the battlefield.

Li Xiaofu leaned forward excitedly and said.

"Cut! That is to say, the Nordic people pay attention to a gentleman tradition!"

"Leave this to me, it's a fight early!"

Everyone laughed.

Jiang Chen said.

"It seems that Captain Trump wants the Nordic League to hand over the points, and Aiolia did not agree!"

At this time, a black shadow soared into the sky.


With the sonic boom bursts, Jiang Chen immediately looked at the dark shadow with his binoculars.

I saw a huge black bird and beast passing by in the sky.

The eyes are like shooting stars, shining brightly.

It has a wingspan of more than 20 meters and feathers like steel knives.

The strong body is covered with a golden carapace.

But it was this strong body like a small hill, but for some reason it was covered with rotten scars, and white bones were exposed from the skin.

Zheng! ! !

In the sharp eyes of the giant bird, a gloomy dark green light beam burst out.

It turned out to be the power of corrosion!

Zi Zi Zi!

As if the air began to corrode and burn.

All the obstacles between the beam of light and the ground were all decayed by the dark green energy and turned into fly ash!

Jiang Chen's eyes exploded, and a piece of data emerged.

[Name of monster]: Death carrion eagle

[Monster level]: Level 69 (the peak of the overlord level)

[Monster quality]: Legendary quality

[Monster attributes]: Ghost/Venom

[Monster State]: Angry (bloodthirsty)

[Character of Monster Beast]: The messenger of the **** of death in the legend, who specializes in healing wounds by eating flesh and blood, stores endless breath of undead in the body, and has the ability to corrode everything in the world

[Weaknesses of Monster Beasts]: Holy Light System

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

Jiang Chen looked into the telescope with bright eyes.

"I'm going! Niubi!"

"Overlord level peak!"

"This Captain Trump's Royal Beast is at the same level as the six monsters of the Pyramid Team."

Upon hearing this, Li Xiaofu immediately became curious about the Royal Beast of the Nordic Mythology Team.

Jiang Chen has finished eating vetch noodles at this time, hahahaha.

"Cook my Zhujiang noodles in the hot pot first!"

"Add me some more tahini!"

When Jiang Chen spoke, his eyes never left the telescope.

Before his words fell, a golden thunder blasted in the sky!


Billowing stars shone in the sky.


The fierce giant lion snarled up to the sky.

Suddenly, everyone clearly felt the sky quake!

Only Tang poetry.

"Wang fried! Four two with two kings!"

Jiang Chen had a question mark in his head.

? ? ? ?

"Damn! What level of landlord is this?"

Zheng! !

The shaking of the earth and the mountains pulled Jiang Chen back to the battlefield.

While eating the mutton, Jiang Chen saw the six-man Norse Mythology team guarding a golden lion.

There seems to be a zodiac hook and chain on the body, which is divided into different parts of the head, chest, claws, back, and abdomen.

Between the hooks and chains is the golden holy gold armor.

The mane on the lion's neck was flying, and in the roaring sound, the majestic bursts, extending from the back to the hind legs, were a pair of wings made of pure gold.

The pair of wings shook, and the stars burst!

Jiang Chen immediately saw the giant lion's data.

[Name of Monster Beast]: Meteor Saint Fighting Lion

[Monster level]: Level 69 (the peak of the overlord level)

[Monster quality]: Legendary quality

[Monster attributes]: Holy Light/Fighting

[Monster State]: Anger (War Intent)

[Character of Monster Beast]: The legendary Norse beast guarding the Zodiac has the ability to control the stars, symbolizing the king

[Weaknesses of Monster Beasts]: Flying

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

Jiang Chen swallowed the fat cow and was suddenly surprised.

"Tsk tusk tusk! Myths collide!"

"Is this the Global Beastmaster Competition!"

Tang Shishi and several people were aroused by Jiang Chen's two sentences, they stopped playing their cards, and they all surrounded them with their dipping sauce.

Jiang Chen simply turned on the projection function.


Virtual imaging appears on the top of the hot pot.

The hot water boils and the hot pot is filled with smoke, making the virtual imaging more vivid.

The death carrion eagle circled in the sky, and went straight to the Nordic team to dive over.

The whole body is pitch black, turning into a cloud of death, and the shadows cover the sun!

And the dark green corrosive power is deeply hidden in the thousands of black feathers under the quake of both wings.



The dark tornado of corrosion has swept across the valley mythical team!

Meteor Saint Fighting Lion is not to be outdone at all!


The lion roars!


The golden starlight armor was immediately blessed on everyone in the Nordic team.

Black and gold interlaced.

The coercion of terror continues to collide, and energies rub against each other.

The sexual fortunes of the six Nordic people are temporarily saved.

At this moment, Jiang Chen saw the stars in the sky distorted.

It's like a beam of light reflected from a mirror.

Roar! !

The Meteor Saint Fighting Lion looked up to the sky and roared, and there was a mirror image of the stars in the sky.

Meteor Saint fighting lion **** its wings, and the reflection also **** its wings simultaneously.

The sharp golden armoured lion claws suddenly grabbed the death carrion eagle.

Flip up and down, the death carrion eagle is inevitable!


The feather of corrosion and the starlight lion claw slammed together!


The energy shock formed a ring, blasting the valley.

Jiang Chen everyone was swept by the aftermath of energy.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen was very prescient and asked Xiao Dong to set a necromantic ban, blocking the aftermath for everyone.

The endless power sends a message to the audience-this is really a duel of life and death!

As soon as the two huge beasts met, there was no temptation to kill them!

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