God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 986: Five-tailed fairy fox

Jiang Chen shook his hand.

This wind spirit is powerful, that is, Jiang Chen can use the body of a dragon to be seen, and if he is someone else, he has long been broken and becomes disabled.

At this time, Feng Ling was still shaking, trying to break free from the imprisonment of Yin Yang Lian Tianding.

The powerful force caused the Yin and Yang Lian Tianding to spin frantically.

Jiang Chen was so angry that he couldn't help but feel extremely angry.

"You rebellious Feng Ling! Watch me turn you into cotton candy!"

After all, I took out the rock candy commonly used to make candied fruit for Xiaoguo.


Jiang Chen snapped his fingers, and the fire of the unicorn melted the candy in an instant.

The syrup floats slowly in mid-air, flexibly drilling into the cauldron from the relief pattern of the Yin and Yang Lian Tianding.

The Yin and Yang Refining Heavenly Cauldron is still spinning continuously.

"I like spinning so much? I'll let you turn enough this time!"

As Jiang Chen said, a wind Qilin phantom flashed behind him.

The blue wind passed, and the Yin-Yang Refining Heavenly Ding spun more violently.

I saw a cloud of sugar silk slowly drifting out.

Jiang Chen immediately took out a crispy egg roll stick to catch the shredded sugar.

The wind skipped, and the sugar thread began to spew more and more.

Jiang Chen's wrist followed and he hung the sugar silk with a crispy egg roll stick.

In less than half a minute, a gleaming cotton was ready.

The element of wind is constantly emanating from the cotton candy.

The audience at the scene was dumb.

I have seen a monster beast used as a pill, but I have never seen a monster beast used as cotton candy!

This marshmallow is crystal clear and looks very attractive.

The four-tailed little fairy fox couldn't help but rushed into Jiang Chen's arms.

Jiang Chen put the four-tailed little fairy fox on Xiao Hei's head and stood, holding the cotton candy in his hand and fed it to the four-tailed little fairy fox.

Ha ha ha ha.

Little Fairy Fox was still noble and elegant when eating, Xiao Hei couldn't help being beautiful. . Oh no, I was greedy and swallowed.

Until the last bite entered the belly, Little Fairy Fox also successfully absorbed all the power of the blue wind.

All the power of Feng Ling has been transferred to the little fairy fox!


Xiao Xianhu kissed Jiang Chen on the cheek, and jumped off Xiao Hei's head when he turned over.

Xiao Hei thought that Little Fairy Fox was going to play with it and was about to catch up.

But saw a cyan meteor crashing to the ground.

The majestic elemental force swept the canyon!

A hurricane through the sky closed the canyon.

The monsters in the canyon fled.

But the power of the wind is too strong!

Wind Blade occasionally ejected, then beheaded a large swath of Wind Wolf.

The sky was mobilized, and the clouds condensed, gradually forming a terrifying eye.

The eye of the wind gradually differentiated, turning into nine hurricane tornadoes.

For a time, nine terrifying tornadoes of corrosion continued to revolve within a range of hundreds of meters, and the stones and trees on the ground were all taken away, becoming bare.

It lasted ten minutes.

Countless people around the world have witnessed this terrifying explosion of energy.

The tornado is getting bigger and bigger, and the surrounding area of ​​the canyon has changed like a renovation.

call out!

A white figure escaped into the sky!

The head of the tornado suddenly gathered in one place, twisting and stretching like octopus tentacles.

In the middle of the tentacles, is the little fairy fox who has eaten Fengling cotton candy!


Xiaoxianhu couldn't help but roar to the sky with excitement.

Visible to the naked eye, the force of the wind in the tornado was absorbed by the little fairy fox, and it became smaller and smaller. Eventually, the tornado burst and the wind blade broke out.


The nine tornadoes violently scattered to make tens of thousands of wind blades.

Ding! Boom!

The wind blade hit the rock in the valley and instantly cut the rock into stone sculptures.


The wind blade swept through the mountains and forests, and the hillside seemed to have been chopped by a logging machine.


The wind blade pierced into Feng Lang's body and suddenly turned into a pouring rain of blood!

Seen from the sky in the live broadcast, it is as if one rose blooming in the canyon.

But those who have experienced slaughter will know that when such a flower of blood blooms, it will bring the smell of rust and the rancid smell of internal organs.

However, in this filthy valley, there is a peaceful place.

This is where Ye Lanyi and the people of Tang poetry are located.

Little Fairy Fox's power control has been precise to the point of extremely tyrannical.

When Jiang Chen looked over, Xiao Xianhu showed him a grateful smile.

[Name of Monster Beast]: Five-tailed Little Fairy Fox

【Monster Level】: Level 61 (Overlord Level)

[Monster quality]: Legendary quality

[Monster Attribute]: Variant Wind System/Super Energy System

【Monster State】: Healthy (pleasure)

【Characteristics of Monster Beasts】: Infected by the bloodline of the Nine-Tailed Fairy Fox, it can be constantly awakened, breaking through the nine levels, and completely evolving into the Nine-Tailed Fox

Wind Spirit Guardian plus body, you can manipulate wind elements anytime and anywhere

[Weakness of Monster Beast]: Mutated Demon System

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

Ye Lanyi also stepped on the wind at this time.

"Little fairy fox! You have reached the overlord!"

The little fox smiled and nodded, begging for a hug with a smug expression.

Ye Lanyi favored the little fairy fox in her hand.

The five plush tails of Little Fairy Fox slapped Ye Lanyi's cheek.

Right here.

expensive! !

The horrible buzzing sounded like an alarm in the sky.

Endless pressure burst from every corner of the monster space.

Outside the battlefield, in the Mount Fuji Arena.

The mouth of the Void Ancient Whale opened, and a clear waterspout rushed straight into the sky!

Above the stands, coercion swept wildly, and countless spectators were scared to hide under the stools.

The audience at the other end of the screen dared to look at the Void Ancient Whale.

I saw a burst of energy in the bottomless artificial lake, shining brightly.

In the face of the skyrocketing Void Ancient Whale, a arrogant laugh came from the jury.

"Haha! Great!"

"With these players crazy killing monsters, my Void Ancient Whale successfully advanced!"

The island leader Tamiya Manzo said with a big smile.

At this time, his arrogance was no longer concealed.

The island leader's use of the players to remove the parasitic beasts from the beasts alone was also broadcast directly to the world.

But now, no one dares to stop the game!

the reason is simple.

Hundreds of the most talented young beast masters in the entire Blue Star are fighting in the belly of that big fish!

At this moment, he jumped out to oppose, maybe Tamiya Manzo was in a bad mood and killed all these geniuses.

From Tamiya Manzo's point of view, Jiang Chen and other geniuses are no different from Rou Piao hostages!

But Jiang Chen everyone is still roaming in the endless monster space.

They are looking for a way to the third space.

The game seemed to proceed as usual.

But no one knows that a mysterious and powerful team has entered the dagger, reaching the end of the monster space.

There are not only connective tissues in the cardiovascular and abdominal cavity, but also many restrictions and traps.


The hill-like heart keeps beating.

Enchantment prohibition is also shining with the rhythm!

It is the anti-invasion defense line set up by the Void Ancient Whale for itself, the defense strength reaches that of the monarch, and it has an undoubtedly strong defense.

"Mr. Guangqiang, we have reached the designated location, please give instructions!"

The six men in black were scattered around the ban, but they did not directly ban the brakes.

Just listen to the island Mandarin coming from the communicator.

"Never touch the prohibition."

"You plant the elastic bomb and return quickly!"

"Our newly developed elastic bomb can fit into the enchantment energy, it can be said that it is specially used to explode the enchantment!"

"Remember, all actions must be hidden! There must be no exposure!"

The six people said together: "Hayi!"

After all, they each took out an identical silver suitcase.

Three genetic symbols are engraved on the surface of the box!

It is actually Chuanmu's genetic emblem!

A man with sunglasses is obviously the leader.

"The bomb is now being assembled, the six deacons, please confirm together and open the box together!"

All six silver suitcases were opened at the same time after hearing the sound of clicking.

Cables, crystal nuclei, clusters, carriers, biochips, initiation devices.

There are neat interfaces between the extremely complex electronic components.

As if performing some kind of ritual, the six people spliced ​​these elements separately.

When the bomb was placed on the barrier, there was no rejection reaction in the barrier, and it instantly attached to the heart of the void ancient whale!

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