God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 984: Sandstorm Crystal Armor Overlord Bear

Jiang Chen grabbed the pill in his hand.

Ah foolishly leaned over.


This is baby's!

Jiang Chen smiled and nodded, and handed the sandstorm source pill to Ah Fool.

Ah Fong couldn't wait to send the pill into his mouth.


Ah Duan swallowed his throat, and a relaxed expression appeared on his face.

But the next second, its face suddenly changed.

It is as if what is eaten is not fairy island but poison.

Jiang Chen and everyone were shocked!

But seeing Ah Fool's tricky tricks succeeded,


Shocked you guys!

Jiang Chen suddenly understood that Ah Stupid was making strange things.

Two Alengs, one on the left and the other on the right, gave Ah Duo a violent head!


A stupid neigh.

With this roar, endless sandstorms burst out of his mouth!

Outside the camera, all the researchers, including the judges, looked silly.

They all thought that dumb evolution failed!

After all, Yu Beast's evolution is a small probability, and failure is common.

I saw Ah Duan clutching his neck and coughing constantly.

Billowing yellow sand gushes out.


It was so uncomfortable that it looked up to the sky and howled.

boom! !

The sandstorm broke out suddenly!

Sweeping from Ah Fool's mouth, it went straight into the sky.

Suddenly, the entire desert is no longer visible!

I saw a terrifying coercion erupted from Ah Duan.

Sha Jing armor instantly possesses!


The thickness of the armor skyrocketed and the volume swelled, and it quickly condensed into a raging sand war bear.

The sand armor is like gold, shining brightly!

[Name of Monster Beast]: Sandstorm Crystal Armor Overlord Bear

【Monster Level】: Level 61 (Overlord Level)

[Monster quality]: Legendary quality

【Monster Attribute】: Mutated Rock/Mutated Fighting

【Monster State】: Healthy (pleasure)

[Monster characteristics]: Fusion of complete ancient Tyrannosaurus bloodline, can be transformed into a crystal armor mountain, control the source of the sandstorm, and gain the power of the sandstorm

【Weakness of Monster Beast】: Mutated Holy Spirit

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...


The giant bear roared.

At this time, the hearts of the research staff of Royal Animals around the world are extremely shaken.

It was like a huge sand roll summoned by Ah Fool.

Through the live broadcast, Ah Stupid's evolution shocked the entire Blue Star!

For a time, Blue Star has hundreds of large and small countries and various alliances began to collect Jiang Chen's information frantically!

Trump alliance.

The blonde leader with little hair was furious.

"Fuck! Such an awesome person, do you tell me that you don't have much detailed information?"

"He evolved an overlord monster in one fell swoop! Is evolution not a simple promotion!!"

"Why is there a strong man who can defeat the Pyramid Alliance, why is it not on the YBI list?"

"Go down and check it for me!"

at the same time.

Korea Union.

A fat man with shiny hair, with a gold letter written on his forehead.

"Jiang Chen is a great Smecta!"

"Hurry up and get me the money, I want to buy him Smecta!"

"No matter what the cost Smecta!"

"After selling my twelve wives, I have to change to Jiang Chen Smecta!"

Everyone in Jiang Chen is accustomed to this kind of evolution.

After all, Jiang Chen's alien ability is the only one of all Blue Stars.

At this moment, a team of people trot over.

"Brother Jiang Chen! Come take a look!"

Jiang Chen heard the sound and took a look.

Among the yellow sand, Ah Sankun's figure slowly walked over.

He was shocked when he saw Ah Fong who had become a giant sandstorm bear.

"God is here!"

"Buddha bless!"

"My goodness! What the **** is this!"

Ah foolish heard calling himself a ghost, and suddenly became unhappy.

Roar! !

I am the sacred beast of the island country, a guard crane!

This roar directly scared A Sankun to the ground.

"Mythical beast brother, do you listen to rap? You can sing and dance! Basketball!"

Jiang Chen immediately waved his hand again and again.

"No no no no no no! It doesn't look!"

"Neither do I, nor do we both!"

Thinking of Ah Sankun's dancing posture, Jiang Chen almost vomited.

"Brother Kun, if I'm afraid of you, tell me what's the matter!!"

Asan Kun suddenly became a twisted look.

"Then what... There is a ruthless please!"

Jiang Chen looked at his mentally retarded appearance and immediately understood.

"Have you found the monster lair again? Want to ask me for help?"

Asan Kun suddenly nodded his head again and again.


"I'm looking for a valley, that guy is so wicked, he blows out the wind by himself!"

"Moreover, the roar of the monster beast came from the wind."

The corners of Jiang Chen's mouth twitched.

This guy who has no home in Dalian is a bit too European!

"Where? Take me there!"

The Yanhuang people immediately joined the A-3 team and headed to the location of the possible monster lair.

A long distance away, Jiang Chen saw the air dancing wildly in the sky!

I saw that the huge valley was like the mouth of a giant beast, blowing endless wind.

"You take a look, Brother Jiang Chen, this wind can blow people up to the sky!"

"Oh! Our brothers didn't go in after spending a long time!"

"But I think it's okay for you to specify!"

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly, thinking that you, A Sankun, can blow better than this Wind Valley, this is to blow me Jiang Chen to the sky!

This kind of gang wind has a terrifying wind blade in the middle, and ordinary people will turn into a meaty section when they enter.

The cut is neat and tidy, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Guicai believes that these six Asan will try to enter this terrifying place.

I guess I was looking at it from a distance, and I just withdrew to beg myself!

Seeing Ah Sankun's flattering expression, Jiang Chen smiled.

"Don't say, this little wind really can't help me!"

"Lan Yi, do it!"

I saw Ye Lanyi chuckle, and the endless wind could not cause any harm to her.

And her slender lotus root jade powder arms gently opened, and the four-tailed little fairy fox suddenly jumped over her shoulders.


The little fairy fox blew gently, and the wind in front of everyone suddenly stopped.

The Trump leader who was off-screen saw this scene almost crazy.

"I want to buy Karma! I want her! I want her too!"

"This Yanhuang Alliance team is a god, what a treasure team!"

And everyone Jiang Chen walked into the valley calmly.

call out!

Just enter the mouth, just listen to the air tearing!

A wind blade strikes!

This is not something Ye Lanyi can greet easily.


Stupid suddenly rose!


The giant bear growled.

The floating sand crystals filled the air like a huge bear paw.


The sand collided with the wind and exploded!

Li Xiaofu jumped suddenly.

"I'll go! The power of this wind blade is a bit terrifying!"

Jiang Chen also frowned.

"A king-level Gajanda beast!"

"There is something in the belly of this Void Ancient Whale!"

As Jiang Chen said, he took the lead and took the lead and aimed at the Gaanda Beast soaring over the valley.

"Xiao Hei! Sen Luo is dead!"

Zheng! !

Endless evil spirits gathered and burst out suddenly!

The black destructive force annihilated the air passing by, and instantly shot towards the Gayandarmon.


In the formidable body of Gajanda Beast, a big hole was shot through by the death light of Sen Luo!


Gajanda beast screamed and fell straight to the ground.

The blue energy rushed into Jiang Chen's scoreboard.

The screen lights up and displays "+1600".

At this moment when the blue light flickered, stars suddenly lit up in the pitch-black canyon in front of everyone!

Jiang Chen suddenly felt cold on his back!

"A San Kun! Ask your teammates to turn on perception!"


Transparent light waves spread out in the dark valley.

The Beast Master of the A San Alliance suddenly widened his eyes.

"what's the situation!"

Jiang Chen hurriedly asked.

The beast master's voice trembled.


The voice just fell.


The wolves of the army of wind wolves howled across the valley!

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