God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 979: Be careful, we like sneak attacks!

The live broadcast room exploded on the spot.

The camera accurately shows the scene of mixed ice and fire in front of the audience.

Countless discussions and speeches squeezed into the server!

"Is that the skill of Yu Beast just now?"

"This kind of horror skill that is as powerful as light bombs shouldn't be contested!"

For a while, all Blue Stars were talking about it.

But the person concerned was indifferent.

The poisonous spider's nest was destroyed, and everyone in Jiang Chen joined together.

Ah Sankun's face was dusty, and his eyes were all dumbfounded.

Obviously, he has been subjected to Jiang Chen's routine again.

call out! !

Countless blue lights and shadows filled the air and merged into the integrator of Wang Sicong and Tang Shishi.

The energy points of the two kept jumping, with an increase of nearly 10,000.

Team Yanhuang scored more than 20,000 points in this wave of lair.

The points ranking also skyrocketed instantly.

Jumped from the middle to the upper reaches, and directly broke into the top 20!

In an instant, the strength shown by everyone was eye-catching!

Jiang Chen refreshed the standings list and saw the ranking position of the Yanhuang League.

On the standings list, the Eagle Nation Alliance, the Island Nation Alliance, and the Trump Alliance have all entered the third city level monster space!

Not only that, these powerful alliances killed monsters all the way without interfering with each other, and the number of points was not low.

And some alliances that are slower on the road, such as the Pyramid Alliance, the Java Alliance, etc., not only have no points, but also cannot seize the opportunity, and they barely hide in the second layer of space.

Like the A-San League, they have no achievements despite their considerable influence.

Next to the Yanhuang Alliance team, then wait for it to be robbed by Jiang Chen!

There are some worse teams.

After an hour and a half of the start, more than one hundred teams were quickly reduced.

Some of the players at the end were killed more than ten! !

In the huge space, not only the threats posed by the terror beasts, but also attacks from other alliances.

"It's not too late, let's set off soon!" Jiang Chen said calmly.

Seeing this, Asan Kun quickly said.

"Hey! Brother Chen, let's not pass it now?"

Jiang Chen frowned, wondering.

"Brother who are you?"

Asan Kun couldn't laugh or cry.

"Sing, jump, rap basketball, I'm A San Kun!"

"I have no home in Dalian!"

Jiang Chen felt disgusted.

"Fine, I know you go!"

After hearing this, Ah Sankun hurriedly rushed out of the valley.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly.

"They are so anxious, they definitely already know the direction of the second floor entrance, follow these guys!"

The Chang'an six suddenly disappeared and followed the Asan Alliance team to the edge of a huge stone bridge.

Under the strangely shaped stone bridge is a vast abyss.

It was like a huge mouth that swallowed the starry sky.

I saw Ah Sankun came to the abyss and jumped directly off the stone bridge.

call out!

Jiang Chen and others were shocked.

Leaning over and taking a look, I saw the light beneath the abyss.

A huge energy ball, like the sun, lay across the center.

Jiang Chenli immediately understood.

"It turns out that the ground on this floor is the dome of the next floor!"

Everyone in Chang'an looked at each other.


The wings suddenly opened behind him.

call out!

Jiang Chen controlled the wings of the gods and demons, took the lead, and rushed into the gap that exudes sunlight.


There was a burst of wind.

I saw the huge ball of light blocking one end of the entrance.

As soon as everyone showed their heads, a gust of wind came, almost pushing everyone into the artificial sun.

Fortunately, everyone in Chang'an has long experienced this kind of wind failure.

Ye Lan suddenly opened up in the storm domain.

The strength of the blue wind instantly offsets the gang wind.

At the moment when they were about to fall into the energy ball, everyone immediately froze.

When I look down further, the A-San Alliance already knows nowhere.

Jiang Chen looked around, and there was only a desert edge below to land.

On the edge of this desert, there is a strange wood.

When Jiang Chen looked at the topography, he already had a count.

"The woods are easy to hide your figure, everyone pay attention to guard against the enemy's sneak attack!!"

Everyone in Chang'an nodded together.

As soon as the voice fell, a blue water pressure cannonball blasted in the air!


The water bomb exploded!

Everyone in Chang'an flew to avoid.

The crowd avoided the water pressure gun very easily.

Unrivaled heat hits.

This water pressure bomb actually fired hot water!

Li Xiaofu, who was at the end of the team, was immediately scolded.

"Damn! High-altitude parabolic! Special mother's is hot water!"

Jiang Chen subconsciously looked into the woods and saw a few figures hidden under the tall trees.

He immediately changed the angle of his wings and led the crowd straight to the silhouettes in the woods.

Boom! !

The Changan six landed on one knee like super fighters.

The strong wind and frost suddenly turned into a storm and swept the entire forest!

Jiang Chen looked up and saw that he was a member of the Java team!

Most of their land area is tropical rain forest.

Therefore, these Java players are also very good at fighting in the forest.

This time, I am preparing to wait in an ambush near the entrance to grab points. I have already succeeded several times.

Unexpectedly, this time it was the Chang'an team!

This time, I hit the gun!

"You! You are Yanhuang Team!"

"How come! Your points have entered the top 20! Why are you still in the first floor like this!"

When Jiang Chen heard it, it turned out that it was a good calculation to wait until the high-score team and the low-score team pulled up the ladder before conducting a sneak attack!

But didn't this calculation happen to hit the bug!

"You have enough local villains in Java. Didn't you see the team's space information written on the scoreboard?"

Obviously you can see the position of the strong team directly, but you can't find it.

Such a stupid calculation is really interesting!

The Java captain burst into tears.

He knelt down with a plop.

"Big Brother! No! Big Brother!"

"I have the old and the younger, please let me go!"

Jiang Chen frowned suddenly.

"Doing such a sinister thing still has the face to let it go?"

The Java captain immediately pushed his team forward.

"They are all!! They instigated!"

"Your lord, let us forgive us regardless of the villain!"

Jiang Chen sneered suddenly.

"Haha? Forgive you? What should I do if my brother is scalded by you?"

Captain Java is also a sensible person, immediately said.

"We pay!"

"This is a scoreboard, you always accept it!"

With that said, the team leader handed the scoreboard to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen took it, but did not speak.

The Java captain quickly slapped the players on the back.

"What are you doing! Get it out!"

"Are you looking for death!!!"

Several players hurriedly turned in their scoreboards.

Click! !

Jiang Chen crushed the scoreboard.

call out!

The blue energy flew into Jiang Chen's scoreboard.

"Ten thousand points, no less grabbing!"

Jiang Chen just smiled.

"Okay! You lose it!"

"But you just said I'm old!?"

"How to calculate this account?"

The Java captain was stunned on the spot and began to cry.

"There are still accounts..."

Jiang Chen turned around and ignored him.

"Xiaofu, Xiao Cong, give them an ice and fire ginseng!"

Wang Sicong and Li Xiaofu suddenly laughed treacherously.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

Jiang Chen pushed the three girls away and turned his back to the Java team.

"Come here, it's not suitable for girls!" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Behind them, the two slowly approached the Java team.

The Java players didn't even have a chance to resist, so they were tied to a tree.

I saw Wang Sicong offering a frost scepter and pointing at the tied Java team.

The strong ice is coming, pointing straight into the crotch!


The Liaoshen of the Java team members immediately flew into the air!

While Li Xiaofu took advantage of this effort to take out six cupping jars, stuffed them with pieces of paper and set them alight, and suddenly placed them on the frozen Liao ginseng.

Six pieces of ice and fire ginseng are made!

When the girls turned around, they saw six people in Java foaming and unconscious!

Jiang Chen took out a pen and inserted a sign in front of the unconscious six people.

Write "Be careful, we like to attack you".

Throw the pen after writing, and everyone went away!

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