God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 973: The battle for spiritual power!

As soon as this remark came out, the audience suddenly shouted!

These islanders are not only short-sighted, but also self-confident.

Now, seeing that his league has a ranking first, I think that the whole world belongs to them.

But Jiang Chen is self-aware.

The world is so big, there are some outsiders!

After all, there are still a few people here who want to mix some common currency.

Who really cares about money?

For example, Jiang Chen everyone came to the competition, isn't it just to have the opportunity to formally beat the Island Royal Beastmaster?

Unexpectedly, these islanders took it seriously.

Not only the scene, but even the people in the live broadcast room are excited.

Jiang Chen sneered.

"Huh! Keyboard spray, what's the use?"

"Why don't we have something practical."

"Xiao Cong Lanyi, Xiaofu Kitty, go up and open their eyes!"

Everyone came up smiling, but there was a ridicule in the audience.

I saw Ye Lan stepping on stage slowly, being mocked by countless audiences along the way.

Especially the few who were next to the entrance route were extremely ugly.

"Cut! There is no breath of a strong man, go down quickly, don't be ashamed!"

"I heard that the Yanhuang woman can neither wash nor cook, but also needs to be raised by her husband. This chick is afraid that her sick husband and man will be spoiled!"

"The chick looks like a sign, why not come to our club as an idol model!"

When these ridicules were said, Ye Lanyi just stepped onto the last step!


The terrifying wind pressure suddenly exploded!

The fierce wind blade swept the audience!

All the spectators of the island countries are crawling on the ground, avoiding the wind blade.

All the metal objects in the hall were hit by the wind pressure, and the knocking clinked.

After a few minutes, the hall was quiet.

I saw Ye Lanyi standing on the stage, and most of the people in the stadium were kneeling at her feet.

Looking at each other with Wang Sicong, a sly smile appeared from the corner of Ye Lanyi's mouth. Her goal was to make these nonsense trash sprayers kneel down, and she didn't care how much spiritual power was.

She came to the court lightly and said to several sprays.

"Strong breath? How about this wave?"

The islander who said that Ye Lanyi was breathless suddenly felt weaker than his thumbs.

"Qi... The breath is awesome! Strong and invincible!"

After that, Ye Lanyi turned around and said to another person.

"This ugly little brother, I'm afraid the family has never hired a nanny?"

"I have been the daughter of the Ye family since I was a child. I don't touch a drop of sunshine. I have people taking care of my food, clothing, housing and transportation. Now I have grown up and become independent."

"Even if it's not the girl whose life the eldest miss is, she still has her own ideals and goals."

"Also, don't think you can compare with Yanhuang men."

"Yanhuang men are more responsible than you! Cooking for women is for fear that women will be too tired at work!"

"It seems that the only island country in the world still retains the backward housewife system!"

At this time, Wang Sicong hugged Ye Lanyi and looked at another island country, his eyes sharpened suddenly.

"I heard you own a company? Or a filming club?"

Ye Lanyi's eyes followed fiercely.

The man replied tremblingly with furry.

"Yes... Idol..."

Wang Sicong suddenly disliked.

"Your idol and filmmaking are not separated, all Blue Stars know."

"My Yanhuang idol has agile thinking, hard work, and is willing to return to the arms of the Yanhuang League at the most important moment. In fact, you can compete in filming?"

While Wang Sicong and Ye Lan were teaching others, Kato Oto became impatient.

"Hey! Yanhuang people! Speak with grades!!"

The host immediately took over the conversation.

"Yes, yes! Announce the result!!"

Zheng! !

The stele suddenly exploded and ejaculated.

Everyone was shocked when the data jumped.

"Eighty thousand! Ninety thousand! One hundred thousand!"

"This... This player exceeded one hundred thousand points!"

"My God... one hundred thousand! It's horrible!"

When Kato Oto saw it, he was stunned.

"No! Impossible! How could it be! Are you a strong leader?"

Everyone in Chang'an laughed suddenly.

The Chang'an Six Royal Beasts not only have extremely high levels, but also have many inheritances.

Coupled with the power of everyone's own blood, it is not a problem to casually eighty to ninety thousand points.

But there is a problem with this spiritual power test. For a beast master who has two beasts, only one of them can be detected, but the spiritual power has skyrocketed.

Just as the audience was stunned by Ye Lanyi's performance, two boss-like people talked in a certain control room of the stadium.

"Hurry up and send someone of your own, 20 million common currency, you must not let outsiders get it casually!!"

So, there will be the next scene.

The boy dressed in a very second grade came forward.

"One hundred thousand points? Is it strong!"

Without saying anything, he hit the stone pillar with a punch.


The hall trembles!

The scorching air flow swept across!

Everyone suddenly became dry.

"Is a strong man!" Jiang Chen frowned.

Wang Sicong immediately opened the field of ice to cool everyone down.

At this time, I saw a burst of light on the stone tablet.


Data emerges.

"This mysterious player!! He actually reached a terrifying 120,000 points!"

The host exclaimed excitedly.

Jiang Chen frowned too, there really is a hidden master!

I saw Shangguan Kitty immediately stepping forward, with countless killing intent sword blades flying around his body, and the beast masters of the island country evaded one after another.

As the lotus root jade powder arm gently swung, the blades merged, and a huge killing intent sword was held in his hand.

The posture opened, and the sword tactics suddenly flew.

I saw the Shangguan kitten wide open and close, and her body shape changed flexibly.


The six-pointed star sword formation is formed!

The chilling killing intent stunned the audience!

"140,000! This player's score has reached a terrifying 140,000!"

While talking, Wang Sicong took the stage.

The majesty of the throne suddenly dispersed, the scepter lightly pointed, and the aura suddenly soared.

Easily reached the terrifying 150,000.

And Li Xiaofu was lucky to have a crystal armor all over his body, and he picked up Thor's Hammer!

Go down with a hammer and hit 160,000 points directly!

All the islanders present were blinded.

Jiang Chen everyone laughed.

In the league match, Li Xiaofu's points ranking is already the first in the league.

On the edge of the field, the two game data traders behind the scenes were suddenly confused.

"Cheat! There is no good way, darken the value ratio, find someone to go up and break the record!"

The boss behind this big match has already begun to manipulate the game!

An island nation’s young beastmaster immediately stepped forward, without any burst of power, and casually scored nearly 170,000 points.

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows, checked the data, and immediately saw the cheating.

"One hundred and ninety-nine! A new record is born!"

The host shouted.

Jiang Chen's expression of disgust appeared again.

He clearly saw that the team was cheating and adjusted the data formula!

This person has no corresponding strength at all!

"Shishi, go and make a super high number!"

Jiang Chen smiled.

Tang Shishi's skills cooperate with each other and have strong explosive power, which is very suitable for this kind of test.

As long as her Divine Phoenix Domain is opened, all values ​​will double!

Tang Shishi knew immediately!

I saw her graceful posture, and her red feathers fell on her shoulders.


The power of the Divine Phoenix suddenly unfolded, and the temperature in the room rose wildly.

"Divine Phoenix Domain! Supernova Fist!"

Tang Shishi Jiao yelled, the sun-like rays of light burst out of her hand, and she slammed a punch!


Explosion shock!

The value on the stone tablet soared wildly!

Until it freezes, the audience is silent.

Tang Shishi leisurely withdrew his fists to recall the Divine Phoenix Domain, and the air cooled down.

The audience was still silent, full of time.

. . . .

"Three... Three hundred sixty thousand..."

"Spiritual value... 360,000!"

The host said tremblingly.

Everyone took a breath.

Suddenly, the audience was in an uproar! !

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