God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 950: Is Xiao Guo saved? !

On this day, people recalled the fear of being dominated by the terrorist wave.

Thousand beasts worshipped, and the world was shocked.

Blue Star, Joint Planning Office.

"Zong Zheng! Anyway, this happened in Yanhuang, you must give everyone a reasonable explanation!"

In the virtual video, the blond-nosed old man is facing Zong Zhengyan's words.

Zong Zheng smiled slightly.

"First of all, I want to declare that this is not technology, nor is it a weapon."

"I haven't investigated the cause of it clearly!"

"However, these imperial beasts did gather in Yanhuang, but they did not act aggressively."

"I think that the monster beast has a kind of'empathy' ability at this time."

"Compassion is a psychological term that refers to the ability to penetrate into the subjective world of others and understand their feelings. It is a powerful ability to share emotions and feel thinking."

When Zong Zheng said this, he was snatched by a young woman.

"My lord, mean, these monsters have feelings?"

Zong Zheng was taken aback.

"Miss Nadeshi, if the monster beast has no feelings, then how can there be the so-called royal beast!"

"Moreover, this is the Joint Planning Agency. As a secretary, you should make as few comments as possible!"

A trace of displeasure flashed across Nadeshiko's island country's face, which resembled Yanhuang people.

"Ahem! As the world's top major league, I think it is the top priority to stabilize the people's mood now!"

The man who was talking was an equatorial man with dark skin, curly hair, and a strong body.

Zong Zheng glanced at him, and the two nodded.

"Yes, we must find a way to control the emotional movements of those terrifying behemoths, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!!"

When Zong Zheng had a meeting, his virtual clone was not idle either.

"Jiang Chen! What's the matter!"

Chang'an City, the leader is here!

It was supposed to be a big event to celebrate, but now no one is in the mood to celebrate.

Xiao Guo's face became paler, and she fell into a coma on the hospital bed.

Jiang Chen had already soaked his clothes with sweat.


Zong Zheng suddenly understood.

No wonder hundreds of Yanhuang doctors gathered in Chang'an overnight, and countless forces were all alarmed!

It turned out that Jiang Chen's sister was sick!

The Yue family was destroyed, Quan Yanhuang who didn't know that Jiang Chen was a mad demon guarding sister!

It really wasn't covered!

"Jiang Chen, what is her situation now..."

Even Zong Zheng's tone immediately softened!

Jiang Chen's face was exhausted and bitter.

In the past hour, the elemental power in his body has been emptied!

And Zidi Immortal Vine is fully outputting the power of the soul.

Jiang Chen was responsible for all the huge mental power spent to maintain Xiao Guo's soul intact.

Jiang Chen's sea of ​​consciousness entered the dry yellow mud land at this time, the sea was dry, full of cracks.

If you continue to hold on, only devil energy can be used!

"Master Zongzheng, I can't explain the situation outside to you now."

Jiang Chen immediately understood Zong Zheng's intention.

He probably guessed what it meant for those monsters to come to Chang'an.

Xiao Guo has a natural empathy connection with monsters, and those monsters are mourning for the dying Xiao Guo!

But Jiang Chen never dared to think about it, he wouldn't let Xiao Guo die even if he drained his mental energy! !

"Oh! This has alarmed Blue Star now, and conspiracy theorists think we are making weapons to attract monsters."

These words can be regarded as piercing Jiang Chen's heart.

"That bunch of dog grandsons! Waiting for Xiao Guo to get better, I will slaughter their whole family!"

Zong Zheng said repeatedly.

"I sent a confidentiality team overnight, and they are responsible for the outside and yours inside!"

"The things in Chang'an City must not be allowed to ferment. We must quickly cure your sister Jiang Xiaoguo!"

Jiang Chen sighed bitterly.

"I have tried all methods, Xiaoguo's soul is damaged, do you understand the soul?"

Zong Zheng was immediately lost.

He had only heard the people talk about these two words. They were all believers and gods. They were talked about by young talents like Jiang Chen, but they were a bit strange.

Just as Zong Zheng wanted to persuade Jiang Chen not to believe in those crooked ways, suddenly an old voice came.

"When I fortune-telling for that child, I saw that her spirit is different from ordinary people, and ordinary spiritual calling and resurrection are useless!"

"Little Guo, the child's spirit was injured, not out of the body!"

I saw Jiang Chen said excitedly.

"Grandma divining! What do you mean!"

Just listen to the old woman slowly getting up.

At this moment, she suddenly burst into an astonishing aura that made her spine chill!

The old man snarled, his voice changed as if a ghost was possessed by a **** and he was extremely majestic.

Different from the kindness before!

"Spiritual divergence has become a certainty! Irreparable! Irreversible!"

"If you want to save your life, you must use the two most extreme forces in the world to converge, and then you can continue to produce continuous spiritual power!"

After that, the old woman fainted on the spot!

Everyone was blinded.

What is the most extreme? Two kinds of things?

In Jiang Chen's exhausted brain, there was a flash of light.

Suddenly the power of the spirit was like a clear spring, sweeping through Jiang Chen's mind!

"I thought about it!"

"Mutual generation and mutual restraint, endless life!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's eyes were bright.

The fainted mother-in-law suddenly smiled at the corner of her mouth.

Gu Yuesha is very familiar with this sentence!

This sentence itself was what she told Jiang Chen.

As soon as Jiang Chen talked about it, she understood.

The two most extreme forces in the world are life and death!

Balance of life and death, endless life!

Jiang Chen didn't explain much, and with a big wave of his hand, Xiao Kun Kun immediately summoned the Kun Kun water boat!

In the silver light mapping room, the channel is open.

"Master, the space coordinates have been established!"

Jiang Chen nodded and put down the Purple Emperor Immortal Vine.

"Take care of Xiaoguo!"

After all, Jiang Chen escaped into the space channel.

In the next moment, Jiang Chen appeared on Tongtian Peak!


The Tianwu elite soldiers sent by the Qinglong Commander were hiding under the Tongtian Peak.

Jiang Chen was not in the mood to explain.

I saw a violent light burst out of his eyebrows!

"The handsome demon ape is here, you wait to retreat first!"

All the green dragon soldiers suddenly recalled that the green dragon handsome once said that the magic ape commander must let him go.

As a result, the elite soldiers had never seen Jiang Chen's appearance, and they concealed again.

The two guards whispered in private.

"You said, the seal here is so strong, can the Demon Ape commander handle it?"

"Look at it, we have also seen how to solve such a strong seal!"

"Fuck! Look! This seal was set up by Lord Demon Ape!"

In the horrified eyes of the elite soldiers, Jiang Chen waved his hand, and the seal was immediately lifted!

With striding meteor, Jiang Chen rushed to the tributary of Shenghe!

There is no place in the world with more extreme vitality than Shenghe!

The vitality is different from the vitality!

The power of life refers to the power of rebirth and rebirth, and refers to pure life.

Jiang Chen immediately took out the bottle and reached out to Shengsheng River.

However, the clear water penetrated Jiang Chen's hands and bottle, leaving no drop at all.

Jiang Chen suddenly panicked.

He immediately called out Xiao Kun Kun.

Kun Kun's thin body was filled with mist, and the horrible coercion swept across.

In an instant, the boy turned into a water-shaped giant kun, swallowing everything, and huge suction suddenly came!

I saw a slight skew in the river flow.

But it was restored in an instant.

Jiang Chen suddenly fell into hesitation, not paying attention to behind him.

at this time!

"Jie Jie Jie! It seems you are in a bad situation!"

Jiang Chen was alert, but when he turned his head, he saw a thick mist of evil spirits spinning continuously!

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