God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 927: Ancient Destroying Tyrannosaurus

Inside the Champs.

Ruyun towers fell in the air, forming a huge and frightening shadow.

Countless ants-like bodies flee wildly under the shadow.

But in the end it was just useless.

The Chuanmu Northern Division can be said to be overwhelming and will undoubtedly be defeated.

boom! !


Smoke billowed.

Countless lives died under the tower!

Their blood flowed slowly, but did not seep into the ground.

Nearly ten thousand beaches of blood flowed and floated, turning into **** souls.


The huge Tyrannosaurus roared.

The souls of injustice madly swept over the Champs.

The fierce fishy wind swept through the tower of the sky, and the Destroying Skeleton Tyrannosaurus rex swallowed all those endless souls.

At that moment, Jiang Chen seemed to see what it meant to be immortal.

The grieving howling resounded across the sky.

Cold-blooded like a Nightmare clan powerhouse, can't help but start to feel fear.

Everyone in Jiang Chen watched the birth of a powerful monarch!

Ouch! Ouch! !

The wind pressure burst!

Everyone's attention was focused on the terrifying coercion.

I saw a huge ancient monster like a skyscraper stepping on the top of the Sky Tower, roaring up to the sky to vent hundreds of millions of years of grievances!

The scaly giant jaws crashed into the six Chang'an people from the endless souls.

Yucheng Xinyi was secretly happy.

Unless the gods come to the world, the next second will be the moment when the limbs of the six will be amputated!

At this moment, time stood still.

In the light flickering, data emerged in Jiang Chen's eyes.

The Bone Destroyed Tyrannosaurus Rex has evolved into an ancient Destroyed Tyrannosaurus!

Although it is not the peak period yet, at this level of escalation speed, it is only a matter of time before the peak is restored.

As a powerful first-generation species, this ancient mythical beast already possesses the power of destroying the world, and its level instantly soared to the terrifying level 72!

But in Jiang Chen's eyes, the soaring black energy spreads and fluctuates, like a pitch-black ferocious snake.

Black, death.

In the face of crisis, this black line descending from the sky made Jiang Chen full of luck.

"Ancient Destroying Tyrannosaurus Rex actually has a black thread!"

Jiang Chen roared in his heart.

This discovery undoubtedly gave him a cardiotonic injection!

Time starts to flow again.

Zheng! !

The silver light suddenly appeared, and the figures of the six Jiang Chen disappeared in full view.

Yucheng Xinyi suddenly laughed!

"Unexpectedly Jiang Chen!"

"You will die in my hands in the end!"

The voice just fell.

Card! !

The beast Suzaku soars into the sky!

I saw Oshiro Shinichi's expression instantly solidified.


Roar! !

The platinum light burst, and the white tiger jumped into the air.

Yucheng Xin said in surprise.

"White Tiger!"

"You two are still there!!"

Just listen to a cold snort from the elder Suzaku Baihu.

"Huh! Scum!"

"Your whole family is dead, my young master will not die!"

Yucheng Xinyi laughed.

"Hahaha! Finally admitted!"

"Jiang Chen really is the son of the mask, **** it, if the communication is not interrupted, you should report this to the headquarters!"

Suzaku said angrily after hearing it.

"Huh! You have no chance! Look at it!"

Card! !

The divine beast Suzaku hovered down.

The scorching flames are majestic from the golden wings!

boom! !

The deadly ultimate move instantly covered all the escape routes of Osaki Shinichi.

what! !

Yucheng Xin fell to the ground with a scream!

Boom! !

The ground was suddenly smashed into a human-shaped depression.

Suzaku and White Tiger fell in the air and caught up.


Two sacred beasts landed on the ground, tightly surrounding the hollow human form.

Strange laughter came from the dust.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

I saw a tall human figure slowly emerging.

It is Oshiro Shinichi with burnt skin!

What's strange is not just that he fell from a high altitude and didn't die.

What is really strange is that on his scorched black and foul-smelling skin, countless dragon scales spring up like bamboo shoots!

A hot breath gushes out from Obi City's nose and mouth.

The three-fingered dragon claws appeared, and the terrifying dragon teeth came out from his mouth.

The two elders were shocked.

"This transformation madman has transformed himself!"

"Longhua! It is actually the Tyrannosaurus gene!"

The two were talking, and between the dragonman Ozushiro, a new whistle turned into an afterimage!


A pitch-black claw suddenly appeared on Elder White Tiger's chest.

The bursting air tore the robes of the elder Baihu, pointing directly to the heart!

Fortunately, Elder Baihu responded very quickly.

boom! !

The power of the white tiger is plated between the hands, the palms are folded together, and the dragon claws are immediately stopped!


The white tiger roared and came to the savior.

Oshiro Shinichi quickly turned over and escaped from the circle of Suzaku White Tiger.

"Hahaha! You two old things, you have not seen each other for many years, but you know how to do it!"

"Haha! If you have the time to be angry with me, why not save your young master quickly!"

While talking, the Ancient Destroying Tyrannosaurus rex came to the three of them.

The dragon's back vibrated, the blood was blooming on the sword spine, and the terrifying destructive power hit the mouth of the blood basin!

It is as strong as the ancient world-destroying Tyrannosaurus rex, spewing deadly energy pulses casually.

Zheng! !

This beam of light is no less powerful than the leading gun!

"Unexpectedly! You resurrected such a powerful bloodline in the Northern Division!!"

The beam hit, Suzaku had to fly away from the energy pulse.

The figures of the three quickly receded.

Zheng! !

The beam swept across, leaving a huge gully hot on the ground.


Yucheng Xinyi smiled.

"Someone has tried to resurrect the beast through blood! This is just a small experiment!"

"It was still a member of the Yanhuang King's family who reminded me that I also used the parasitic method to hatch a pure ancient mythical beast energy body!"

"Hahaha! Watch it! Wait for it to swallow all your 100,000 army and grow into a complete body!"

"At that time, the whole world will tremble for it!"

Osaki Shinichi roared frantically.

An energy claw has grabbed his head!

Bai Hu said angrily.

"Huh! You perverted, it's better to die early!"

But seeing Obi Chengxin turned his face one by one.

"Hahaha! Come and kill me!"

"Tell you, I led the people to slaughter the 16 pioneer cities back then!"

"Chasing me!"

After all, Osaki Shinichi turned around and ran away!

He knows too well what kind of terrifying power the Ancient Destroying Tyrannosaurus has!

The White Tiger Suzaku caught up immediately.

The ancient world-destroying Tyrannosaurus rex was fancying the powerful energy of the three people, and it was in hot pursuit.

The speed of the three of them is actually not as fast as that of the Ancient Destroying Tyrannosaurus!

Seeing, the three of them got closer and closer to the terrifying butcher.

Elder Suzaku gritted his teeth suddenly.

"Damn it! It hurts my pioneer, it hurts my young master, let's not even want to live!"

Zheng! !

Suzaku's eyes flashed with golden light.

A misty ray instantly enveloped Oshiro Shinichi's body.

Suddenly, the three of them slammed the brakes and stopped in place.

The terrifying mouth of the ancient extinct Tyrannosaurus has already struck!

at this time!

"Second elder! Are you planning to die for your country!"

Suzaku Baihu was blinded.

"Little Lord?"

"Young Master is okay?!"

The two looked up and saw that the hideous head of the ancient exterminating Tyrannosaurus rex crashed down at a height of 100 meters!

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