God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 917: A Leng Possession!

The line of fate surrounds Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen had an instant epiphany!

"It turns out that Suzaku relies on these lines to determine life and death."

The divine bird, the Suzaku, is a divine fetish believed by the ancient Taoists to lead to heaven.

The Suzaku itself relied on the silk thread wrapped around the creatures in the world to determine who needed to be attracted.

For example, Li Xiaofu saw golden thread on his body and red on Tang Shishi.

Neither of them needs to be led.

But Mu Chen is black!

A smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Jiang Chen's mouth.

Black represents death!

"Then I will help Suzaku to get him!"

At this time, Jiang Chen roamed the online world, and gradually approached the black line that extended from Mu Chen to the world.

He needs a sharp scissors, or sword, to cut the black thread.

With a thought, almost immediately, there was a sword in his hand.

About two meters long, a wide-edged sword!

The hilt of the sword is inlaid with a gem that glows like a scorching sun, and the golden magic pattern is constantly floating on the blade!

Jiang Chen raised his hand and cut it down without any reason!

The power of judgment is coming!

At this moment, he is the **** who controls fate!

The colorful world has changed suddenly!

At the moment Jiang Chen swung his knife, a crazy suction pulled Jiang Chen out of the line of world!

This is not an ability that mortals can reach!

Even the divine bird, Suzaku, only distinguishes the dying by lines!

But the sword was still cut down.

At this moment, Mu Chen's life changed decisively.

The line of fate is broken!

call out!

Everything turned into streamer, Jiang Chen broke away from the world of lines!

But the power of judgment in his hand still exists!

I saw Jiang Chen raised his hand, and saw that except for the pure white cross in his palm, his entire hand was dark.

The power of judgment is madly gushing out of the cross!

When everyone outside looked at Jiang Chen, they were all frightened by Jiang Chen's image at this time.

The white holy ring is carved on Jiang Chen's neck skin like a pattern, extending to the three directions of his hands and chest.

On the arm, there is a white strip connecting the palm.

On the chest is a pure white cross.

The pressure of horror erupted from the platinum cross covering his chest.

Jiang Chen's body is pitch black, the demon dragon horns soaring above the sky!

The golden light in the dragon's eye turns wildly!

It looked like a demon with a cross tattooed.

But above the dragon's horns, there is a holy golden halo of angels, like a crown.

A trembling coercion descended on the world from the circle.

Jiang Chen was bathed in the holy light of the ring and raised his head to enjoy.


The air shook suddenly!

The angel's eight pairs of divine wings suddenly unfolded.

The power of the holy light in the air and the power of the devil quickly combined!

The power of judgment surpasses mortals!

Jiang Chen is now like a **** who controls fate!

I saw his eyes suddenly opened, and the golden light in the dragon eyes turned into holy power!

With a hideous face, Jiang Chen grinned open, and the devil's fangs were immediately exposed to the air.

Above both hands, the endless power of judgment continues to gather.

The white strips all over the body burst into golden light!


With a loud shout, Jiang Chen clenched his fists!

In the stunned crowd, a terrifying golden light beam soared into the sky, piercing the clouds and rain!

It is as if the messenger of God brought the divine power of creation to the mortal world!

The giant thorn-shaped triangular cone of a hundred meters stands tall in the air, and the position is exactly where Mu Chen is!


The explosion sounded.

The tip of the cone exploded into a pillar, and at the point of the golden ratio, the light of the cross bloomed!

Everyone in Chang'an City, including those around Chang'an, can see clearly.

An extremely huge golden cross pointed directly at the sky!

The golden light burst, and everyone's sight was white.

After a long delay, the Changan people could see things clearly.

On the ground, a huge black hole with a diameter of 100 meters was filled with blue smoke.

A fierce wind gushes from the cave.

The Northern Territory Lord Mu Chen who was standing there had been annihilated by the power of judgment.

Everyone was stunned.

This was the power to judge fate, and Mu Chen's black thread was broken.

And the otherworldly monster that had been chopped off thousands of tentacles and transformed into an evil eye was full of fear!

The divine wings behind Jiang Chen were shocking, and the body of the Yaqi Orochi broke every inch!

The tailbone hangs in the air.

With a big wave of his hand, Jiang Chen's bones are densely integrated, forming an extremely sharp sword cone.

A giant sword of bones is in his hands, pointing directly at the Thousand Blade Fel Envoy!

The devil breath surging wildly!

The power of holiness in Jiang Chen's eyes disappeared and turned into an endless abyss of darkness.

The power of the devil instantly covers the giant sword of bone!

"Judgement Abyss!"


The sharp giant sword made of the tailbone of Yaqi's snake pierced into the body of the Thousand Blade Fel Envoy without any hindrance!


A whirlpool spread around the bone sword, and the body of the Thousand Blade Fel Envoy was strongly attracted until it collapsed!

In the face of the devil's trial, the half-remnant thousand-blade evil energy made even the resistance impossible.

Suzaku broke the golden silk thread instantly, and the Thousand Bladed Evil Energy was immediately swallowed by the power of the devil on the giant sword and fell into the abyss!

The domain master of the Northern Territory is completely annihilated!

The ten guards surrendered on the spot.

Upon seeing this, Yue Huanong knelt on the ground with a plop and kept calling Jiang Chen his father.

Jiang Chen at this time is like a **** and a beast, and also like a **** and demon!

This is so awesome, no one has spoiled the atmosphere for a long time.

Seeing everyone's shock, Jiang Chen chuckled.

"I rub! I thought Aleng's possession could turn me into a woman!"

"Just touched it, the thing is still there!"

"I'm scared to death!"

The atmosphere of the invincible world was instantly broken by himself!

All the beauties immediately covered their faces, trying to escape.

However, Jiang Chen lowered his form and hugged Tang Shishi.

"Ai Concubine! I almost thought I would never see you again!"

The blush on Tang Shishi's face has not disappeared, and there are more tears!

She hugged Jiang Chen, tears could not stop streaming.

Mo Yan and Gu Yuesha arrived in time, and they were relieved when they saw Jiang Chen intact.


The black and white energy flashed, and the two Alengs separated immediately.

They happily hovered to the left and right of Jiang Chen.

I saw the demon Aleng blinked his left eye.

"Master! A little tired but a little cool!"

And Holy Aleng said shyly.

"I hope I can often get along with the master in the future!"

Jiang Chen's eyes widened suddenly.

Tang Shishi’s family biography has come!

Li Xiaofu heard it and laughed with Wang Sicong holding their stomachs.

Jiang Chen looked at Mo Yan and Gu Yuesha for help, but was blinded by both of them, and he couldn't laugh or cry!

At this moment, Elder Suzaku came to Jiang Chen and bowed directly!

"Congratulations young master, congratulations young master!"

"The old man has long heard of the young master's hero, but he did not expect to kill the king and the strong at a young age!"

"The respect in the old man's heart is like a surging river..."

Jiang Chen dumbly picked up the Vermilion Bird.


"Elder Vermilion! If it weren't for your help! I'm afraid I've already explained it here today!"

"Don't be polite to me anymore!"

Suzaku's eyes suddenly appeared, and he did not hide his appreciation for Jiang Chen.

"Yes! Young Master! Killing Chuanmu running dogs, the old minister will spare no effort!"

When Jiang Chen heard this, his brows shook.

"Chuanmu running dog? Mu Chen is from Chuanmu?"

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