God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 915: Shocking battle!

Zheng! ! !

Just listen to the energy radiation constantly shaking the air!

For a time, the buzzing sound was like a fighter jet across the sky! !

"Nine Sky Thunder!"

An endless thunderstorm surged across Jiang Chen.

The snake-like black thunder spread instantly to all parts of the air!

The terrifying power of destruction is shaking!


Jiang Chen turned into a straight thunder and shot at the giant snake!

Boom! !

The shock of horror hit the snake head!

The giant snake's neck suddenly crooked, and the Nightmare Emperor was rescued.

It's not over yet!

Jiang Chen's body jumped continuously with the momentum of lightning, and the deadly thunder was wrapped between his claws!


The terrifying power of thunder strikes nine times!

Puff! !

There was a loud noise.

A snake head of Yaqi Orochi was pierced by the destructive power of Nine Heavens Thunder!


The tall giant snake fell and fell heavily to the ground, and the ground cracked!

Jiang Chen pulled up the Nightmare Emperor.

The two were both dangerous and dangerous, and only then did they solve a snakehead.

Yaqi Orochi also has seven heads with teeth and claws!

At this time.

There was a sudden explosion in the air.

I saw the flames burst into the sky, like a nuclear bomb exploded!

Huge supernova hits the target!

The corpse of the Zhantian Divine Horse turned into a hot blood rain fragment!

Fire feather neon clothes, nine-color phoenix hairpin.

Tang poetry looks like a goddess, and looks proudly at the Taixu Nine Color Glazed Glass Phoenix.

The endless power of the Divine Phoenix permeated.

Two phoenixes collided with a fire-shaped humanoid!

The pressure of terror fell from the sky.


The wings of the divine phoenix behind Tang Shishi suddenly unfolded!

The whole body of the Divine Phoenix Battle Armor was completely assembled in an instant.

Valkyrie descends on the battlefield!

She was holding a divine flame spear, her wings shook, and she crashed into the tree man!

The Treant's companion immediately rushed to help, the tall iron-clad roaring bear suddenly turned into a bear warrior, rushing into Tang Shishi!

I saw the courageous power of the Divine Phoenix in the seemingly thin Tang Shishi.

Divine power spews frantically at the tip of the spear!


The huge figure of the Ursa immediately stagnated, and was so nailed in place by the flames of Tang poetry! !

The flames of the gods made a single flap, and the high temperature instantly scorched the tree man. For a time, the tree man could not move.

Divine Phoenix possesses an extremely tyrannical possession, and can already fight the two overlords for the upper hand!

But the ten guards are so many!

I saw a dragon head Jiao rushing fast, and there was a sudden gust of wind in the air!

Ouch! Ouch!

A terrifying sonic boom burst out from Jiao's mouth.

A ray of deadly silver energy gushes out from the sky with its momentum!

If this hits Tang poetry, the consequences will be disastrous!

Tang Shishi is ready to accept the impact.

Close your eyes secretly at this time!

But the expected attack did not come.

boom! !

Adumb's huge bear claw stepped on the ground, and the crystal light in his chest was blooming!

Roar! !

The huge crystal light cannon blasted out fiercely.

Boom! !

The two energies collided!

The recoil hits and the sky is shaking!

But seeing the king of crystal armor Xiong Ruo is like a mighty **** of war, his face is cold, his figure is firm with his recoil, and he walks towards the dragon step by step!


With the bear's arms open, Long Jiao was immediately pressed under his body, and he was so slippery that he circled Ah Fool, and the laser burst in his mouth continuously, and the two fought!

Immediately, a silver-moon fierce wolf rushed towards Ah Fool.

Ah foolishly moved his thigh and clamped the wolf's head directly between his crotch!

The ferocious silver moon wolf suddenly turned into Erha with his head torn apart, whimpering.

At this time the battlefield is approaching and balanced.

Little tortoise has a tyrannical clone, it is difficult to kill the overlord, but it can definitely be held back.

The Queen of Thorns and Blood is looking for a chance to parasitize the Treant, but it is also entangled by another beast.

The little fairy fox can easily deal with a group of beasts, but because the area affected by the hurricane is too large, the area of ​​the banquet hall is not enough to carry it, and the little fairy fox can only reduce the scope of influence temporarily.

The emperor war beast and Xiaodiexian fought easily together.

It seemed that the breakthrough was on Zhanhuang Beast and Xiaodiexian.

At the same time, the Nightmare Emperor who had finally escaped from the giant snake was full of indignation!

At any rate, he is also a transcendent power close to the peak of the overlord, and he must not hold back Jiang Chen.

With a big wave, the **** waist and abdomen of Nightmare Shadow Shadow suddenly cracked!

Sha Ling only has the silhouette of a shadow, and its core is still Sha!

Under Miaoman's straight weapon, the horrible and fierce teeth intertwined in the abdomen, and the endless silk of necromancers spurted out!

call out!

The white tough silk instantly wrapped the tone of Yaqi Orochi.

The butterfly wings shook quickly, and the black shadow on the wings formed a phantom skeleton in the continuous flashing.

boom! !

Silk thread pulls hard, but Sha Ling's weak body possesses tyrannical power!

The seven snake heads with teeth and claws were suddenly lifted up.

Two royal beasts tug up in the air!

Seeing this, Xiao Dong jumped onto the snake's tail immediately!

Shoo! ! !

Ten thousand chains hang on the tail of a giant snake!

The thorns are like snake scales.

Giggle! !

The sour rubbing sound constantly sounded on Yaqi Orochi.

I saw the evil spirit on the top and the small frozen on the bottom, and the big snake was lifted instantly.

The snake was pulled vigorously at both ends.

But the body of Yaqi Orochi is very strong.

The snake's body exerted force and directly pulled Xiao Dong off the ground!

Xiao Dong immediately threw off countless chains and pierced into the ground.


The chains suddenly stretched straight.

Xiaoyong's tendency to fly instantly eased, but she was still being taken off the ground by the Yachi Orochi.

Upon seeing this, Daikin put aside the big snake that was beaten like a pig, and immediately rushed towards Xiao Dong!

With eight arms, the tyrannical muscles suddenly tightened, and the explosive force pulled the Yaqi Orochi to the ground on the spot!

The Titan phantom erupted, and Yaqi Orochi suddenly couldn't move.


Purple and gold light shone in the sky, and the roar of dragons roared.

The eight-clawed dragon king wrapped the dead insect silk, and the supernatural power of the dragon immediately straightened the curved body of the big snake!

Add another strong player to this beast tug of war game!

Giggle! !

The muscles on the snake made a terrifying explosion.

This is the tearing sound of the body reaching its limit!

"A Leng! Cut his dead snake skin!"

Jiang Chen shouted.

I saw the **** and demon Alengqi flying in the air.

The body slowly swelled, gradually matured, and suddenly transformed into a plump young woman!

The angel armor and the demon armor are covered at the same time.

The blade tore the air and energy roared.

Endless coercion fell instantly.

The two graceful young ladies rushed to the straightened snake, holding a huge sword, and slashed down!

Ding! !

A crisp sound!

The scales flew, and the flesh and blood splashed!

As soon as the angel of the gods and demons cut down, it cut the hard scales of the serpent!

The rough muscles are exposed, bloody!

Ouch! !

The seven heads of Yaqi Orochi roared!

The intense pain aroused the snake's desire to survive.

It is enduring the pain and twisting its body desperately!

Jiang Chen felt bad when he saw this.

"Emperor Nightmare! Let's go!"

Jiang Chen yelled, and the power of terrifying thunder broke out in his hands.

Unleashed endless pressure from the claws!

The Nightmare Emperor raised the sword above his head.

Two figures jumped into the air at the same time.

Hand up and down!


Cut it off with a single knife, breaking the muscles!

Purple scales, small frozen, big gold, beautiful shadows.

The four Royal Beasts suddenly felt empty on their hands.

The strength of the tug-of-war is gone.

In mid-air, the huge snake body separates up and down!

The white and ferocious spine was energetically pulled out of the snake's tail!

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