God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 913: Desperate!

Mu Chen was shocked.

Turn to anger.

"Is this Jiang Chen actually capable of this?"

"Baqi Orochi is a monarch-level beast, and he didn't kill him! What a joke!"

Yue Huanong was sprayed with dog blood.

At this time, Jiang Chen's injury was cured.

The strong defensive power brought to him by the dragon scales is beyond reach.

Boom! !

The huge phantom of the Titan shines brightly.

Jiang Chen hit the barrier again with a punch.

There was endless stubbornness in his eyes, pinning all hopes on breaking the barrier.

Mu Chen couldn't help but feel funny.

Obviously it is the enchantment he set up.

Obviously he is the boss in the barrier.

But Jiang Chen ignored him from beginning to end!

"Ha ha!"

Mu Chen's smile gradually changed.

"It's pretty hard!"

"Well, I have a showdown!"

"The guards I brought today are all overlord!"

"To kill you!"

"Jiang Chen! It's not easy for anyone to come today! You are dead!"

Mu Chen pretended to be forceful here, but Jiang Chen didn't even look at him.

He suddenly became angry.

"Hit me!! Until you die!"

The ten guards immediately took their orders and released their beasts.

The crowd surrounded Jiang Chen.

The overlord coercion swept the enchantment.

Jiang Chen clings to the edge of the barrier, seeing a bad situation, he immediately summoned Xiao Hei.

Two Alengs also stood beside Jiang Chen instantly.

The endless terrifying pressure fell, and the Lich King Xiao Dong gently turned sideways, sitting gracefully on Xiao Hei's generous back, and countless chains were flying all over the sky.

For a time, he was not behind in momentum!

Jiang Chen didn't say a word, and continued to hammer the wall.

When Daikin saw his brothers standing proudly beside him, he waved his arms.

Eight middle fingers are given to those who are destined!

The domain master suddenly exploded in anger and manipulated Yu Beast to pounce on Jiang Chen.

Xiao Hei took the initiative, and the sky was covered by thunder.


With a single blow, the ribs of an overlord Yu Beast were all broken.

Xiao Dong is singled out two royal beasts!

The chains are intertwined, forming a huge prison formation, besieging the two overlord beasts!

咚咚咚! !

In the distance, the tall armored turtle instantly launched eighteen extremely powerful water dragon bullets!

But just the moment it was launched, there were more than a dozen pieces that were cut into pieces by Xiaoyong's endless chains.

The two dragon head cannons of the caught fish were easily defeated by two Alengs before they could fly over the battlefield.


Above the barrier, Jiang Chen finally got results!

Under his fist, a fine crack of less than one centimeter spread all the way!

The magic pattern began to weaken.

At this time, the crackling sound is not only a proof of Jiang Chen's stubbornness, but also a sign of hope of escape!

The ten guards suddenly panicked!

If Jiang Chen escaped at this time, the consequences would be disastrous.

I saw a liger beast rushing towards Jiang Chen regardless of his life.

This free time is very clever.

Everything that Jiang Chen released was fighting and fighting!

Roar! !

The liger roared, and its claws suddenly swung towards Jiang Chen!

laugh! !

One claw down, the vines fly! !

The purple emperor fairy vine burst out instantly.

Before the liger came, Jiang Chen was saved!

Xiao Hei has already turned around in the liger beast.

The shocking **** Lei fell in the sky.


The fierce black thunder directly cut the claws of the liger beast!

But in the next second, Xiao Hei's body was knocked into the air!

The huge Treant walked out of the enemy line, raised the stump directly on him, and hit Xiao Hei severely!

Xiao Hei was furious, snarled fiercely, and was about to take revenge.

However, the tree man raised his foot and stepped on it.


Xiao Hei's body was pressed tightly.

Another imperial beast fixed Xiao Hei firmly.

Endless vines instantly surround Xiao Hei!

Xiao Hei Da Jin and A Leng Xiao Dong were all entangled for a time.

Of the ten imperial beasts in the Northern Territory, only one remained uncontrollable.

It was this **** of war horse that almost killed Jiang Chen at this time!

boom! !

Shenma's wings shook, and the four hoofs were burning with red flames, and they rushed straight towards Jiang Chen!

Boom! ! !

Jiang Chen's body was hit and directly attached to the barrier!

The huge pain made Jiang Chen furious!

But at this moment, Jiang Chen can only choose to reluctantly open the gap!

Punch! Punch!

The stubbornness in the eyes is getting stronger and stronger!


Zhan Tian Shenju turned around and sprinted over again.

This time it learned to be smart and no longer hit Jiang Chen with its body.

Instead, he kicked Jiang Chen **** Jiang Chen's back with his fiery hooves!


Jiang Chen was internally injured again, and fell from the barrier weakly.

Zhan Tian Shenju attacked again, almost killing Jiang Chen!

I saw Jiang Chen's sleeves, purple and gold light was in full bloom.

Suddenly, the red moon rose to heaven!

The body of Zhantian Shenju was immediately entangled by dragon's breath!

The dark red light fixed the Zhantian Divine Horse firmly in place.

Ouch! !

The roar of the dragon shook the earth!

A huge body of more than ten meters with purple scales emerged in the air.

Taking advantage of the body of Zhantian Shenju could not move, he entangled it directly, and the Zhantian Shenju was tied up!

At this time, all the enemy Yu Beasts on the stage had no time to attack Jiang Chen.

For a time, the six main battle royal beasts under the seat of Jiang Chen were entangled with ten overlord royal beasts and one monarch-level royal beast!

Unique in history! !

The ten guards were in no rush.

Although they can't solve Jiang Chen for a while, they still feel very comfortable watching Jiang Chen's life and death!

But this comfort did not last for a few seconds.

call out!

The silver rune on Jiang Chen lit up.

Little Kun Kun was wearing a silver shirt, slowly floating in the air, with a look of alert.


Mu Chen suddenly said.

"It's so tragic!"

"It's a pity to say what you say!"

"Look at your hand, 1, 2, 3...."

"Uh! So many beasts!"

Jiang Chen frowned.

It seems that he has no hope today.

Because Mu Chen, the lord of the Northern Territory, is also a master of the beast master.

boom! !

The tyrannical coercion swept the spot!

A big, terrifying, powerful beast appeared in the barrier!

Jiang Chen's stained appearance was reflected in a scarlet one eye.

The orange skin is full of folds, and the red pattern is shining strangely.

The terrifying huge scars are all over the patterns, and the ghost knows what kind of terrifying beast he has fought!

Countless tentacles are filled with craziness!


The suction cup is pulled out.

Each tentacle is tightly wrapped around a superb weapon!

A drop of blood was left on Jiang Chen's brow.

In the eyes, it was scarlet.

But the data still appeared accurately in his sight.

[Name of Monster Beast]: Thousand Blade Fel Envoy

【Monarch Level】: Level 79 (the peak of monarch level)

[Monster quality]: Legendary quality

[Monster attributes]: Water system/Fighting system

[Monster State]: Anger (War Intent)

[Monster characteristics]: The eighth apostle under the seat of the creator of the other world, who controls thousands of weapons, has strong mental power, and possesses powerful skills such as fel control and power withering.

[Weakness of Monster Beast]: Mutated Demon System

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

Mu Chen is extremely rampant at this time!

He jumped on the head of the Qianblade Evil Envoy, and said to Jiang Chen with a pity.

"Enough of your pain!"

"This blow! I will tell you to die!"

Whoosh whoosh! !

Thousands of tentacles of the Thousand Blades Fel Energizer suddenly waved!

The endless superb killer swept the tyrannical turbulence of energy.

Mu Chen was going to use the last blow to solve Jiang Chen.

at this time!

Card! !

A long sound resounded across the sky!

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