God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 910: The clown's dislike

Upon seeing this, Yue Huanong no longer cared about his relatives and friends, sons and daughters.

He is a powerful monarch, and the eight-chi big snake under his seat can only protect himself in front of many nightmare assassins!

None of his children can survive.

Thoughts changed.

Roar! !

Yaqi Orochi roared repeatedly.

The mouth is sour, and the endless tyrannical coercion shocks the audience!

If he didn't know what the Patriarch was thinking, he thought he would fight hard with a group of nightmare clan purple robe powerhouses!

But I see that eight Qi big snake is anticlimactic.

The eight heads sprayed out corrosive and poisonous, directly opened a road, turned away!

The nightmare clan powerhouses didn't chase, but watched from behind with interest.

The instant desperate expression of the Yue Family Remnant Party is wonderful!

In the midst of these people crying and crying, the nightmare elders started to end their lives.

The entire process of destroying the Yue family was less than two hours.

When Jiang Chen called Zong Zheng again, Zong Zheng was blinded.

"You kid, you are even more ruthless than terrorist weapons!"

Jiang Chen said with a smile again and again.

"Aren't we eager to put down the rebels!"

"Well, what stocks are there in the 731 ruins?"

Jiang Chen asked quickly.

Zong Zheng shook his head.

"A hundred scholars were sent for exploration, and there were no traces left, as if they had experienced a nuclear explosion!"

Jiang Chen was suddenly shocked.

"Could Cheng Chuanmu go to someone to clean up the wreckage?"

Zong Zheng straightened up immediately.

"It's very possible. After all, everyone in Chuanmu looks like a spy, not a scientist at all!"

"Jiang Chen!"

"Destroying Chuanmu is a key task entrusted to you by the entire Yanhuang Alliance!"

"Don't underestimate the enemy!"

Jiang Chen took the lead.

At the same time, the Northern Territory, Yuejia.

There are corpses everywhere, and the remains are eaten by wild dogs.

At this time, a wild dog with smart eyes sniffed.

Suddenly, his face appeared in horror! !


Several wild dogs fled away!

As if seeing a monster!


A strange voice appeared in the Yue Family Mansion.


Without warning.

The wild dog's body instantly broke into two pieces!

There seemed to be countless transparent sharp blades in the air.

Strangely, no one appeared at all.

"Jie Jie Jie!"

"Recently cannibalism, hiccups!"

"Even dogs."

The sour voice seemed to laugh at himself and jokingly.

"After all, I'm just a poor clown."

"Why escape! Dogs!!!"

A joke, pretending to be pitiful, and cruel!

The talking guy is schizophrenic! !

I saw a dark shadow slowly emerging from the corner!

The boots on his feet were flushed with the blood of the Yue family, like its cracked mouth.

The scars made the corners of its mouth rise unconsciously, and the **** lipstick oozes the corpses!

If Jiang Chen does this again, he will definitely exclaim!

Absurd clown king!

Behind the absurd clown king, there was a horrible evil skeleton, jumping on the dead body like a child.

"What to eat? What to eat!"

"This woman is so tender!! But recently I have eaten a lot of women and I have gained weight~"

A mischievous tone, accompanied by oozing sentences.

"Overlord Monster Beast!"

The Absurd Clown King's blood basin suddenly opened.

Among the sharp fangs, there was bone stubble foam!

But suddenly, it smelled and stopped.

"Huh? The Space Department? Support role?"

"Cut, stop eating! Find something else!"

"How can there be no powerful one! How can the Yaqi Orochi not die!"

"If Yaqi Orochi died here..."

The permeating self-talk gradually disappeared.

The evil spirit of the clown disappeared in the courtyard full of corpses in the Yue family.

In the early morning of the next day, Yuejiafu City had been cleaned up.

The ground was wet and the water stains were not yet dry.

People in the past are puzzled.

How ostentatious the outrageous Yue family didn't even have a gatekeeper today!

Soon, a few boldly entered Yuejia Mansion City, and after a round of inspection, they ran out in fear.

"All Yue family members are gone!"

"Come and see! It's really gone!"

"My Nima is haunted!"

The residents were in an uproar!

At this moment.

In the midair, black and white light swept across.


Jiang Chen fell on one knee and the slate cracked.

The momentum is like a rainbow, like a meteorite falling from the sky!

The people are scared and stupid.

Starting to worship Jiang Chen like a god.

"Oh! I said that the Yue family had done too many bad things and was condemned by God!"

"Look at it! The gods are down!"

In the panic, several figures fell from the sky.

This time the common people exploded the temple even more.

In their eyes, Li Xiaofu is a canopy general wearing a crystal armor.

Wang Sicong is a Taoist Wentian who sits on a fairy beast.

There are also the fairies in red neon clothes, the nine-tailed fox mysterious girl in the blue gown, and the ten thousand sword goddess in the black windbreaker.

These gods and fairies all looked at the half-black and half-white **** in front of them.

A crowd of civilians bowed down.

When Jiang Chen saw him, he hurriedly went to support him, and his god-like wings hurriedly retracted.

"Ouch, my grandma, get up!"

"You kneel, don't I let me lose my life!"

But no one dared to stand up.

"Look at it! I'm the Beastmaster!"

Everyone looked up and found that Jiang Chen had turned into a handsome young man.

After seeing the appearance, one after another stood up.

Jiang Chen explained.

"I am the king of the Southern Territory side by side. Today is here to check the Yue family!"

"Leader's handwriting!"

As Jiang Chen said, he took out a delicately sealed leather paper.

When everyone in front of him heard the command of the leader, they suddenly fell to the ground again.

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly and could only continue reading.

"The mastermind of the Yue family, kidnapped the domain owner and committed treason."

"The current prisoners have all been arrested and sentenced in accordance with the law!"

"Appoint Wang Jiangchen side by side to check the Yue family!"

After speaking, Jiang Chen hung his encyclical at the gate of Yuejia.

The people went to check.

Six people from Chang'an entered Yue's house.

There were no ordinary people in front of Jiang Chen, and he immediately exposed the nature of the bandit!

"Hahahaha! Copy! Copy to death!"

"It's so cool to copy home!"

"The Heart of the Earth, take it back to Romir!"

"Hahaha! No more antiques, I want it to be a fart!"

The surface was almost searched soon.

Jiang Chen waved his hand!

"Go! Brothers, the surface is almost left to the people to copy, let's go straight to the treasure house!"

After all, everyone came to the Moon Family Secret Treasure Pavilion arrogantly.

The people in the city swarmed up, and even the wooden door was removed and taken away.

The Moon Family Treasury was actually built under the iceberg, and it was blocked by layers of magic circles.

Fortunately, the number of treasure troves that Jiang Chen has been pried is enough and the experience is rich enough!

After several cracks, everyone went deep underground.

In the treasure house, crystal nuclei are piled up like a mountain, shining brightly!

The endless fairy elixirs are displayed in the crystal cabinet, countless!

The geniuses and treasures gathered together, and even the air in the treasure cave was filled with the smell of spiritual energy.

Jiang Chen smelled the power of space in his aura!

Suddenly overjoyed.

"Little Kun Kun!"

The silver light suddenly appeared, and the space department expert Xiao Kun Kun quickly rushed to the space secret treasure!

Almost instantly, he gave Jiang Chen back a gem of the space system!

"Oh! Good stuff!"

"This is a magical walking stone of heaven! Blessed little Kun Kun!"

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