God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 904: Li Qinghou

The wind was bitter above the sky.

Jiang Chen everyone did not dare to delay, and rushed towards Chang'an City overnight without stopping.

On the way, Jiang Chen also notified the Chang'an City Army to guard.

The dragon wolf cavalry stood by all night, ready to fight at any time.

When the sunrise reached the horizon, Jiang Chen and the crowd finally arrived in Chang'an.

As soon as he landed, Jiang Chen hurriedly sent troops!

Thousands of wolves are sent out!

For a time, the scene on the plain was spectacular, with thousands of wolves galloping.

The dust is everywhere, the flag covers the sky!

The army is rolling like waves, sweeping the southern region.

For a time, much attention!

The major forces in the Southern Territory have been blinded.

Chang'an City turned northward.

But from the perspective of military strength, if the city is conquered, the number is really less.

However, some of the Southern Territories who had fought against Jiang Chen quickly closed the gates and entered a defensive state.

They know too much about Jiang Chen's strength!

The humanoid monster is he himself.

At this moment.

The morning glow was everywhere in the city in March.

Red carpet, flower girl, salute, cart and horse.

The guard of honor of the three services at the city gate.

The small March city, which is less than 20 kilometers away, gets rid of the great battles early in the morning.

There is only one reason.

Southern Territory Li Qinghou is about to visit March City.

This time it was a visit, more like an inspection.

If the commercial quality in the city reaches the standard in March, then the commercial resource ratio in the second year will be increased without limit.

In order to make money, the residents of the city all made their own efforts.

The main road of the city in March was guarded under the gate.

Flowers, fruits, and famous wines are all ready.

But the strange thing is that Lu Cheng always held the jug and fruit plate in his hands.

Even if the subordinates take the initiative to take it, they will not let go.

The common people have never seen Lu Cheng so patiently serving dishes, all curious.

At this time, the domain owner came here.

The flagship airship of 490 meters fell slowly.

The deck hatch opened, and white guards lined up on both sides.

Li Qinghou walked out of the hatch.

Wearing a white robe, a jade crown, and a pair of black and gold dragon boots.

A retro dress puts Li Qinghou's coercive force!

Suddenly, the drums rang!

Tom Tom Tom!

Twenty-four sky salute.

A crowd of people flocked to the domain master, their expressions excited and enthusiastic.

I saw the red carpet slowly spreading, and Li Qinghou slowly walked towards March City with the support of ten unparalleled women.

The people cheered after his figure.

Li Qinghou waved his hands very happily and cooperated with the reporters around to find some convenient angles to take photos.

Lu was enthusiastic and attentive, and slowly bowed and bowed in salute.

"Domain Lord is here to visit, Lu Mou is not very honored!"

"Bringing hundreds of people all over the city to welcome you in a big drive, and prepare some snacks and drinks, please take care of the host!"

At this time, Li Qinghou's facial expression was very indifferent, and obviously these scenes were nothing to him.

Standing in a high position, Xiao Xiao, inspecting his domain master, is already very familiar with it.

But the strange thing is that Lu Cheng took a breath at this time.

As if it was a relaxed look that something big had already happened.

Li Qinghou didn't care too much, and went into the city with the team.

Originally, these streets and markets were important targets of this domain owner's commercial inspection.

But Lu Cheng said.

"My lord, the villain already has a banquet at home. It's better to eat some first and then come back and check it out."

"After all, the sun has just risen and some stores have not yet opened."

"The villain is also afraid that you may have misunderstood the commercial ability of the people in this small town."

Zha Yi Road presented these words for the country and the people.

But in fact, people who know him well are almost laughing.

"Hahaha! This way is really capable of pretending."

"He is the one who collects taxes, and he is the one who conceals and fails to report. When did he think about the common people!"

Unfortunately, the truth could not reach Li Qinghou's ears.

Even if he can preach to his ears, it is too late now.

Li Qinghou couldn't help Lucheng, and the two hurried to the City Lord's Mansion.

The people quickly dispersed.

After Lu Cheng repeatedly confirmed that they were correct, everyone opened a banquet.

At this moment, Li Qinghou suddenly felt dizzy and dizzy after drinking some good wine.

He frowned slightly.

"City Lord Lu! You have a lot of stamina for drinking!"

When Li Qinghou looked up, he saw Lu Cheng looking at him with a wicked smile.

"My lord, you drank too quickly."

"Come on! Take the domain master down to rest."

At this time, Li Qinghou's thinking was still clear.

He immediately realized that he had been poisoned!

Inferring from Lucheng's weird behavior, the person who poisoned him was Lucheng.

"Walking in the rivers and lakes for so many years, it is the first time that I was overcast by my own people!"

Li Qinghou couldn't help but think half-consciously.

While he was in a coma, all a dozen of the domain master's guards were killed during the banquet!

Five steps splashed with blood in the magnificent hall!

And Lu Cheng met a mysterious person in his study.

"Elder Moon!"

As soon as he spoke, he revealed the identity of this person.

It was the fourth elder of the Yue family, who left marks!

I saw Yue Liuhen holding a folding fan, shaking the fan indifferently.

"Thanks for your hard work, Lord Road, your mission is over."

Lu Cheng said quickly.

"The elder, what I said before..."

Yue Liuhen smiled with a fan.

"Haha! My Yue family has never owed anything to you. Don't worry, there is only more!"

"Okay, I'm going to take my Yuejia Guardian to seal the city, you can let the soldiers in the city cooperate!"

Lu Cheng heard it and left.

It turned out that he was just a dogleg from the Yue family.

After a while, Li Qinghou woke up slowly.

Everything in the room was covered, and Li Qinghou could not see the sun, nor could he see where he was locked up.

And he also found that he couldn't lift a trace of strength on his body.

He shouted his guards hoarsely, never knowing that they had all been killed.

At this moment, a middle-aged man came to Li Qinghou.

"Lord Li, it's been a long time!"

The visitor is the moon leaving a mark!

Li Qinghou looked astonished.

"It turned out to be you!"

"Are you Yue family crazy! Do you know what crime is for kidnapping a domain owner!"

Yue Liuhen hid his mouth and smiled.

"Ha ha ha! Li Yuzhu can really laugh."

"I am in charge of the criminal law in the Northern Territory!"

"Kidnapping the lord is a capital crime, this kidnapping the lord..."

"Naturally is a crime of genocide!"

Li Qinghou suddenly angrily said.

"It's fine if you know, don't let me go!"

Yue Liuhen looked at Li Qinghou with a strange expression of pity.

"But if no one catches me, then I am no better than to be subjected to criminal law!"

"This is a troubled world!"


Yue Liuhen laughed wildly.

When Li Qinghou got tired, he said.

"Domain Lord hasn't asked why you are tied up!"

Li Qinghou was so angry that he didn't care about the moon leaving marks!


A piece of leather paper in Yue Liuhen's hand, shook fiercely, and the leather paper unfolded.

Li Qinghou glanced around, and suddenly cursed.


"Damn! You Yue family traitors are going to rebel!"

Yueliuhen was shocked by the sound of the eardrum.

"Stop howling!"

"Look at you, there is no such thing as a city lord!"

"It's better to let it out, there are many in this world that are more suitable for this city lord than you!"

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