God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 869: Xiaohei promoted to overlord!

The terrifying coercion was airborne.

All the Tianshui Pavilion disciples were completely confused at this time!

The attraction in Xiao Hei's body instantly sucked away all the elemental power they had accumulated so hard!

not only.

I saw a sudden release in the sky!

The starry sky is bright, but the essence of the starry sky is also absorbed.

On Tianshui Pavilion, the fantastic stars are just in front of you!

And this beautiful starlight is constantly entering Xiao Hei's body.

Its body was shining with twenty-eight star formations in the four directions, southeast, northwest, and the sound of Haoyu Chaos came from one mouth!

Haoyu Chaos Ancestral Dragon Qilin stands proudly in the sky, looking up at the stars!

Overlord power sweeps the sky.

Jiang Chen's eyes were swept away, and Xiao Hei's data appeared.

[Monster name]: Haoyu Chaos Ancestral Dragon Kirin

[Monster Level]: Level 60 (Overlord Level)

[Monster quality]: Legendary quality

[Monster attribute]: Five Elements Chaos (has the power of the starry sky, the power of wind and thunder, and the lack of golden wood water)

【Monster State】: Healthy (pleasure)

[Monster characteristics]: With the blood of primitive unicorns, you can transform yourself into the ancient ancestor unicorns, possess the blood of the starry unicorns, and master the power of strengthening the battle to the stars.

[Weakness of Monster Beast]: Unknown

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

"Overlord! It is really overlord!" Jiang Chen clenched his fists excitedly.

Xiao Hei became the first overlord monster Jiang Chen evolved!

The same level as you guys!

Moreover, this evolution immediately caused a sensation in the Southern Territory!

The power of the entire Southern Territory has no sleep tonight!

Everyone knows that after Jiang Chen went to Tianshui Pavilion, Yu Beast evolved to the overlord level!

At this moment.

The powerful aura of the overlord permeated the Tianshui Pavilion.

Countless Tianshui Pavilion disciples have witnessed the breakthrough of this king-level peak.

This has countless benefits for their future cultivation and practice.

Even if the elemental power is mobilized and requisitioned for a while, it is worth it!

At this time Xu Daoyuan was smiling bitterly with the elders.

"The first time I saw the pill that evolved by absorbing snatching!"

"Cosmic explosion pill, sure enough, the pill is exactly what it says!"


And Jiang Chen did not participate in the discussion at this time.

He held Xiao Hei very excitedly.

Xiao Hei is also grateful.

At this time, it has stepped into the threshold of becoming a beast.

As the owner of its blood contract, Jiang Chen remembered every effort and every feeling he put in his eyes.


Master, go home and eat sweet and sour squirrel fish!

Jiang Chen hugged Xiao Hei's inner monologue out.

"Good! Eat! Eat big pieces!"

"Sister Qinger!"

Jiang Chen called.

Xu Qinger suddenly jumped over and asked him what's wrong.

Jiang Chen said very politely.

"I have to borrow your treasure to use it!"

"You guys have helped me so much and helped me eliminate the three scums of the Yue family. I must not treat you badly!"

Xu Qinger couldn't help but feel a little annoyed when she heard Jiang Chen tell herself to come over and talk about this.

She said proudly.

"It doesn't matter, we have been working closely together, your good is sister mine!"

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly.

"Sister Qing'er, Jiang Chen and Tianshui Pavilion have an indissoluble bond."

"In times of crisis, my uncle and sister kept helping Jiang Chen. When Jiang Chen was weak, he could only help each other with Tianshui Pavilion."

"Now, Jiang Chen is no longer the fledgling boy."

"Therefore, the grace of dripping water shall be repaid by the spring."

"The elders and brothers today have no reward for the kindness of Jiang Chen, and he is willing to thank you all with customized pills!"

After hearing that Jiang Chen was sincere, and saved her life today, Xu Qinger had to pouting her lips and agreeing.

"Okay! What help do you need, just mention it!"

Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I want a salmon, a mutant salmon rich in elemental power."

ten minutes later.

Jiang Chen stepped into Xu Qing'er's boudoir.

This is not the first time he has entered a girl's boudoir.

But Xu Qinger's room was obviously different.

The clear water golden-eyed beast lay in the front yard.

Layers of fairy cage mist floated under the primitive stone lampposts.

The elegant wooden door slowly opened, and the fragrance was tangy.

There is a painting in front of the door, which is of high mountains and flowing water.

A poem by the bed praised the Merry Dancer.

The whole room is extremely elegant, neat and clean, without losing vitality and youth.

This fragrance almost made Jiang Chen drunk.

At this moment, Xu Qing'er came back with a big fish covered in water.

This is what she helped Jiang Chen bring back to make squirrel mandarin fish.

I saw Jiang Chen carefully ticking a little bit on the paper, writing a lot of medicinal herbs and precautions.

Xu Qing'er entered the house and Jiang Chen didn't notice it.

She shouted angrily.

"Jiang Chen!"

"Jiang Chen! Jiang Chen!"

"Wake up, the fish is here!"

Only then did Jiang Chen react.

I saw Xu Qing'er getting wet with water.

Under the clear water gown, the carcass is attractive and shiny.

Jiang Chen said in his heart.

It turns out that Sister Qing'er has such a lovely time too!

"Catch it! This fish is still alive!"

Xu Qing'er didn't notice that she was wet with water, she was still fighting with the fish in her hand.

Jiang Chen quickly cleared the alluring picture in front of him.

He took the salmon and took the recipe in his hand.

Before leaving, Jiang Chen said.

"Sister Qing'er, your clothes are wet!"

After speaking, he closed the door and left the boudoir.

Xu Qinger was taken aback, then bowed her head.

I am more than wet, so wet, transparent!

Her link suddenly became red to the root of her ears.

Jiang Chen made squirrel salmon for Xiao Hei.

That night, he practiced 120 pills.

This is also the number of Royal Beasts that Tianshui Pavilion successfully promoted overnight.

Among them, half of the royal beasts entered the king level from the leader level after taking Jiang Chen's prescription!

You know, most of the beast masters have been stuck at the King of Light level for a lifetime!

When Jiang Chen left, the entire Tianshui Pavilion was dispatched to send Jiang Chen.

Only Xu Qinger did not appear.

When Jiang Chen returned to Chang'an, Mo Yan had completely recovered.

Jiang Chen happily led Mo Yan to play in Chang'an.

Gourmet scenery, various Chang'an characteristics.

After a lot of fun, the two returned to the room.

The night is dim and the candlelight is melancholy.

It was the beauty of the good day, Mo Yan was ashamed.

Jiang Chen sat at the tea table and suddenly opened his sleeves!

Mo Yan suddenly closed his eyes!

The silver shoulders and short hair swayed lightly, seeming to be shaking.

call out!

Jiang Chen pulled out a roll of drawing paper.

Mo Yan was taken aback.

"Jiang Chen, what do you mean!"

Jiang Chen was also taken aback.


"Come on, try if you can draw the map we walked through today!"

Mo Yan suddenly understood that he had misunderstood!

After I figured it out, my face suddenly turned pink.

Jiang Chen took out his pen and motioned for her to recall.

Mo Yan is a super handsome inheritor, and his ability to watch monuments is a basic skill!

Seeing her waving the pen and ink in her hand, she quickly drew the route of the two people throughout the day.

There was almost no pause.

Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction.

With a grin on his face, my heart is already bursting!

"You can find a treasure now!" Jiang Chen thought.

Then he spoke.

"Mo Yan, Xiao Yanyan, please do me a favor!"

Mo Yan was making Jiang Chen angry just now, and when he heard that Jiang Chen asked for something, he immediately akimbo his hips.

"Huh! Say if you have something, let it go!"

Jiang Chen smiled and said to Mo Yan.

"Hey! I want to hand over the pioneer intelligence agency to you!"

Mo Yan was immediately trapped.

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