God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 862: thanks for reminding!

Jiang Chen and Xiao Hei A Leng were trapped all the way, trapping a Yue family elite who was fleeing on the plain outside Xingxiao City.

call out! !

The sound exploded!

Jiang Chen opened his wings and fell from the sky at this time!

Boom! !

A kick that shook the earth and kicked the deserter!

Bang! ! !

The man was kicked a dozen meters away.

Puff! !

The dripping blood suddenly spurted from the black robe population, splattering to the ground, and without air intake, he was dead.

Just when Jiang Chen clapped his hands and was about to continue ascending into the air to hunt down.

I saw the gate of Star City, an embarrassed figure was climbing the stairs frantically.

It is the third elder of the Yue Family!

Jiang Chen opened his hands slowly, and the sacred power formed a simple long bow, like a harp in his hand.

I saw a pure milky white light flashed through my right hand, and my fingertips condensed.

Zheng! !

A specially made arrow feathers with strangely long rays of light flashing formidable.

Draw a bow and set an arrow.

The shocking sacred power aimed at the three elders, just as they were about to shoot out.


A flame spear fell from the sky and directly set the three elders on the ground!

Jiang Chen immediately looked back.

I saw the Super Firetail Totoro smiling triumphantly.

Afterwards, Xiao Ruan Dan noticed Jiang Chen's sight.

It hurriedly stuck its tongue out and ran away.

Jiang Chen said to everyone in doubt.

"When did this little thing follow?"

What was even more puzzled in Jiang Chen's mind was the terrifying energy manipulation ability of the little soft egg.

The two were separated by nearly a kilometer, and one shot pierced the three elders.

There seems to be such an incredible power hidden in the tiny body!

The crowd blocked the entrance of Star City to prevent the survivors from sneaking into the city.

The body of the third elder was dragged out by Jiang Chen and burned, and the phone was completely burned by Jiang Chen.

Seeing Jiang Xiaoguo's video circulated in the mobile phone to the group, Jiang Chen once again sent someone to search for the signal source and must find and destroy the mobile phone.

At this moment, Jiang Chen suddenly heard a curse.

"Jiang Chen! What do you mean, the one who killed us led troops to station at the gate of the city!"

Jiang Chen looked up with a look of disgust, and said impatiently.

"Am I getting in your way at your door?"

"I wish I could live at the door without you worrying about it!"

The one on the city is the garrison sergeant of Star City.

Jiang Chen's hunt this time, he sent out five to sixty thousand people and the beast.

Anyone who looks at it will panic.

This sergeant commander heard Jiang Chen's stubborn temper, and he was even more panicked!

"You! You! Could it be that you will not be able to attack the city!"

Hearing this, Jiang Chen's eyes suddenly lit up!

"Hahaha!! You reminded me!"

He laughed a lot.

"It's all here, just take the city down!"

"It can be regarded as giving you Zhang Zhang's memory!"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Li Xiaofu immediately started gearing up!

"Haha! Brother Chen is awesome, he should have done this grandson a long time ago!"

Everyone also looked excited!

Jiang Chen shouted at the city.

"Thanks for reminding! Haha!"

"We are here, it's not interesting not to fight!"

"Brothers Nightmare, do it!"

I saw Jiang Chen waved his hand.

Several black mists suddenly appeared above the city!

In the mist, the sharp Hanmang knife shone silently.

When no one noticed it, it was already in front of the necks of hundreds of city defense soldiers!

Jiang Chen put his hand on the side of his neck and gently made an obliterating gesture.

The leader of the city defense is still wondering.

"Jiang Chen! Did you make that gesture to kill..."

He can only say half of what he said.

Because in the next second, his throat has been cut!

The blood squeezed into his lungs, making him speechless and breathless.


In an instant, a corner of the city defense was obliterated!

What's more frightening is that Dire's figure suddenly disappeared.

The entire tower is very strange, there is not a single living person left!

Jiang Chen went into town with a big fanfare!

For a time, all the residents on the road were gathered.

Hundreds of Night Dire pioneered the way, and all the guards were wiped their necks before they could react!

The civilians were safely taken to the street by Jiang Chen.

While slaughtering Sergeant Yue Family.

Suddenly, a terrifying coercion appeared on Jiang Chen's head!

"Jiang Chen! How dare you make a mistake on the Yue family site!"

Jiang Chen saw a samurai wearing a large blue robe descending from the sky!

The moon sickle sign on the chest shines brightly.

Everyone immediately guessed that it was also some senior in the Yue family!

At this time, Jiang Chen frowned suspiciously.

"Since you can come to my site to catch my sister!"

"Why can't I come to the Yue family's site to kill people?"

The people around heard it and it exploded.

"Catch someone's sister? It's not for the family! You are too rubbish!"

"Yeah, why don't you let the children go, it's too vicious!"

The head of the samurai was so embarrassed and angry that he suddenly shouted.

"The idle and miscellaneous people are waiting to retreat quickly, this Jiang Chen is deceiving the crowd!"

Jiang Chen laughed when he heard it.

"Hahaha! Demon words?"

"You look in the mirror and see yourself now, you are the only way to confuse the crowd!"

After all, Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone.

The video inside is the video of the Three Elders leading people to search the City Lord's Mansion and intending to take Jiang Xiaoguo away.

Of course, the screening stopped when the third elder Jiang Xiaoguo Danfei.

"If it weren't for me to bring defensive treasures to my sister, now she has been brutally killed!"

Now, the people of the Yue family can't even let out the fart!

In an instant, the common people began to yell at the samurai!

Jiang Chen waved his hand and began to order.

"The Yue family has a very serious heart!"

"Kill Guangyue family gangsters and save the people in safety!"

With an order, Dragon Blood Storm Wolf immediately rushed into the city.

Night Dire also began to take action on a large scale.

Suddenly, there was a miserable cry in the city!

at this time.

The coercion of terror strikes!

The warrior leader in front of Jiang Chen showed a terrifying evil spirit!

The temperature of the air drops instantly. .

In the midair, a dozen terrifying blue and purple wandering souls slowly floated out.

Dozens of iron ropes entangled on these blue wandering souls.

A slender figure slowly emerged.

The coquettish and gorgeous body is covered with tight-fitting leather formal wear, matching short skirts, high-heeled boots and big brimmed hat, just like women's military uniform, but without any signs.

In his hand, there is a slender whip.


In the enchanting laughter, the woman stepped on the wandering soul and slowly walked down from mid-air.

It was a graceful and graceful ghost beast!

[Name of Monster Beast]: Warden of Soul Locking Code

[Monster Level]: Level 60 (Overlord)

[Monster quality]: perfect quality

[Monster attribute]: Fighting system/Ghost system

[Monster State]: pleasure (erotic)

[Monster characteristics]: The controversial male prison and female warden, who are good at torture and charm. Whether in death or purgatory, they will make men want to stop.

[Weaknesses of Monster Beasts]: Fighting

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

Jiang Chen couldn't help but smile when he looked at this look!

"This big man, why did you expose your habit of raising the beast!"

The look of this monster is clearly an SM queen!

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