God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1598: Sincerity

For a moment, Jiang Chen seemed to feel submerged in a cloud of doubt.

Two scientists were photographed by a young reporter.

Immediately afterwards, the young reporter died.

This link is linked together.

If it is not a causal relationship, no one believes it!

Jiang Chen, who had obtained the information of the two men, did not immediately report it to Officer Judy.

These two people may have a deep background. As Police Officer Judy, there would be a lot of inconvenience if they were there.

She is the object to be protected, not Jiang Chen's tool.

To check these two scientists, Jiang Chen had to do it himself.

Just when he and Lucifer were about to leave the apartment, the phone rang in the room suddenly!

Jiang Chen and Lucifer were full of differences.

The owner of the room has been killed. Who will call him at this time?

Jiang Chen answered the phone immediately.


Only listening to the low and hoarse male voice on the other end of the phone.

"Listen... Wait for me at the fountain in the southwest corner of Central Park at four o'clock in the morning..."

Speaking of this, the other end hung up the phone.

Jiang Chen glanced at Lucifer.

"This reporter may not be that simple. He has other contacts and asked to meet in Central Park at four in the morning."

Lucifer snapped his fingers immediately.

"Catch the person who meets first!"

"If the two scientists have a relationship with Chuanmu Group, then Chuanmu Group must now believe that the reporter is dead, and the identities of the two scientists will most likely be exposed. It is not so easy for the two of us to look for. !"

"The person on the phone asked us to meet him at four in the morning. This is the most direct clue right now."

Jiang Chen gave a thumbs up.

"Yes, this kid is getting more and more with his father!"

Lucifer didn't understand at first, and smiled stupidly, thinking that Jiang Chen was complimenting him.

I saw Jiang Chen patted his chest and said.

"The tiger father has no dogs!"

Lucifer realized that Jiang Chen was taking advantage of him.

The two made a fuss and rushed out of the apartment.

At four o'clock in the morning, Jiang Chen had changed into a more fashionable youth outfit.

He wears a baseball cap and pretends to wipe his retro Nike on the bench.

The morning light slowly rises, and the bustling New York City gradually extinguishes the city's night lights.

At this moment, a tall man wearing a brown windbreaker slowly walked out of the park path.

He put his hands in his pockets, wore a wide-brimmed hat on his head, a pair of sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, and buried his entire face in the collar of the trench coat.

It looks like an agent in the 1980s.

The man walked over and asked Jiang Chen.

"Sir, are you anybody?"

Jiang Chen didn't speak, but shook his head.

Let the man sit down next to Jiang Chen, then lowered his throat and asked Jiang Chen.

"How about it, did you get everything?"

Jiang Chen frowned.

He didn't know until now that it turned out to be a deal.

But what is the deal?

Between the reporter and a strange man...

It's probably intelligence!

However, the intelligence that Jiang Chen possessed was only those two scientists.

After thinking about it, Jiang Chen took out the photos of the two scientists from his pocket in order to prevent himself from wearing clothes.

The man in the windbreaker pulled out his hand, wearing black leather gloves, making this guy very mysterious.

He pinched the two photos.

"Yeah! That's right!"

"But why don't you bring the other photos?"

These words immediately made Jiang Chen's expressions.

But he was not out of fear or nervousness.

Dominant-level powerhouse, there are too few facts that this world can make him nervous.

Jiang Chen was suspicious because of the photo.

From the information exposed by the man in the trench coat around him, it is known that the situation where the reporter wants to trade is not only the two photos of the characters, but other photos will be used as intelligence to make a transaction.

But Jiang Chen didn't see other relevant photos at all.

The wall was covered with landscapes and ruins. Lucifer Jiangcheng had checked it carefully, and there was no sign of abnormality at all.

Then there is only one possibility.

The killer broke into the dark room after killing people and took the photos away during the meal time!

This is why the robot can move wildly around the room.

If the killer just fetches a fast food, then when he returns, he should immediately shut down the robot and process the video content.

This killer did not do so.

The reason is simple. He is constantly searching for photos in the darkroom and picking out useful photos.

When he finished picking the photos and finished eating and came out of the secret door, the robot had already destroyed the room.

It should be at this moment that the sound of the police car came from downstairs.

So the killer realized that he was too late to deal with the robot, so he had to throw it into the air-conditioning duct.

The half-processed scene had to be shelved in the middle, and the blood on the floor was too late to wipe.

The killer rushed out of the building with the photo...


It is impossible for this killer to rush out of the building safely.

At that time the police had already arrived, which made him so panic and anxious.

See how he got out?

Jiang Chen's doubts instantly hit his mind.

The man in the windbreaker coughed, and Jiang Chen realized that he had not answered his question.


Jiang Chen lowered his voice.

"These two are just sincere, and they can be given to you for nothing."

"It's a big deal, I want to see your sincerity!!"

Hearing this, the man in the windbreaker's voice suddenly became fierce.

"Are you bargaining with me? Do you think you have this qualification!"

"Little thing, did I tell you long ago that I am from Chuanmu Group? Have you ever thought about the consequences of going against us?"

As soon as he said this, Jiang Chen felt his heart contract.

The person in front of you is from Chuanmu Ji**?

This is illogical!

The Chuanmuji ** killed the reporter, and sent someone over to trade intelligence?

Could it be that the Huairou policy and the bandit policy were carried out at the same time?

This is not the style of Chuanmu Group!

Jiang Chen looked at the windbreaker man in front of him, not knowing what to say for a while.

His mind turned sharply, and finally compiled a reason to deal with the current exposed crisis.

"I know you are Chuanmu Group, but Chuanmu Group should not be bad for money."

"I'm just an ordinary man, this photo is a waste of paper in my hands, but you are like treasures to him."

"So... why don't we take what we need?"

The man in the windbreaker took a deep breath.

"I shouldn't have believed you back then!"

"Okay! I'll take these two photos first, and I will contact you for the rest of the matter!"


The man in the windbreaker got up and left.

Jiang Chen did not immediately follow, but motioned Lucifer with his eyes.

People in Chuanmu Group are very smart. If Jiang Chen disappears now, they will definitely be suspicious.

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