In the first game, blackjack was played.

Not only is it larger than the number of points, there is also a blackjack line pressed down.

As long as the card points burst into blackjack, it is a loser.

It stands to reason that this kind of game is the most profitable for the dealer, but when the two bet against each other, there is no dealer but only comparison.

As soon as the game started, Phelps knocked on the table.

"I want to download three books!"

Next three books, which means to bet three times.

But this does not mean a triple bet.

Three books are based on the original card ratio and two more cards.

Win and earn more than three times the money.

But if you lose, the money you lose is higher than normal.

The bunny girl immediately handed out three hole cards to Phelps.

With these three cards face down, no one can see what the hole cards look like.

Lucifer had only one hole card in front of him.

Take a look, the ace of spades.

Then, the Bunny began to divide the cards between the two. Phelps had a ten of hearts, a ten of spades, and a square ten.

Phelps immediately looked towards Lucifer and wanted to observe Lucifer's expression to determine whether his hole cards were big or small.

However, Lucifer is an old fox who has attained the Tao for a thousand years!

He immediately turned his head to look at the golden rat, with a sad and tired expression on his face, and said in a tremolo.

"Oh~ ah~ finished playing~"

The Golden Rat suddenly wanted to kill Lucifer.

But when Lucifer's card was divided, the two were suddenly stunned.

Aces of hearts.

Anyone who has played Blackjack knows that the A four cards are superstars in this game!

It can be used as 11 o'clock, but also as one point.

As a two-faced faction, the appearance of A greatly reduces the chance of a player exploding thunder.

If Lucifer only got an A, then Phelps drew three 10s at once, and Lucifer would be very difficult to win!

The A and 10 for 11 are added, which is exactly 21 o'clock!

The two were evenly matched.

After all, Phelps also had three chances to draw an A.

But Lucifer now has two Aces, and the probability of winning or losing is quite different!

Moreover, Lucifer's card is now larger than Phelps's, so he has the final say!

After playing here, Phelps is very gentleman.

He stretched out his hand and made a request.

"Mr. Lucifer, a small bet is happy, a big bet hurts you!"

Lucifer said that you, a casino owner, have any qualifications to say this?

But there was still a smile on his face.

"Mr. Phelps makes sense, then we will bet on this game... one million!"

The golden rat's eyes are straight!

one million! A little gamble?

He squeezed the gambling table tightly, and his mighty energy poured deep into the wood, and immediately penetrated the surface of the table.

However, this layer of vigor was so hidden that no one noticed it in the room.

Lucifer still smiled and took out the money from the box.

A whole wad of brand new banknotes smashed heavily on the gaming table!

Phelps laughed.


"Then I must follow three books!"

With three books, the bunny girl struggling to lift three million and threw herself on the table, her body protruding forward and backwards completely displayed in front of Lucifer.

"Ah~ it hurts, my lord!"

This sweet cry is comparable to the temptation of a blockbuster.

But Lucifer was completely unmoved.

Lucifer is a gambler at this time, so you must be a professional gambler.

The croupier's fingers moved slightly, and Phelps had three more cards in front of him.

Diamond J, Diamond 2, Diamond 6 of Spades.

The pile of cards on his left has exploded with thunder!

Phelps sighed lightly, and carried the cards that had been reported.

"Originally I was Sanchakou, now there are only two left!"

Phelps looked at the bunny girl slightly.

"The cards are not going well today!"

He said that he pushed the banknote in his hand to the middle.

The back of this card means that the two have just met in a few minutes, and Lucifer has now won one million!

One million Trump's US knives are enough to cultivate an ordinary-qualified leader-level royal beast!

But it's too early to be happy.

There are still two cards in Phelps' hands, and he still has a chance to comeback.

Bunny girl deals cards.

She unknowingly moved her slender fingers, and immediately adjusted the top and bottom cards of the deck.

This action was done unconsciously, but things didn't just pass.

When the bunny girl moved, a silver light flashed across the edge of her fingertips.


Lucifer played a two of hearts.

The golden rat covered his mouth in surprise

"Oh! It's a second!"

The bunny girl was puzzled and touched the pile of cards in her hand in disbelief.

The corner of the card is raised, and an A is vaguely visible.

At this moment, Phelps was full of anger, and fire seemed to burst out of his eyes.

"Why are your hands shaking? Come here! Lock her up for me!"

The bunny girl who dealt the cards was immediately dragged away by the surrounding sisters and locked in a dog cage. The scene was very abnormal.

Little Kunkun jumped on Lucifer's shoulder: "Lucifer, the card has been changed."

Of course, Lucifer has known for a long time that the trick of changing cards can't fool Lucifer, an old casino gambler!

But he still smiled.

This time is great, in exchange for one and two!

With this two, he can make a big bet!

"Mr. Phelps calmed down, an ace, a two, not a flush, my hand is small, you speak!"

Phelps immediately changed his face.

"Hahaha, small 6 can speak."

"Then come for ten million! A little gamble!"


The golden rat spewed out old blood.

"It's great to have money, it's really evil capitalism!"

Lucifer was not as angry as the Golden Rat.

He, an old fox, naturally knew that Phelps was using money to excite himself!

But now he has two aces and a two on the cards in his hand. He has to get the next card to know whether he can continue to bet.

Lucifer smiled slightly.

"Follow! Anyway, I won't lose my wife!"

Phelps pretended to give a thumbs up.

"Hahaha! It's so bold!"

"But I can no longer call here."

With that, Phelps turned over the 6-faced hole card.

"Hahaha, Club 4, exactly 20 o'clock, no longer follow."

Twenty is more embarrassing.

Win or lose will not be determined until the end of the game.

If Lucifer’s card bursts, then Phelps will have to win at least 20 million!

In contrast, the one million just now was a tickle!

Phelps knocked on the table again.


The bunny girl immediately dealt the changed cards.

Phelps suddenly added a square A in his hand!

In the next second, Lucifer handed out a club A.

The cards of the two are actually the same!

The bunny girl was immediately blinded, and she said that she touched this card 1,800 times a day, more frequently than she played mahjong, why did she feel so disobedient in her hand today?

She didn't even know that Xiao Kun Kun was already in ambush in the deck!

This is good, both of them have Aces.

But relatively speaking, the three cards in Phelps's hand are all diamonds.

This means that he is likely to have a flush!

"Hahaha, sorry, Mr. Lucifer, I'm a little older, I'm talking."

Lucifer sneered in her heart.

"Always perverted, Uncle Devil will make you look good in a while!"

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