God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1440: Superman

Locke has joined his bodyguard.

The entire villa and manor are guarded like iron barrels.

Everyone's eyes fell on Jiang Chen and Zong Zheng.

This time, Zong Zheng has the chance to win.

"None of us are fools, so let's open the skylight and talk brightly!"

"You took that batch of herbal medicines, it is nothing more than recruiting troops to expand your power. I can open the treasury for you through the back door and provide medicinal materials of high quality and superb quality!"

Jiang Chen's heartstrings were suddenly moved!

The medicinal materials above the superb quality are very rare.

On the market, the more common medicinal materials may reach the limit of tens of thousands of alliance coins.

But if the medicinal materials are labeled as exquisite, they will not flow to the market, and will only be auctioned on the Beastmaster Forum or among the major guilds.

The transaction price ranges from tens to millions, and some rare medicinal materials can even exceed 10 million!

Except for alliances and nations, no one can own such wealth privately.

Even Jiang Chen is no exception.

If you really have mastered large quantities of medicinal materials above the top grade, Jiang Chen must get them!

Zong Zheng said vowedly.

"Not to be missed."

After hearing this, Jiang Chen finally made up his mind.

"If you really have a large quantity of superb medicinal materials in your hand, I would take the risk!"

A bright light flashed across Zong Zheng's eyes.

He didn't know what purpose Jiang Chen wanted these treasures.

But seeing Jiang Chen agreeing so readily, it must be of great use!

However, now that Zong Zheng and Jiang Chen are using each other, Zong Zheng can no longer find out what Jiang Chen is going to do.

So he took out that kind face again.

"Good! Refreshing!"

The two shook hands and made peace in full view.

Locke was very insightful and suddenly shouted.

"The thorns and roses gather together!"

"Girls! Take care of everything you guys eat!"

A group of women's army opened the way and instantly leveled the wilderness with complex terrain.

Jiang Chen and Zong Zheng took the lead, behind which was a steel force like a beast.

A team quickly traversed the vast wilderness of the Bear Nation League and came to Baikal City to settle down.

This place is less than 30 kilometers away from the front line of the Trump Alliance.

This is already the farthest warning range of the city.

Once the Trump Alliance forces are launched, they will inevitably pass through the city of Baikal!

Time soon came to the evening.

Everyone gathered in Locke's mansion.

As a film star, Locke's real estate is all over the Bear Country League.

But Jiang Chen was very puzzled.

The style of Locke’s mansion in Baikal is exactly the same as the villa in the wilderness.

Luxurious decoration, **** maid.

Everywhere revealed his style of filming the emperor.

As soon as Jiang Chen and Aya got here, they couldn't leave the door behind closed doors.

Those **** women outside, they really can't bear it!

Only Lucifer, holding a wine glass and smoking a cigarette, confessed these Locke's private soldiers everywhere.

If he were not the lord of hell, he would definitely call this heaven!

After a while, Zong Zheng came up.

"Jiang Chen, no matter how angry you are, you have to eat some food!"

It's not that Jiang Chen didn't eat, he and Aya had already eaten in the small world.

With the current relationship between the two, Zong Zheng's food Jiang Chen dare not eat!

Seeing Jiang Chen not making trouble, Zong Zheng continued.

"Information from the front, about 70,000 Trump Union soldiers are stationed in John City."

When Jiang Chen heard this, his eyes lit up.

"70,000? Why don't we go get them now!"

Zong Zheng immediately waved his hand.

"This army is not easy to deal with, there is a class of arms you have never heard of!"

Jiang Chen was a little puzzled.

"Regardless of whether they are ordinary people or beastmasters, I will summon one hundred thousand Yin Soldiers from the city to ensure that none of these 70,000 people are left!"

Zong is serious.

"I know you have the ability to single out a city, but this time is different."

"The troop alliance is equipped with superhumans!"

Jiang Chen suddenly raised his brows.

"I have heard of supernatural beings, but I have never seen one."

Zong Zheng nodded.

"Of course, after all, there are no lunatics in the Yanhuang League!"

"The supernatural being is the product of alchemy. The first supernatural being that appeared in the world was the first man-in-the-bottle, Homunculuz!"

"The so-called abilities are actually the remnants of an alchemy magic circle."

"Just like the beast master uses the magic circle, the power used by the supernatural beings is also the elemental power produced after the cataclysm, but their bodies form an invisible and intangible alchemy formation!"

Jiang Chen gradually recalled Elizabeth's appearance in his eyes.

According to Zong Zheng's description, the deified Elizabeth is a typical supernatural person!

The power of the alchemy circle and the blood poison is far different, and it is completely different from the transformed Elizabeth of the Dark Emperor Charles.

The supernatural person Elizabeth did not have the slightest breath of monsters in her body, her mind was very clear, but her body structure had changed a lot.

Elizabeth's body is filled with golden dragon blood, which is the legendary sage stone.

When the dragon blood in Elizabeth's body reaches a certain concentration, after the cruelty of the ancient alchemy circle, a semi-deified dragon-man hybrid will be born.

Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

"Yanhuang has no alchemists at all!"

Zong Zheng nodded.

"Alchemy is so crazy, not only do experiments with various objects, but also want to do biological experiments, and in the end, do experiments on humans!"

"People who do this kind of research are not for the development and progress of mankind, but for their own self-interest, money and death!"

Hearing Zongzheng's words filled with righteous indignation, Jiang Chen almost had some illusions, and all the things standing in front of him were still the upright Yanhuang leader.

But when Jiang Chen came to a position as high as the leader, he suddenly discovered that he didn't know when he and Zong Zheng had already drawn a clear line.

Jiang Chen shook his head and immediately got rid of the entanglement with Zong Zheng.

Utilization is utilization, there is nothing to say.

After sorting out his thoughts, Jiang Chen asked.

"Even if there are people with supernatural powers in that troop, with the strength of our joint efforts, can't it be defeated?"

Zong Zheng was immediately at a loss.

"It's hard for me to explain to you, those people with abilities are very weird!"

At this moment, Aya spoke suddenly.

"Yes, you haven't fought against a supernatural person!"

"During the time in Borderlands, I suffered a sneak attack, but you never thought of what it was that attacked me!"

Aya looked at Jiang Chen, her deep eyes burst into horror.


Jiang Chen suddenly felt his hair horrified, and a chill came to his heart.

"Hair?! So disgusting?"

Aya said immediately.

"No! If it's just as simple as disgusting."

"Sneak attack on my hair, from myself!"

Jiang Chen suddenly took a breath.

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