God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1434: Bright Lion

The majestic golden lion stood on the preaching stage with a proud face.

"that's amazing!"

Jiang Chen stepped forward and touched the lion's forehead.

This action seemed to anger the proud lion.


The golden lion suddenly let out a threatening growl.

The classmates present were startled suddenly, and broke into a cold sweat.

If something accident happens and you bite Jiang Chen, it will be over!

At this moment, a pure milky light flashed under Jiang Chen's palm.

A holy cross is stamped on the golden lion's forehead all the time!

In the stunned students, the holy light covered the whole body of the golden lion.

The majestic golden hair is instantly covered with a layer of solid sterling silver armor!

Hundreds of data streams flashed in Jiang Chen's eyes.

The Golden Lion's data was reassembled and appeared in Jiang Chen's pupils.

[Name of Monster Beast]: Bright Lion King

【Monster Level】: Level 50 (King Level)

[Monster quality]: perfect quality

[Monster attributes]: Holy Light/Fighting

【Monster State】: Healthy (pleasure)

[Monster characteristics]: Adhering to the blood of the golden lion king clan, obtaining the power of holy light

[Weaknesses of Monster Beasts]: Flying

[Evolution route]: There are 5 evolution routes...

Under Jiang Chen's palm, the Bright Lion King was as cute as a kitten.

However, the pure king-level pressure on him shocked all the students present.

"The owner of that golden lion is the tiger with the worst grades at school!"

"It is said that he picked up even Yu Beast!"

"The most powerful coercion is that the golden lion has evolved and reached the king level?"

The students suddenly took a breath again.

Yang Xiaohu looked silly.

As the classmates said, he picked this golden lion from the mountain stream.

On that day, the two lion kings led the herd to a duel in the middle of the valley.

The battle between the kings can be said to be a tragic world.

The mountains are constantly cracking, forming mountain streams and mudslides.

At the moment of chaos, Yang Xiaohu, who had just awakened his qualifications as a beast master, passed by the mountain stream. He escaped by chance, and found the dying golden lion cub among the rocks of the mudslide.

After Yang Xiaohu raised it, he realized that this is the offspring of the famous Golden Lion King!

From then on, Yang Xiaohu also seemed to go all the way to the pinnacle of life.

When he finally arrived in Chang'an and was admitted to the Monster Beastmaster Academy with his proud ability, he suddenly discovered that there are so many monsters in this world!

Every student in the college is a top talent, and the bloodline of the Golden Lion King can only be the bottom of these people.

However, Yang Xiaohu did not give up.

Although the Wicked Beastmaster Academy crushed his pride, it also taught him how to work **** the ground!

Because of his weak strength, it is entirely natural to encounter bullying and abuse in society.

Fortunately, although the classmate of the evil beastmaster academy is an aloof personality, he is not a villain.

Weak here will indeed be looked down upon, but no one will abandon him because of our weakness.

Yang Xiaohu and several classmates who had the same experience hit it off and organized a progressive team to study how to evolve the beast.

The Royal Beasts of the other students in the team have evolved one after another, and some outstanding students even graduated early and left the school.

Only the golden lion in Yang Xiaohu's hands has never reached the king level.

And now, Jiang Chen touched it casually, and the golden lion had evolved! !

Yang Xiaohu was relieved from his surprise, and the first words he opened his mouth made Jiang Chen amused.

"Oh, mommy!"

Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"How old are you this year, and what level were you when you were admitted to the Beastmaster Academy?"

Excited heart, shaking hands.

Yang Xiaohu can't speak anymore.

"I... uh... sixteen!"

"Before entering the academy, it was the pinnacle of the generals."

Jiang Chen smiled.

"It seems that studying in the academy makes great progress!"

"Tell me, what level are you now?"

Yang Xiaohu stopped suddenly and did not immediately answer Jiang Chen's words.

He only felt that he had a burst of blood breaking through the arteries of his neck and rushing directly to his forehead.

Both eyes became red and swollen uncontrollably, and tears were about to flow out.

Jiang Chen slapped him on the shoulder.

"Wake up! This is not where you sleep!"

Yang Xiaohu suddenly became sober.

"Wow! Woohoo!"

I cried in public!

He covered his eyes and said in tears.

"I, I, I... have reached the king level!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Mom, I am king!"

In the crowd in the audience, someone suddenly took the lead and applauded.


Applause followed on the playground.

Jiang Chen gently rubbed Yang Xiaohu's shoulder.

"Well, I didn't see you crying when I let you rise to the king level!"

Yang Xiaohu immediately held his mouth.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

Jiang Chen responded to him immediately.

"No! You don't have to say sorry to me!"

"Do you know why I want to help you evolve Royal Beast?"

Yang Xiaohu shook his head, and at this time he was also full of doubts.

Not only him, but the hundreds of enchanting students present were full of doubts.

Jiang Chen said.

"Because you refuse to admit defeat!"

"Just now, these two commanders in your mouth are all releasing the pressure above the king level, and the classmates have held it up. I am very pleased!

"Among them, the fifty people standing behind me, without changing their faces and heartbeats, the strongest have reached the peak of the king level, and they are the strongest among you, so I let them stand on stage."

The fifty people on the stage suddenly sucked in air.

What is this Jiang Chen capable of! Actually see through everyone's level in an instant?

These students still don't know that all the elemental powers in Jiang Chen's eyes, including the aura of power, will become data and be reflected in the eyes.

This is the power of the real eye!

At this time, Jiang Chen waved his hand to make the students behind him feel more cordial and relaxed, and said immediately.

"The four classmates beside me, it's no surprise that they should be the weaker ones in our Enchanted Beastmaster Academy. I'm right!"

The four of them nodded eagerly, their nerves admiring.

This is the first time they feel that they are said to be weak, but they feel very lucky in their hearts!

"You must be wondering in your heart, why I chose the strongest and didn't evolve the beasts for them, so I went to help a few relatively weak students!"

Hundreds of classmates in the audience finally relaxed a little, and each nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

They are really curious!

Jiang Chen saw that the atmosphere was almost overshadowed, and then he said.

"You are all under the same imperial pressure, the strong can easily deal with it, and the weak will lose out, but there is a truth that each of you should understand."

"The weaker the person is, the more commendable it is to persevere in such pain!"

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