God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1429: A little tired recently

"Liu Li!"

Tang Shishi whispered.

The woman behind the bed is the divine phoenix colored glaze that transforms into a human form.

Jiang Chen also didn't expect that this little guy would break the opportunity to get alone with Tang Shishi.

Liuli's face was embarrassed, and with a teasing smile, he got out from the end of the bed sideways.

A cheongsam has turned into a growing skirt, full of girlish style.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen gave a low voice.

"Where to escape!"

"Little Lady Liuli! You broke our good deeds, how could I easily let you go!"

Liuli suddenly dare not stop.

"Ah! Don't come here!"

"I'll shout indecent when I come here again!"

Jiang Chen laughed.

"You will break your throat and no one will care about you!"

As he said, two big hands clamped Liuli's wrist.

Liuli closed her eyes tightly, turned her head to the side, gritted her teeth and tucked her legs, as if swearing to death.

This scene is a re-enactment of a certain sick building!

Actually Liuli is acting.

It is not easy to turn Jiang Chen over the body of the Divine Phoenix, but no one can stop it if he really wants to escape.

At the moment Liuli's psychology is a little bit anxious, a little anticipating, and maybe a little shy.

It is full of mind.

"It's over, I'm going to be a woman tonight!"

"How can the dowry maid get the status? Hurry up and get a thousand Baidu!"

"Master! Liuli can accompany you until you grow old!"

At this time Liuli's mind was like a barrage.

Swish, swipe the screen crazy.

However, Yu Beast and Yu Beast Master are connected.

Jiang Chen and Tang Shishi are also heart-to-heart.

Xiao Liuli was seen through with a glance.

Next is Jiang Chen's performance time!

Looking at this posture, Xiao Liuli was shocked.


Jiang Chen couldn't help but come out with joy.

The generous male body ducked to the side.

"Come on Shishi, send your baby home to sleep!"

Liuli looked dazed.

Between Tang poetry and poetry sleeves dancing lightly, a phoenix flame burst out instantly.

The Divine Phoenix emblem crossed, and Liuli's figure instantly turned into a nine-color light, which plunged into the emblem.

"It's done!"

Tang Shishi's body dimmed.

But when he saw that Jiang Chen had fallen asleep before lying on the bed.

Tang Shishi couldn't help but feel bitter in her heart, so she lay gently behind Jiang Chen, gently hugged his shoulders, and fell asleep well.

The moon passes and the sun rises.

When Jiang Chen woke up, he smelled a familiar breath.

The smell between the hair exudes a deep love.

Turning around, in the white morning, the beauty of Tang poetry is shining and moving.

Early in the morning, beauty.

Such a warm scene is precious after experiencing wind and rain.


Jiang Chen couldn't help but kissed Tang Shishi on the face.

This time, Tang Shishi woke up.

Tang Shishi was immersed in her sleep, some blame Jiang Chen to wake her up.


She kissed Jiang Chen like revenge.


Bo Bo Bo Bo!

The warm morning turned into a pecking at each other.

The two had a fuss for a while and got up from the bed.

Jiang Chen said very sorry.

"Haha, I am really tired recently!"

Tang Shishi smiled suddenly.

"Hahaha! See how you dare to blow a golden gun in front of me in the future, the cannon will last forever?"

Jiang Chen pushed Tang Shishi onto the bed.

"You don't know, every boy will get a bullet when he gets up in the morning!"

The two got closer and closer, and just as the love was getting stronger, Jiang Chen's cell phone suddenly rang the ringing bell.

"Master! Answer the phone!"

Jiang Chen had to answer the phone.

Video connection, the virtual image of Elder Suzaku suspended in the air.

"Young Master, things are not good in Northern Europe!"

Jiang Chen's heart suddenly thumped.

"It's over! It must be Zongzheng making a moth over there!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Ya's voice suddenly came.

"No! It's Trump!"

"Trump and Chuanmu Group have joined forces. You better come and have a look at the scene now!"

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly and glanced at Tang Shishi.

Tang Shishi stood up helplessly.

"Okay! I'm going to call everyone to assemble now!"

The two gave a hug and separated for a while.

When Jiang Chen left, Lucifer had already returned.

He is still that playboy.

"Hey! Jiang Chen!"

"Did you sleep well yesterday?"

Jiang Chen was really too lazy to deal with this demon, so he perfunctory and left in a hurry.

Lucifer chased after him.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?"

Jiang Chen said immediately.

"I can't stop you anyway, you can't follow where I go?"

The two quarreled all the way to the chamber.

Everyone in Chang'an waited for Jiang Chen sleepily.

Jiang Chen didn't talk too much nonsense.

"New situation!"

"There is a problem on the Black Moon, we may have to go to support now!"

Li Xiaofu suddenly jumped up.

"Did you really sell us!"

Jiang Chen immediately persuaded.

"Don't be impulsive, I don't know the specifics."

"But now, Elder Suzaku has sent news over there that the Trump Alliance and Chuanmu Group have joined forces!"

Everyone suddenly gasped.

The level of the Beastmaster of the Trump Alliance is the ceiling of the entire Blue Star.

Not only that, the Trump alliance is technologically advanced and often practices hegemonism.

Today, the two strongest forces on the Blue Star are teaming up at the same time, I'm afraid they must grab control of the Black Moon.

Jiang Chen must not allow this to happen!

Wang Sicong suddenly patted his thigh.

"Then what are we waiting for, just go and **** him and it's over!"

Tang Shishi also said.

"I think what Xiao Cong said is reasonable, anyway, Trump and Chuanmu are not good people, we don't have to worry about it, just start the fight!"

Gu Yuesha sighed.

She is the oldest in the team, and she has been in power all the year round, and she can see Jiang Chen's worry at a glance.

"We don't need to have any scruples, because we are strong enough!"

"But Yanhuang is not strong for everyone!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was immediately astonished.

Jiang Chen added.

"And I am even more worried that Zong Zheng's intentions will go against us!"

Gu Yuesha nodded.

"Once in power, those in power do not only consider interests, no one will care about right or wrong, let alone emotions!"

Speaking of this, Gu Yuesha's expression was a bit lonely.

She is a typical representative of suppressing emotions for ethnic groups.

Li Xiaofu called out immediately.

"Damn! Then we rushed over, will we be sold?"

Jiang Chen said immediately.

"Yes! This is what I care about! So, I have another plan now!"

"Now everyone uses suppressing Chuanmu as an excuse to lead troops eastward!"

"To win the Eastern Territory, to join the Tian Wushu commander, we can intercept the bear country in the north, and cross the river on the right. It is a very hidden key position."

Tang Shishi said suddenly.

"But what about northern Europe? The Black Moon is more important!"

Jiang Chen smiled.

"Concubine Ai, don't worry! I will meet these big bosses first. If you need support, I only need to send you over as soon as possible!"

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