God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1422: anecdote

By the end of Jiang Chen's afternoon tea time, Xiao Hei's ears had been dyed with three primary colors.

A pink bow is also attached to the slender tail like a panther.

Red lips, big eyeshadow.

Xiao Hei seemed to have been replaced with her looks and gender.

On this day, Xiao Hei once again remembered the fear of being dominated by Xiao Guo!

At the end, Xiaoguo left a word.

"You look so much like my brother! It makes me feel like I was playing with my brother!"

Daikin next to him almost laughed.

Xiao Dong A Leng agreed that this was the retribution of the scumbag!

Only the little fairy fox, although he took the ugly photo of Xiao Hei, he did not forget to remove the disguise of Xiao Hei.

Tangshan listened to Jiang Chen's experience in Borderlands, and suddenly felt that it was more legendary than reading a novel.

When Jiang Chen said that Xiao Qian had returned the cash from thousands of miles away, Tang Shan suddenly admired the weak woman.

Of course, Jiang Chen didn't tell the truth about Xiao Qian's previous life experience.

Only said that she turned out to be a singer in a restaurant.

Tang Shan immediately appreciated.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a pure woman in Borderless Land!"

Although Xiaoqian agreed very well on the surface, she was already very lonely in her heart.

She knew that Jiang Chen did not tell the truth to protect her.

Everything that I bear now is self-blame.

She felt that she was destined to regret the word "pure" all her life.

At this time, Tang Shan looked at Lucifer and asked.

"This little brother looks extraordinary, so I must help you in the land of no owner!"

When Lucifer heard it, since Tangshan had misunderstood his identity, he had a big deal with him!

He nodded immediately, smiled and agreed.

"Ang! Uncle really has good eyesight!"

But Jiang Chen said a word and immediately knocked Lucifer back.

"Yes! This guy is indeed extraordinary!"

"Everyone, please pay attention, this is the great leader of the Borderless Land, the Eternal Devil!!"

hiss! !

The people around him suddenly took a breath.

Even Tang Shan's face was a little bit awkward.

The leader of Borderlands actually brought it home.

There is neither locks nor jail.

Instead of sitting in a crowd and drinking tea like a frequent visitor?

How big is Jiang Chen's heart!

Jiang Chen naturally saw the doubt in Tang Shan's eyes.

He explained immediately.

"I now have a very powerful artifact in my hand that can make this guy die on the spot, so don't worry!"

"The reason why I don't deal with him is that he has paid enough."

"Xiao Hei's body was made by this guy, and he gave me a legendary artifact!"

Zheng! !

Jiang Chen suddenly raised the spear of Cassius!

The endless flames burst out.

The scorching flames shot from the city lord's mansion to the sky instantly.

Between the red clouds in the evening, a sea of ​​sky fire suddenly burned!

The residents of Chang'an City were all stunned, and they came over to watch the excitement.

The magic pattern on the spear of Cassius continued to linger, and the flames spurted out spirally.

Jiang Chen said.

"It is rumored that this gun was the one used to assassinate Caesar the Great. It has the ability to penetrate all defenses. The stronger the opponent, the stronger the penetration!"

"If the opponent is just an ordinary civilian, there is no difference between this gun and a fire stick, but if the opponent is an emperor or even a strong man above the emperor level, this sharp gun will have the power to break the world!"

Tang Shan was shocked immediately.

"There is such a treasure in this world?"

Jiang Chen laughed.

"For us, the eternal demon king, this baby is nothing at all!"

"Today, the kid gave this sharp gun to his uncle to send the grief of thousands of soldiers!"

Jiang Chen duo poked Cassius' gun to the ground.

Without Jiang Chen's elemental power, the light of this sharp gun dimmed immediately.

Until Tangshan drew the spear, the raging flame shot the sky again.

Tangshan turned the tip of his gun, pointed it straight at Lucifer, and roared.

"You are a sinner! You are obviously the master of the Borderlands, but you don't do anything. You let the ghosts and monsters raid the Blue Star Continent, looting the property of the people and slaughtering innocent soldiers. I will destroy you on behalf of the people today! "

With that, Tang Shan pointed at the tip of his spear and pierced Lucifer's face.

At this time, Lucifer saw with the corner of his eyes, the reduced version of Langinus' gun in Jiang Chen's palm.

He cleverly understood that he should act together!

"Don't don't! Misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding!"

"Old man! Let me explain!"

Lucifer raised his hands to indicate that he would not resist. He remembered to shake his body, and his waist kept swinging to avoid the assassination of the spear.

"Blessed Lands are all bad guys! Why are you so tolerant of Xiaoqian? How can you not listen to me!"

When Tang Shan heard it, he immediately snorted.

"Huh! Say! See what else you have to say!"

Lucifer looked helpless.

"Uncle! I'm really not a bad person!"

"In fact, I don't know how to become the leader of the fallen continent!"

Jiang Chen rolled his eyes suddenly.

The heart talks about editing, and you continue editing, can Satan have the truth in his mouth?

Lucifer entered the scene in a second.

He fell to the ground with a plop.

"Oh, I said fate~~~~"

"You don't know how miserable I am!"

"As early as the birth of Borders, I have to chase and beat dozens of imps every day!"

"Fighting, those little ghosts are getting stronger and stronger! They also proclaim themselves the twelve lords!"

"After so many years, the position of the twelve lords has been fixed, but the throne of iron and the ghost of the water, the leader of the strong have changed after another, and I have been beaten as many times as I change!"

Tangshan was immediately itchy.

"Are you beaten? How could you be beaten if you were the strongest in Borderlands?"

Lucifer explained quickly.

"I am the strongest! The defense is the strongest!"

"If you don't believe me, you can try it now! See if you pierce or not, I'll be over!"

When Tangshan heard that he still had this request, he didn't wait for Lucifer to say a second sentence, and with his hand stretched, the terrifying power of the Divine Phoenix suddenly burst out!


The flames assisted, instantly causing Cassius's spear to burst out of formidable power.

With one shot, the endless might burst out!

Cang! !

The deafening impact rolled away.

Tang San only felt that his mouth was numb, and his entire palm was lost.

I saw Lucifer pressed the tip of the gun with his forehead, and there was no dent in his skin! !

Tangshan was suddenly shocked.

The people around retreated one after another, and the Nightmare Sovereign drew out the sword fiercely.

All of a sudden, the back garden was tense!

Lucifer was weeping.

"Look at it! I am absolutely defensive!"

"But on the other hand, my attack power is zero!!"

Speaking of this, he actually started crying, and the cry was so miserable and miserable.

Tangshan was immediately confused.

"There is such a strange story in this world?"

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