God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1412: Heaven's gate

It is hard to imagine that Jiang Chen, as a human, brought disaster to the fallen continent.

But life is such a reality.

Plundering has invaded the civilized world for endless years. In turn, the fallen continent finally ushered in a terrible disaster!

Endless clouds swept across the entire continent in an instant.

The storm fell from the sky.

The endless thunder is rolling, as if the Dragon King of the East China Sea had obtained the oracle of the Jade Emperor, and would punished the fallen continent!

Now, the people in Borderlands are all stupid.

They have acted wantonly all their lives.

Today, these ghosts and monsters finally realized the terrible disaster.

Even the lord who claimed to be a natural disaster did not dare to let go, turning around and hiding behind the horizon.

But on the ground, the residents of Borderlands who were madly tortured by Jiang Chen couldn't speak to Jiang Chen at this time, so they immediately turned their spearheads and began to speak with each other at the four remaining leaders!

Finally, the cursed lord who had just been defeated couldn't hold his face!

"Jiang Chen! I want you to die!"

Directly below the surface of the sea, the soaked pale carrion of Cain slowly floated to the surface.

The huge corpse that was blasted by Jiang Chen actually slowly healed.

Jiang Chen was suddenly shocked!

"What kind of curse is this that can keep the body intact forever?"

It was originally Jiang Chen's question.

Unexpectedly, the little ghost of Shenyang didn't know when he floated to Jiang Chen's side, so he actually answered.

"This is the curse of God!"

"For me, this punishment is really a bit excessive!"

"Although Cain killed someone, he was considered the first murderer in the world, but God's curse turned Cain into a lonely ghost, with an immortal body and an immortal soul. He could neither reach heaven nor enter hell!"

"Poor Cain, seeing his wife and children die, he couldn't even commit suicide. He sent away wife after wife, and lover after lover with white hair. In the end, he could only be driven crazy by this blood curse. Infected by the breath of different dimensions, it became a walking dead for people to control!"

Jiang Chen felt very curious when he heard such remarks.

He did not put the concept of recovery in his eyes at all, and directly argued with Shenyang.

"Brother! What you said seems a bit irrational!"

"Cain is the son of Adam and Eve, but how can he kill his brother Abel, who is the same father and mother?"

"The murder is destined to be punished, whether it is a punishment from God or not, Cain is guilty anyway!"

Shenyang rolled his eyes.

"The tone of your speech is really like my **** brothers!"

Jiang Chen suddenly felt that Shenyang's words seemed like a mental patient.

But no one refuted, Shenyang continued.

"You really don't know what kind of people Cain and Abel are."

"Mr. Adam and Eve went to Cain and asked him to grow crops, pick fruits, and do these dirty work."

"Adam and Eve gave birth to Abel again, so they let him go herding cattle and sheep."

"Here cattle in the Garden of Eden? You don't even have a lion. What can I look after?"

"Abel lays on a rock every day to sleep in the sun, but Cain fertilizes his crops every day. What is eccentricity?"

Jiang Chen was speechless, thinking for a while and could only respond.

"You can't kill your own brother!"

Shenyang suddenly curled his lips, apparently completely disagreeing with Jiang Chen's words.

"This is not why Cain killed Abel."

"Although the parents of Cain and Abel are Adam and Eve, the people Adam and Eve really serve are the gods of this universe!"

"Therefore, as the sons of servants of God, Cain and Abel must go to worship God."

"Cain took out the fruits of his work that he was proud of, the rice in the fields, fresh vegetables, and delicious fruits, which God did not accept."

"Abel slaughtered a pair of cattle and sheep and dedicated the fattest part of the cattle and sheep to God, but God gladly accepted it!"

"Cain was puzzled. He felt that God preferred Abel and killed Abel!"

Jiang Chen blinked.

"He really still kills!"

Shenyang suddenly lost patience.

"Just say you guys are short-sighted! You can't think of the right place at all!"

"Please, you can be regarded as a big boss who invaded the fallen continent. Can't you raise your horizons a little bit!"

"The whole thing has nothing to do with Cain and Abel. God likes to eat beef and lamb, and Abel happens to be assigned to herd cattle and sheep."

"Cain didn't have any beef or lamb meat in his hands, and he didn't know God's preferences. The crops and delicacies he had worked so hard throughout the year did not receive as much attention as a silly person who had a good night's sleep. Everyone thinks it's unfair!"

Jiang Chen was completely speechless.

"How do you listen to what you mean, does Cain's murder seem to have a secret?"

Shenyang finally smiled.

"Hahahahahahaha! You finally reacted!"

"From beginning to end, what God wants is to get rid of Cain and Abel!"

Jiang Chen immediately showed an embarrassing but polite smile.

"Why? Why did the dignified gods design to kill two mortals?"

Shenyang was surprised.

"Huh? I thought you already knew! Humans can enter the gate of heaven. Haven't you already found the door and the key?"

"Kabbalah's tree of life was planted in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve both ate the forbidden fruit of God. In order to appease Adam, God promoted him to the glory of the supreme angel and made all angels follow him as an example!"

This time it was Jiang Chen's turn to be dumbfounded.

Let's not talk about this big set of theories in Shenyang's mouth.

It has already connected the gate of heaven and the tree of life with just two sentences. The identity of this guy is by no means simple!

Only he and Jiang Li know the secrets in the Black Moon, because only he and Jiang Li have not been assimilated by the sealed Lilith after experiencing the Quantum Sea!

Jiang Chen's expression when he looked at Shenyang Xiaogui became even stranger.

"You guy! What the **** is it!"

Shenyang suddenly smiled naively.

"Ha ha ha ha! People are people!"

"Leave me alone, the rotten meat is alive again!"

Jiang Chen turned his head and looked.

Cain's body bends and wriggles in a strange and terrifying posture.

Flesh and flesh, sticky like glue.

Cain's chest, a huge blood curse cast down by God, radiated red light.

Endless killing intent erupted from the blood curse!


Cain let out a roar, and his body whizzed through the air.

Jiang Chen didn't even see it making a take-off movement, and the huge body broke through the sea water instantly and rushed towards Jiang Chen!

Although Jiang Chen was a bit exhausted at this time, it was not the end of the battle.

The lump of rotten flesh rushed towards Jiang Chen like a human cannonball.

Between the electric light and flint, Jiang Chen's waist and horse united, suddenly lifting the feet of Titan.

The extremely long thighs turned into a long whip and swept across.

Whoosh! !

Jiang Chen's whip kicked instantly.

Looking up, the huge carrion corpse shielded the sun, and then vacated and turned to jump behind Jiang Chen!

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