God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1402: Jinshihai also brought a tent

The soaring power instantly caused all the surviving little ghosts to faint.

When they came back to their senses, Jiang Chen had already left this trap with Xiao Qian, and at the same time captured the only descendant of the Tengu tribe, Xiao Suigou.

Without the overlord-level powerhouse, the fox family's welcoming team instantly became a living target.

In just a few breaths, the Flame Imp brutally killed all the Fox Imps.

at the same time.

On the streets of Fox Demon Town, Jiang Chen hugged Xiao Qian and ran all the way.

Soon, Jiang Chen rushed straight into the Yangquan Restaurant.

He put Xiaoqian on the bed and tested her breath with his fingers, and checked her pulse.

Xiaoqian's pulse was sudden and slow, very unstable.

Her nose was heavy and her whole body was hot, like a patient with a bad cold.

Faced with such a disease, Jiang Chen had guessed eighty to nine points in his heart!

"It's a love medicine!!"

"These vicious vixen! They use such vicious medicine!"

In the human world, this kind of medicine is generally used to arouse desire and do some crooked ways.

It couldn't be more suitable to deal with the foxes who are full of desire!

The vixies of the Tengu family have nothing to do with Jiang Chen.

If someone hurt Jiang Chen, someone must stand up and take responsibility!

Jiang Chen grabbed the little milk dog and pressed his head to the ground.


Jiang Chen pulled the little milk dog’s hair and slammed his forehead on the ground to vent his anger.

Shen Yang held his shoulders and said.

"It's not necessarily a fox. No matter how insidious the old fox is, he won't even be confused by the little fox at home."

Jiang Chen suddenly woke up.

Shenyang's words are not rough or rough!

How could the old fox not be so stupid, and even his own people were wiped out?

There is also his grandson in the team!

But Jiang Chen only has the little milk dog clue, and this guy actually wants to marry Xiao Qian!

Jiang Chen would never let this kid go so easily.

He picked up the little milk dog's hair and asked viciously.

"Smelly boy, if you want to survive, just call it truthfully!"

Half of the little milk dog's face Jiang Chen crashed into a mess, and the whole brain was in a state of confusion. He didn't even listen to what Jiang Chen said.

Seeing this kid's pig head portrait, Jiang Chen couldn't help but furious.

He raised his hand and squeezed the two big mouths of the little milk dog severely.

This time is good, the little milk dog's originally delicate face was completely broken by Jiang Chen.

The two front teeth were slapped by Jiang Chen, and the air leaked out of breath.

The little milk dog was afraid of being beaten, so I immediately responded.

"I don't know! I don't know!"

"I just received an order from my grandfather last night to send this woman to the Shadow City under the guise of a wedding this morning!"

The little milk dog trembled, and two of his front teeth had fallen out, and he was uncomfortable talking.

Jiang Chen had to force his mental power to stimulate his thinking.

"Where is the Shadow City, why should Xiao Qian be sent to where!!"

The terrible coercion fell, and the little milk dog suddenly cried in fright.

"Ah! I miss my mother! I want to go home!"


Jiang Chen was really angry, and waving his hand was another big mouth!

"I'm a few hundred years old, so I always ask your mother to do it if you have nothing to do? Your mother is not here, please call me honestly!"

Tears ooze from the little milk dog's eyes, and clear snot dripping from his nostrils, like snot and tears and a pool of mud, instantly making his face extremely ugly and indistinct.

"Yesterday, a few flame imps went up to my house, clamoring that they would avenge their lord and kill this woman, all of which were taken care of by me."

"Because my grandfather told me to send this woman to the Shadow City under the guise of a wedding. The Shadow City is the main venue for the Ten Thousand Demons Competition!"

As soon as the little milk dog finished speaking, Jiang Chen immediately connected the clue.

The reason why the old fox wanted to **** Xiao Qian to the Ten Thousand Monsters Competition was to threaten Jiang Chen on the spot.

Not to mention that the old fox has a vicious and vicious mind.

He did not confront Jiang Chen, nor did he do everything possible to kill Jiang Chen.

The so-called murder and condemnation.

The old fox is going to threaten Jiang Chen to make him embarrassed in front of all the ghosts and monsters in the borderless land!

It just so happened that Jiang Chen actually ran into the team escorting Xiao Qian, and the flame little ghosts wanted to kill Xiao Qian to demonstrate against Jiang Chen, but unexpectedly the old fox and the little ghosts had completely different ideas.

The little ghosts learned that the old fox did not kill Xiao Qian, so they came to the door to **** someone.

The way of communicating with each other's ghosts directly caused disagreements between the two parties involved in the kidnapping, which avoided a one-time life crisis.

Xiaoqian is an ordinary singer, no matter who Jiang Chen fights, she is innocent.

Although he has not been accidentally killed now, he has fallen into a situation of being poisoned. Not only is the old fox sinister and vicious, but Jiang Chen is also careless.

Fortunately, Jiang Chen has a beast like Zidi Wujiangvine in his hands!

As long as there is little purple, healing diseases is like cutting vegetables.

The Purple Emperor Wujiang Vine spread instantly.

Suddenly, the golden sutra of the sun burst out with an exciting golden brilliance.

The endless evil spirit was instantly dissipated by the golden light.

The ghosts and demons in Yangquan Restaurant were all taken aback by the golden light of this spring and fled the restaurant one after another.

Xiao Qian's breath gradually calmed down, and Jiang Chen took a breath.

"He Fatty! You stay guard at the door, I have to find a way to get some medicine to invigorate blood and remove blood stasis."

There are a lot of medicinal materials in Jiang Chen's small world and Bodhizi.

But those medicines are all prepared for the baby animals.

If a medicine is made from that kind of herbal medicine, it is not a medicine but a poison to humans!

Jiang Chen took Shenyang out in a hurry.

With the identity of Shenyang as a kid, Jiang Chen didn't get too much attention while walking on the streets of Borderlands.

At the same time, news has spread on the street that the Lords Competition has started.

The ring match is about to start!

Jiang Chen ran all the way back to the hotel, picked up Xiao Qian and ran towards the Shadow City.

The ghost friends on the street saw a surprising sight.

I saw a young man running like flying, carrying a young girl with long hair on his shoulders.

Holding a huge pill furnace immortal tripod in his hands, the young man ran wildly on the street, leaving behind the thick smoke of decoction.

Many ghost drugs took out their phones to take pictures.

Jiang Chen no longer cared about his own image, and ran wildly while feeding the liquid medicine into Xiao Qian's mouth.

But at this time, Xiaoqian didn't know whether it was because the medicine hadn't been strong enough, or the body of the opposite **** stimulated the residual medicine effect.

She kept pulling the back of Jiang Chen's neck with her hands, exhaling in small mouths, and the warm and humid air swept Jiang Chen's earlobes.

Jiang Chen is really miserable.

You know, Xiaoqian's previous work and life are how to please men.

She is professional in playing this set!

Jiang Chen immediately awakened Xiao Dong, the Lich King in the Sea of ​​Knowledge!

"Xiao Dong, wake up! Pour cold water on me!"

The Lich King was resting at this time, and opened his eyes to see that Jiang Chen had already shot out like a dragon in the sea of ​​knowledge!

"Ahhh! Master! You still bring your own tent so you know the sea!"

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