God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1300: Kun Kun evolution!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The news audience does not know what to say.

In front of Jiang Chen and Tang Shishi, the dignified star warrior was as fragile as white paper!

Tang Shishi was four kills as soon as he appeared.

The imperial beast under Jiang Chen's adulthood actually swallowed Capricorn Pan in one bite!

Capricorn is a totem-like existence in many countries on the Blue Star. It is a provocative behavior to swallow it in one bite!

Suddenly, Jiang Chen from Northern Europe scolded.

But Jiang Chen ignored it.

At this time, Kun Kun has swallowed all the power of Capricorn.

The silver space rune shook wildly, igniting a huge space wave that surged like waves.

Within the scope of the rune, the space is completely static, and outsiders can't do any interference at all!


The giant kun screamed.

The water vapor in the mouth instantly turned into a cloud and mist, which spread to all parts of the space.

The tyrannical coercion swept across the battlefield and set off gusts of wind.

Kun Kun successfully completed the promotion!

[Name of Monster Beast]: Ancient Void Sky Demon Kun

【Monster Level】: Level 75 (King Level)

[Monster quality]: Legendary quality

[Monster Attribute]: Fusion Space System

[Monster state]: pleasure (excited)

[Monster characteristics]: Born in the blood of the ancient Celestial Demon Kun, the body contains a small fantasy world, which breeds all things. The initial sensing and control of the power of space is stimulated, and the small world in the body is thus expanded. Open fixed space coordinates and have the ability to build space bridges

Fully integrate the power of space, the id is the inner space, the ego is the surface space, the id can be transformed into each other, showing the human form and the kun form

With the ability to transform elements, the power of space in the small world can be transformed into various elements of space fusion, forming monsters and other life

The small world can connect to other spaces through mapping

[Weakness of Monster Beast]: Time System

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

Jiang Chen smiled.

"Heh! I didn't expect this Capricorn to be easy to digest!"

Jiang Chen's words instantly turned into sarcasm and irony in the eyes of the Nordic people.

"This Jiang Chen! You still have to punish you if you can't kill people!"

"You can't keep this kind of person! Her Royal Highness Elizabeth quickly get rid of the culprits!"

I don't know why the Nordic people still regard Elizabeth as a spiritual leader.

If Jiang Chen knew that the Nordic people were so stupid, he would definitely laugh out loud on the spot.

At this time Elizabeth was struggling to save her life!

The nine-color colored glaze of Tang Shishi swept across the sky, and never let go of any place on the battlefield.

Even the powerful transforming heroes are turned into ashes in the domineering nine-color flame!

At this time, Elizabeth could only rely on her own dragon blood poison to carry out an irreversible whole body dragonization, and use the dragon's tyrannical body defense to survive the nine-color glazed fire of Tang poetry!

But Jiang Chen is more than a royal beast under Tang Shishi's Liuli!

The flame of colored glaze dissipated.

Elizabeth's eyes were red and bloodshot bulging.

If his eyes could kill Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen would have died millions of times.

Ouch! !

After the dragon's transformation, Elizabeth's top horns and muscular legs suddenly rushed.


There was an explosion of sound, and the dragon body instantly reached Jiang Chen's side.


The sharp edges and corners pierced Jiang Chen's heart.

But at this moment, the abyssal chill suddenly broke out!

The Lich King Xiao Dong drifted down slowly.

Its speed is not fast, but no matter how hard Elizabeth exerts, it can't break Xiao Frozen's lock.

The blond girl-like Lich King holds a soul lock in each hand.

A strange light blue flame rose from the chain.

"Soul Flogging!"

Xiao Frozen gave a low voice.

The majesty and coldness in the voice immediately made Elizabeth's heart tremble.

She felt cold around her, and the blood in her body was about to coagulate.

Xiao Frozen slowly fell in front of her, and Elizabeth suddenly felt that she had been isolated from the world.

As if suddenly falling into an abyss of extreme cold, before his eyes, it was pitch black, and the air-conditioning was pressing behind him.

She couldn't help but shiver.


The Thorns Soul Lock in the hands of the Lich King suddenly pulled out!


The tyrannical energy lashed on the dragon girl's back.

The scales are flying, the skin is open and fleshy!


Elizabeth roared sharply.

A piercing pain pierced her heart from her back.

At this moment, it was as if the sky was cold and the ground was freezing, and the cold was in the bone.

However, the cold breath did not torture Elizabeth too much.

On the contrary, it is a kind of scorching pain from the soul, burning her soul madly!

With a stern tweet, Longhua Elizabeth actually rolled around holding her body, her appearance in embarrassment!

As a unique stunt of the Lich tribe, the soul flogging really deserves its name.

"The disobedient slave! Will be beaten with a whip!"

Xiao Dong's words instantly caused high-level officials from all walks to explode.

Treat humans as slaves and hold the chains of souls that torture the soul.

This kind of image only exists in the legend, the ancient lich as famous as the ghost clan!

The Blue Star scholars from all walks of life and the Royal Animal Educator were all puzzled.

Not to mention that the ancient Lich race has been completely extinct, even if the girl next to Jiang Chen has the power of the Lich race, but she is obviously a human body, how can she be a Lich race?

Xiao Dong doesn't know it yet. Its beautiful appearance adds more mystery to Jiang Chen, making Jiang Chen even stronger!

At this time, Elizabeth, who had received a whip from the cold, suddenly jumped from the ground.

It turned out to be the tough resistance of the dragon incarnation to put eye drops on the Lich King Xiao Dong!

Pretending to be painful, in fact it's too much!

Rolling all over the floor is waiting for the opportunity to escape!

The speed of the dragon's body is far faster than the full-fire Maybach!

The speed soared to more than 250km per hour and disappeared in front of Xiaoyong.

Jiang Chen sneered.

"Heh! How fast!"

"Shishi! Stop that woman!"

"If you give her time to make a comeback, maybe some moth will come out!"

Tang Shishi nodded lightly, and the colored glaze under him rang up to the sky.


The wings shook, the wind swept across, and the figure of the Divine Phoenix instantly rushed into the sky.

The Nordic warriors are stupid.

His boss actually ran away.

However, behind them are the Chang'an people who are staring at each other, and the body of the Twelve Star Palace has just recovered.

In front of them, there is the devilish beauty Xiao Dong and Shura Daikin.

It seems that staying in place is the only way to get beaten up. If you want to escape, you can't escape at all.

The encirclement suddenly became surrounded, and the Nordic warriors looked at each other, as if death was written on everyone's face.

Jiang Chen is here.

He still didn't worry about dealing with that difficult woman alone.

Immediately shouted.

"Shenlong possessed! Wind and rain!"


Jiang Chen opened his mouth suddenly.

The power of the candle's shadow rushes like a flood waterfall in his meridians.

In the dragon's mouth, endless clouds and mist gush out.

The fake Jiang Yuan instantly lost Jiang Chen's position.

Had to turn the Eye of Chaos into a blade, slashing frantically.

And Jiang Chen himself had collected the Chaos Aura to avoid Jiang Yuan's sharp edge.

"Finally got rid of that clone!"

Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, the silver light in front of him suddenly flickered, and the power of space burst out!

"Jiang Chen! Where to escape?"

"Your opponent is me!"

Jiang Chen immediately got bitter melon face.

"Dad! I'm almost 19 this year, why are you still catching me online!"

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