God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1298: My IQ is not enough

The goat's face was a skeleton, and a dazzling silver burst broke out in his eyes.

It turned out to be an extremely rare space power!

Under the interference of space, the movements of Daikin and Xiaorong were greatly disturbed.

The space solidified slowly spreading around the monster's eyes, even Jiang Chen couldn't move at all.

A set of data suddenly appeared in Jiang Chen's eyes.

[Name of Monster Beast]: Pan God Capricorn

【Monster Level】: Level 76 (King Level)

[Monster quality]: Legendary quality

[Monster Attribute]: Space System/Water System

[Monster State]: War Intent

【Characteristics of Monster Beasts】: Holy Monster Beasts that travel through many myths.

In Greek mythology, Pan rescued the fairy under Zeus and was given the capricorn.

In Indian mythology, Capricorn is the mount of the Buddha, and it has a beautiful legend of helping people with flesh, which is called the Magala.

[Weakness of Monster Beast]: Fire/Time

[Evolution route]: There are 6 evolution routes...

The data is clearly written, this half-human and half-goat monster is the mythical Capricorn!

Jiang Chen said badly.

"Unexpectedly, the inheritance of Capricorn is actually the space system!"

But he was not afraid.

With the power of the space displayed by Capricorn at this moment, the range of influence is less than fifty, Jiang Chen has full confidence to solidify and tear the space of Capricorn!

"Kun Kun!"

Jiang Chen shouted.

I saw a silver light burst out of Elizabeth's shoulder.

Xiao Kun Kun's figure suddenly enlarged, and a silver talisman was flowing behind him.

"Space Compression!"

With a loud shout, Kun Kun folded his palms on his chest, and a silver beam of light suddenly erupted!

The force of the tyrannical space immediately compressed the entire space range around Jiang Chen.

The space of Pan Shen's Capricorn solidified and collapsed suddenly, bursting into large black gaps.

The beam of light in Kun Kun's palm moved to Da Jin Xiao Dong's side, and the space was frozen instantly.


The Taurus legacy fell apart in an instant.


The armor formed by the power of golden stars was scattered all over the place.

The Capricorn Saint Warrior was dumbfounded.

"How is it possible! It can actually break my space solidification!"

"Pan God! Release the space vortex!"

The Capricorn saint warrior roared, but was unexpectedly interrupted by Daikin's dark gold iron rod.


When the huge dark gold iron rod came to the head, Pan Shen Capricorn immediately used a space leap to avoid the attack.

And the recovery of the small frozen soul lock can easily take down the crystal core inherited from Taurus.

With a slender hand, the crystal nucleus suddenly crossed a beautiful parabola and fell into Daikin's hands.

Daikin caught it and swallowed it in one bite.

moment! The golden light hits the sky!

Endless pressure broke out instantly.

The black gold stripes on Daijin's body shone with a stinging light.

The crystal nucleus of Taurus is actually a metal attribute, which is in line with the energy element of Daikin!

Roar! !

An astonishing roar erupted from Dajin's mouth.

The king's pressure came instantly, making all the star soldiers around him immobile!

[Name of Monster Beast]: Eight-armed Titan Shura Wukong Beast

【Monster Level】: Level 75 (King Level)

[Monster quality]: Legendary quality

[Monster Attribute]: Demon/Mutated Shura/Mutated Metal/Fighting

[Monster State]: War Intent

【Characteristics of Monster Beasts】: The bloodline of the ancient Titans with almost complete body, possessing the incorruptible body of King Kong. After being invaded by demonic energy, it will have infinite power. Refining energy will open mountains and crack rocks.

Master the qi-refining and self-cultivation method of the Titans, and cultivate Buddha Dan in the body, no longer being invaded by the world's turbid qi.

[Weakness of Monster Beast]: Unknown

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

The evolution of Daikin inspired Jiang Chen.

"Great! Daikin!"

"This time you can squash Capricornus pain!"

But unexpectedly, as soon as Jiang Chen's voice fell, several figures appeared behind Elizabeth.

"Jiang Chen! Did you put us in your eyes when you said this?"

Jiang Chen looked up and saw that the surviving sage warriors of the constellations were the people here!


Jiang Chen snorted angrily, indicating that he was not afraid at all.

The holy warriors looked at each other, and the tyrannical star power suddenly burst out of their bodies!

Zi Zi Zi!

The golden light soared into the sky, forming a huge pentagram formation in mid-air!

Virgo and other surviving clone saints laughed.

"Hahaha! Jiang Chen!"

"To blame, blame yourself for being not cautious enough for giving us the opportunity to suppress you!"

"Star Throne Seal!"

The holy warrior shouted, and the huge magic **** instantly covered Jiang Chen's body.

This magic circle was facing Jiang Chen's chaotic halo, stubbing Jiang Chen's energy.

For a while, Xiao Kun Kun Da Jin and other imperial beasts could not be replenished with energy, and they were already a little tired.

In the distance, the people of Chang'an, Aiolia and others were deeply trapped in the enemy army, and for a while, they were unable to support Jiang Chen in time.

"Fat brother! Your eldest brother seems to be in danger!!"

Aiolia spoke to remind everyone who went deep into the battle group.

Li Xiaofu, Wang Sicong and others were anxious.

But at the moment being held back by the army, there is no effective way to think of it.

At this moment, a golden light suddenly burst out from the feet of the Sagittarius body!

At this time, the constellation inheritance released by the Sagittarius altar contained in the Sagittarius star palace!

Everyone in Chang'an was taken aback.

When I looked back, I saw that all the soldiers of Eoria had starlight in their eyes!

That is the light of strange victory, the light of hope.

Aiolia suddenly shouted excitedly.

"Yes! I have an idea!"

"As long as we regain the power of the constellation inheritance, we can counter the cloned Star Throne array with twelve times the power!"

"Brothers of Yanhuang! Please give us some cover!"

Everyone in Chang'an immediately glanced at each other and nodded.


Several people scattered and walked, resisting most of the clones' charge in different directions.

The remaining fish that slipped through the net will be easily shot by the Sagittarius Legacy who has restored some strength!

After the power of inheritance, the sagittarius saint warrior has been restored to its original appearance.

It looks exactly the same as the Sagittarius of the previous Shangguan Star Wars!

Thousands of starry war horses are flying in the battlefield, and Sagittarius easily defeats the invading enemy.

At the same time, Aiolia led his compatriots to attack everywhere.

Within a few minutes, he got the inheritance everywhere.

Seeing the huge ring of chaos on Jiang Chen's head slowly shrinking, everyone couldn't help speeding up their actions.

Six, eight!

In another few minutes, Eoria and the soldiers retrieved the constellation inheritance one after another.

At this moment, the history of Northern Europe seems to have returned to the ancient times, and the Saint Warriors of the Twelve Star Palace gathered again to hold the inheritance ceremony for peace!

Eleven golden rays burst out instantly.

The soaring momentum shook Jiuxiao.

Eleven tyrannical constellation inheritance royal beasts stood proudly in the air instantly.

The residents of Northern Europe were all stunned.

"Two... Two teams of Twelve Star Palace Saint Warriors?"

"Who can explain to me, my IQ is not enough!"

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