God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1288: Constellation Array

Shangguan Fanxing drove a unicorn with a full-body killer armor to the kitten.

Until this moment, Eoria's body fell from the sky.


The tall cloned body sank into the ground.

In the deep pit, the starlight spread out, condensed into a Leo heritage mark, shaped like a Rubik's Cube.

Fanxing waved his hand and picked up the Rubik's Cube along the way.

Seeing her sister's victory, Shangguan Kitty finally felt relieved.

She just wanted to protect Fanxing, so she left her behind to Eoria.

In order to lure Eoria and leave Fanxing a chance to escape, Shangguan Kitty has been seriously injured.

Unexpectedly, Fanxing actually awakened the bloodline of killing in a hurry. The secret of killing was extremely special, and it turned out to be the secret of shield to protect.

Not only that, the starry unicorn has also evolved and advanced, not only successfully integrated the bloodline of killing, but also directly accumulated energy to advance to the rank of kings.

The kitten looked around, and there was a burn mark on the shoulder of the Slaughter Saint Demon Emperor, his injuries were not serious.

There are no more enemies around, and the kitten gradually lowers its vigilance.

In addition, she was also very pleased with Fanxing's growth.

"Fanxing! You finally awakened the bloodline of killing!"

Fanxing picked up the Shangguan kitten.

"Sister, when do you value blood, quickly take this family ancestral diamond body pill to stabilize the meridians!"

"The bloodline is awakened, daddy is dead, and the wildebeest has become unlovable."

Shangguan Fanxing was not happy for the awakening of Slaughter Blood.

After all, this kind of blood is nicknamed the killing curse. She blamed this curse for everything her father, sister and herself suffered.

Shangguan Kitty didn't know how to comfort Shangguan Fanxing.

Anxious, my chest felt tight.


Shangguan kitten violently coughed up a blood clot.

Fanxing immediately became nervous, and the kitten's body had a layer of scorch left behind after being burned by the power of the stars. It was obviously hit from the front and was seriously injured.

"This! Sister!"

Fanxing suddenly became nervous.

Shangguan Kitty calmed down for seven consecutive breaths, and then healed.

"Don't mind, I have suffered a hundred times more pain than this, no problem!"

"Fanxing, look at where Brother Chen is!"

The kitten was firm and stood up slowly.

Shangguan Fanxing supported her and observed her surroundings by the way.

at this time.

Boring! !

A ray of light burst into the sky a thousand meters away!

The billowing cold swept wildly.

The breath of Bai Ze instantly crossed the sky and passed over.


"Although I did not find the location of Brother Chen, I seem to have discovered the location of Xiao Cong and Ouba!"

Shangguan Kitty supported the injured body and retracted the Slaughter Saint Demon Emperor into the emblem.

After thinking twice, the two decided to meet Wang Sicong first.

At this time, Wang Sicong was fighting hard.

"Pisces, Aquarius!"

"It's a coincidence that we actually rivaled again."

The enemy of Wang Sicong is the heritage of Pisces and the heritage of Aquarius!

Both of them had just re-inherited the royal beast under their command today.

Although the newly restored combat effectiveness has not reached its peak, they are facing a two-on-one situation, and the two of Constellation Legacy are very confident.

"You, long-haired boy, are quite handsome!"

"If you are willing to return to the Zodiac Palace, maybe you will authorize Nordic women to pursue it!"

Wang Sicong rolled his eyes sharply.

"Lao Tzu's name is in charge!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Baize Excalibur!"

Roar! !

Bai Ze Divine Beast let out a roar today.

The unicorn in his hand immediately turned into a sharp sword.

"Draw a sword! Wanlong dances wildly!"

With a low drink, Bai Ze suddenly pulled out the sword from his waist.


The cold light broke out suddenly.

The blade of the Baize Divine Sword shot a sword light that cut through the world. This sword light instantly absorbed the surrounding frost power and turned into a pure white phantom.


Long Yin broke out in the air.

The sword light suddenly turned into thousands of wandering dragons, all winding and twisting like they were spiritual.

Ten thousand ice dragons swept the star palace!

For a while, the soil cracked and the palace collapsed.

This is the mysterious sword technique that Bai Ze Divine Beast has just realized, Wan Long dances wildly!

Pisces and Aquarius leaped hard in the crevice created by the crisscross of thousands of ice dragons.

Every time they move, there is only one in ten thousand probability of avoiding Wang Sicong's attack.

As a last resort, Pisces summoned his own beast.

"Ocean Lord! The tide of natural disasters!"

With a roar, a constellation array formed in front of Pisces!

Above the magic circle, the stars' rays gradually intertwined, and gradually formed the appearance of an odd warrior.

Wang Sicong looked intently.

The monster was half-human and half-devil, with gills growing on his face, and fins on his shoulders and back.

Not only that, everything below the waist is like a monster like a sea snake.

Without Jiang Chen here, Wang Sicong could only vaguely distinguish that the aura of this imperial beast had reached the tyrannical king level!

Who could have imagined that the flesh-owner of the Star Legacy would return to the pinnacle in an instant!

"If it is really two king-level monsters, it would be really difficult to handle!" Wang Sicong sighed inwardly.

In the next moment, Aquarius summoned his own beast at the same time.

"Magic Cloud Eel!"

With a loud shout, dark clouds rolled in the sky.

Lightning mingled with thunder, and the sky changed suddenly!

In the dark clouds, there was a terrifying existence with silver scales all over the body.

Light of thunder and lightning jumped all over.

As the dark clouds flowed, electricity and clouds formed an elusive tyrannical field.

Lightning connected, forming an unprecedented magnificent barrier.

The thousands of ice dragons erupting from the Baize Divine Beast instantly slammed into the light of lightning like an upstream snake.

boom! !

The white light exploded, and Wang Sicong couldn't help covering his eyes.

The air wave swept through, waiting for Wang Sicong to stabilize his figure, but found that as long as he moved, he would be paralyzed by thunder.

In the air, countless ice and snow mixed with lightning snakes.

The battle situation suddenly became complicated.

Where the weird enchantment is shrouded, all actions will produce sparks and lightning, which is paralyzing.

This powerful control skill may be difficult for Jiang Chen to break.

Pisces and Aquarius are in a powerful combination, even if they can't beat Wang Sicong, they have successfully held Wang Sicong.

As long as he can't rush to rendezvous with Jiang Chen, for the Nordic warriors, it means that the twelfth house of stars is not far from victory.

In their hearts, taking Jiang Chen became the first step to revenge against mankind.

The victory of Wang Sicong and other Chang'an team members became the basis for the victory of Jiang Chen.

As long as Jiang Chen and the Changan team die, the clones can dominate the world.

By then, the insidious and dark humans will no longer exist, and the blue star will become a paradise for artificial people

When Pisces and Aquarius are full of hope for their future happy life, the vision suddenly comes to life.

A golden star suddenly crossed the sky.

Like a meteorite, it hits the ground quickly.

The blood-red killing intent coerced, and the power of Xinghui formed a sharp blade!

call out!

The sword of killing intent penetrated the realm of clouds and thunder instantly!

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