God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1285: Close

At this moment, the figure of Li Xiaofu who had been "drowning" suddenly broke out! !


The giant bear phantom suddenly spouted endless mad sand!

A tyrannical hurricane swept the audience.

In an instant, the Dragon Fist Shenglongba on Li Xiaofu's waist suddenly broke out.

"The power of the elephant king! Double the power!"

Li Xiaofu shouted, and the endless yellow sand in the mouth of the giant bear phantom immediately obeyed the order.

The Nordic warrior who was swept by the yellow sand wind hadn't reacted yet, and saw that the fist wrapped around Li Xiaofu's waist suddenly sprayed out the endless yellow sand!


The majestic sea of ​​sand suddenly erupted.

With Li Xiaofu as the center, it spreads into an inverted triangular pyramid with a huge radiation area.

Suddenly, the Sagittarius star house sank.

Where the yellow sand passes, everything turns into smoke and dust!

The breeze swept, and the sand was flying.

There are no more people left in front of Li Xiaofu!

This terrifying picture was immediately broadcast by the TV station.

Nearly tens of millions of viewers were collectively dumb and speechless for a while.

Jiang Chen and Charles, the emperor of darkness, in the center of the battlefield were also covered in sand.

The breeze blew, and the sand on Jiang Chen's body gradually disappeared.

What frightened all the audience was that the huge monster dragon incarnate by the emperor-level powerhouse, the Emperor of Darkness Charles, turned into bits of yellow sand and drifted away in the wind.

Everyone looked silly.

Kill the emperor with a palm!

How mighty this is! What a bravery! ! !

Li Xiaofu gradually stopped holding his breath.

I saw the giant bear phantom behind him slowly materializing, forming the original face of Ah Fong.

At the same time, Li Xiaofu took a long breath, his tall and thin body slowly swollen and turned into a fat appearance.

Jiang Chen raised his right hand and gave a thumbs up.

"Tiezi, Niubi!!"

Li Xiaofu patted his stomach, revealing a silly smile.

"Generally so, fourth in the country!"

The two brothers laughed.

At this time, everyone from Chang'an came together.

At the same time, both feet lightly touch the ground gravel, and the wings swept across the sand flow.

The slender figure was light and agile like a fairy, and he rushed into Jiang Chen's arms in one step.

"Scared me!"

Jiang Chen's waist exerted a lot of force during the confrontation with the Dark Emperor Charles, and at this moment, his waist was a little weak.

But as soon as Tang Shishi leaped over, Jiang Chen's waist immediately became like a spring, and Tuang bounced straight.

"Ai Concubine is not afraid, these are all small problems!"

Wang Sicong gave a thumbs up.

"Brother Chen! You are forced to pretend to be the essence!"

Everyone laughed, thinking that the Emperor of Darkness died, and the War of Northern Europe was over.

Just as everyone in Chang'an was enjoying the family together, a chilling resentment suddenly swept everyone's hearts! !

Looking back, there was a human expression in the eyes of the spirited monster dragon entrenched behind Jiang Chen.

There was a little golden light in the dragon's eyes, which made people feel dizzy.

Even Jiang Chen couldn't help but stare at Venus.

The dark purple resentment was actually condensed, erupting from his eyes.

Jiang Chenxin said, even if your master falls, shouldn't you still stare at this fat man with the little eyes of this resentful woman!

But the Lingtong Demon Dragon was obviously coming to Jiang Chen!

The entrenched huge body suddenly straightened.

The strong air wave formed a cyclone, blowing all the people present.

Even the people in Chang'an are a little untenable.

The spirited demon dragon suddenly rushed, and the blood basin opened wide. Everyone only felt the fishy wind blowing across their faces. A phantom passed by, and the black and ferocious dragon head had reached Jiang Chen.

In this thrilling moment, the body of the Lingtong Demon Dragon suddenly stagnated and began to twitch in place.

That kind of expression is like a big snake that is difficult to give birth, constantly twisting.

Jiang Chen blinked, not knowing why.

However, the Lingtong Demon Dragon opened its huge mouth.

Between the sharp teeth, a huge human face appeared!

The terrifying face slowly crawled out from the mouth of the demon dragon deep in the tunnel.

He looks exactly like Prince Charles!

Everyone was suddenly shocked.

Jiang Chen also became dull.

Everyone saw that the demon dragon incarnate by Prince Charles was slapped to death by Li Xiaofu just a minute ago!

The Lingtong Demon Dragon slowly stopped the painful distortion at this time.

The man in his mouth stood proudly at the lower jaw of the demon dragon.

In his eyes, there was endless resentment.

"Jiang Chen! I underestimated you!"

The man said.

Jiang Chen was taken aback.

The two are nearly two hundred meters apart.

There was a strong wind and yellow sand in the middle.

Jiang Chen could only see Charles' dry mouth, but could not hear any sound.

In front of Jiang Chen, the emperor of Darkness, who looked like an awesome coax, was completely silent.

"What are you talking about?" Jiang Chen shouted.

In this environment, if you want to express your words clearly, unless you shout, or use mental power like Jiang Chen.

"No matter what you are talking about, can you put on your clothes first!"

"Is your little bird not born again? Why is it so small!"

Life is mixed with mental shocks, except for electronic devices, as long as it is a creature, even a monster can understand it.

The girls were blushing with shame when they heard it, but Li Xiaofu and Wang Sicong laughed at the meat jokes.

Even the warriors in northern Europe covered their faces, not knowing how they felt.

Tang Shishi hurriedly twisted towards Jiang Chen's waist.

Jiang Chen suddenly ache, his face twitched, and he explained.

"Ai Concubine, it was originally!"

"Looking at his size, you are simply embarrassing European men!"

"No wonder Prince Charles has no male heirs."

"This is less than one-third of this king, and 80% of the film can't be worn!"

Jiang Chen's words still contained spiritual power.

In an instant, it broke through the clouds and spread to everyone's ears.

Immediately, Charles, the Emperor of Darkness, was ashamed and angry, and his whole body energy burst out instantly!

Ouch! !

Long Yin Xiaotian, endless energy billowed.

I saw the Lingtong Demon Dragon suddenly opened its huge mouth, sucking up the endless elemental power.

Charles stands in midair with the power of the elements.

The body has long since turned into a dragon.

What surprised Jiang Chen most was that the dragon incarnation swelled again!

Numerous tumor-like vesicles broke through scales, and dragon cells continued to multiply and proliferate.

Jiang Chen felt that he could see the dragon blood in Charles's body merging wildly with somatic cells.

This fusion seems to have produced a strange wave, which is transmitted to Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen's brain is also excited.

Lingtong Demon Dragon is even more exaggerated.

Its body kept swinging, and it turned out to be dancing with excitement.

Charles's dragon blood has the power to make dragon dance!

Jiang Chen instantly thought of the attributes of the Lingtong Demon Dragon.

Take control of low-level dragons!

This thought just emerged in Jiang Chen's mind, and the mutation suddenly broke out.

I saw thousands of huge phantoms emerging in the yellow sand!

Everyone present, including news video reporters, saw these shadows.

As the distance got closer, the appearance of these phantoms slowly emerged in front of everyone.

Thousands of various mythical dragons are flying slowly in the air like soldiers! !

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