God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1277: the truth

Jiang Chen turned into a dragon half-length, and brushed his teeth frantically on the Yalong Kuangmo at the peak of the king with the toilet brush.

This wave of operations stunned Elizabeth instantly.

The archbishop fainted with fright, woke up, and fainted again.

Yalong Kuangmo looked dazed.

The golden longan kept looking at his master.

Elizabeth is also a blank brain.

Jiang Chen said.

"If an ordinary person encounters a large amount of dragon blood, they may be lucky to maintain the appearance of a dragon in a short period of time, or they may gain the power of a dragon."

"But once you use it for too long, you will fall into a state of permanent dragonization. From then on, you will become a mindless person and you will not know the low-level cannibals, or be completely demonized by dragon blood, and become a beast.

"It seems that the final fate of Prince Charles has been revealed."

While brushing his teeth, Jiang Chen looked at Elizabeth with a horrified face.

Elizabeth was suddenly confused.

"You! How do you know!"

Jiang Chen spread his hands.

"I don't know, just guessing."

"I saw the video on the computer on the second floor. You probably let me watch it on purpose."

"My mind immediately connected all the events in series, starting from your father's blood poisoning to transform the human body experiment, the current chaos in Northern Europe."

"So I boldly guess that you father and daughter are the recipients of dragon blood. After the experiment, your father, Prince Charles, became a dragon, and you were also corroded by dragon blood and became this look!"

"Judging from your reaction, it's really like this."

"That's why I will ask you, who is Crown Prince Charles who is still in Northern Europe and I have met!"

The war in Northern Europe is divided into two major factions: diehards and young strong factions.

On the surface, the young and strong are supported by new heroes such as the Nordic League and the Zodiac, while the die-hards are represented by the old royal family headed by Prince Charles.

Now, Jiang Chen has learned the details of this battle.

The so-called new heroes, the so-called young and strong factions, are all controlled by the true heir to the royal family, Elizabeth.

Then this battle situation is weird.

As the royal prince, Charles actually stands on the opposite side of Elizabeth, who is the queen!

Facing Jiang Chen's questioning, Elizabeth showed a bitter smile.

"About that Prince Charles, the situation is indeed complicated."

"He is a clone of my father. Before my father died and the royal family was strong, he has always been the dark emperor who ruled the entire Nordic underground world. His identity and status are similar to the four emperors of Kyoto in Yanhuang."

Jiang Chen suddenly realized.

No matter which city alliance, there is light, there is darkness.

The rulers are aloof and want to hold all power in their hands, including the darkness of the city and the filth of the hearts of the people.

This is how Prince Charles planned.

He became the leader himself, ruled northern Europe openly, and became the emperor of darkness from his clone, which is equivalent to personally controlling the dark side of northern European cities.

However, the final result of Charles's ambition has already appeared.

In order to satisfy his ambitions, Charles turned into a dragon beast soaked in dragon blood.

His daughter has been copied in large numbers, and the body has been infested with dragon blood and dilapidated.

Even the whole of Northern Europe is caught in an unchangeable war.

Jiang Chen's heart was startled, but he asked flatly.

"Princess Elizabeth, you just said that you can repair this war through the Eye of Chaos. What do you mean?"

Elizabeth was surprised at Jiang Chen's confrontation with the king-level monster, and her thought and tone were not at all messy.

But at this time, Elizabeth did not want to start a war with Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn't come to destroy Northern Europe, and Elizabeth didn't want to go to Chuanmu at all.

She has no motive to start a war with Jiang Chen.

So Elizabeth explained.

"Jiang Chen, your father was one of the first batch of Beast Masters who emerged from Blue Star."

"But we all know the inside story. The Beastmaster has existed since ancient times, with a very long history, and even experienced endless historical changes."

"This endless cycle is the solution to all the problems of Blue Star."

"And I inspected a large number of ancient books day and night, and finally discovered the law of reincarnation."

"The fall of the strongest beast of an era represents the end of this era."

"And every time a new era begins, a legendary key is needed."

"In the ancient books, I found a clue to that key.\"

Jiang Chen asked doubtfully.

"The key to a new era? Is it the Eye of Chaos?"

Elizabeth shook her head solemnly.

"No, it's not."

"The key to a new era is called differently in various ancient books."

"Some books directly call it the singularity of the world, and some call it the Eye of Horus, and the Bible calls this key to the new era the fruit of wisdom (the apple picked by Eve in the Garden of Eden)."

"After a long time of discrimination and sorting, I was fortunate to find a note from your father Mr. Jiang Yuan, which discussed a record about the real eye."

"Coincidentally, after checking Senior Jiang Yuan's information, I found out that he had left a mysterious relic with an eye that exudes elemental power, so I devised a plan and tried every means to get it."

"To put it bluntly, I created this Hero Contest exclusively for you alone, otherwise Chuanmu Group would never put the real Eye of Chaos in my hands."

Jiang Chen suddenly became dumb.

This is the legendary plot.

The Chuanmu Group knew that Elizabeth wanted the Eye of Chaos, but Elizabeth used to attract Jiang Chen as an excuse, and the Chuanmu Group had to fight her arrogance.

The same goes for Jiang Chen.

Knowing that this game may be a trap for Chuanmu to encircle him, but for the sake of his father's legacy, he must participate in this game.

According to the normal development of the plot, Jiang Chen will fight the Chuanmu Group for three hundred rounds, and it can basically be predicted that the outcome will be a loss for both sides.

And Elizabeth, who came up with this strategy, only needs the empty glove White Wolf.

But unexpectedly, Jiang Chen's strength was too strong, even the archbishop sent by the Eagle Nation Alliance did not take it seriously.

Really can be said to be stronger than RMB.

In fact, when Jiang Chen first came to Northern Europe, Elizabeth immediately sent a reformer to attack with a gun to test Jiang Chen's strength.

But he didn't expect that Jiang Chen, with his tyrannical posture of spitting bullets, turned this sneak attack into a capital of speculation, and became a celebrity in Northern Europe overnight.

From that time on, Elizabeth's plan changed, and she absolutely did not dare to be an enemy of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen is extremely clever, although he can see the key at a glance.

"It seems that I am too strong and let your plan go through."

"But there is nothing wrong with what I did."

"Miss Elizabeth, I am standing in front of you now. Since the Eye of Chaos is my father's relic, I must take it away and will never give it to you."

"But I am very fair. Since your starting point for snatching the relic is not evil, I can help you heal the blood poisoning on you and your father for free."

"One more thing, your transformation plan is really unfeasible. You and your father have already suffered from it. Don't create a large number of transformation people to expand the hero fortress."

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