God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1273: Tao Girl


The ground suddenly bulged.

As if there is a terrifying behemoth about to emerge from the ground.

Boom! Boom! !

The alloy floor was collapsed.

The huge momentum rose to the sky.

Jiang Chen laughed.


With a loud noise, Jiang Chen's eyes were inverted with pictures on the ground.

A huge explosion occurred on the ground, and the archbishop and Lilith were instantly shocked by tyrannical forces!

In Jiang Chen's eyes, a light and agile figure appeared.

"Poetry!" Jiang Chen said excitedly.

In front of Jiang Chen, Tang Shishi hit the ground on one knee, holding a gun horizontally behind her, and flames blazing from behind her.

Tang Shishi's other hand was holding a long blue flame that was wriggling.

This flame is very strange, not a whole ball, but a strange long strip like a sticky water drop.

This flame data appeared in Jiang Chen's eyes.

"This! Is the blood poison in Phoenix?"

Tang Shishi nodded gently.

"Phoenix is ​​constantly repairing and rebirth by absorbing my flame power, but his body is too poor to accommodate all my power, and his life is stretched to death!"

Tang Shishi talked about the battle as light as a feather.

After Yu Beast possessed, Tang Shishi burst into full force, split Phoenix's body into several pieces, but soon recovered.

Phoenix himself deeply believes that as long as Tang Shishi continuously emits the power of flame, he can heal completely.

This is Tang Shishi's tactics. When Phoenix absorbed the power, Tang Shishi directly attacked, cutting open huge wounds with a spear.

But Phoenix was full of confidence and defenselessness, and the Divine Phoenix flame crazily poured into Phoenix's body, triggering the explosion.

The tyrannical force directly exploded the first and second floors of the Scorpio Palace.

And the Tang poetry is the body of flame, not afraid of explosion.

After condensing the blood poison in Phoenix's body in the flame, he entered the second floor directly from the big hole exploded by the explosion.

Tang Shishi handed the blood poison to Jiang Chen.

"This thing is extremely corrosive, and it can burn through the steel plate at will. I first sealed it with the Divine Phoenix Flame!"

"However, Phoenix's blood poison contains the blood of the Divine Phoenix, and I must get it!"

"Bandits, leave it to you~"

Jiang Chen smiled and nodded.

"Ai concubine is fine, but it takes some time to refine this blood poison."

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, the tenderness in his brows instantly disappeared.

With a move of his eyes, the overwhelming coercion spread out.

The power of Shura burst out immediately, condensing into a fist shadow, breaking through the space.


The flame in front of everyone was instantly torn in half by Jiang Chen Shura's fist.


Jiang Chen hit the archbishop's chest with a punch.

But just as soon as the fist touched the archbishop, a golden light burst out suddenly.

The powerful Holy Light defensive barrier suddenly unfolded!

Jiang Chen was taken aback.

Looking up, a graceful woman wearing a single layer of tulle and a faintly looming body appeared quietly behind the archbishop.

Behind the woman, there was a picture of mountains and rivers, the phantom of the sun and green grass.

The power of endless holy light gushes out from the phantom.

The woman only needs to hold a simple earthen jar, turn around and scoop a stream of clear water into the river, and sprinkle it on the archbishop, forming an enchantment that is even strong enough to resist Shura.

After the enchantment, a chubby wretched man was hiding behind the Tao girl.

Li Xiaofu suddenly marveled.

"I'll go! Is there really an angel in the adult world!"

Wang Sicong vomited.

"Look at that wretched fat man, the ghost knows that this Virgo inheritance is still not a virgin!"

Li Xiaofu rolled his eyes.

"Brother Cong, are you discriminating against fat guys? That young lady is my angel!"

Shangguan Fanxing pinched Li Xiaofu's soft belly.

"Little Fu Ouba, are you sure it is your angel?"

Li Xiaofu quickly begged for mercy.

"Good treasure~ I said it is **** in the sky~"

Jiang Chen joked unintentionally, shook his head and said.

"No! This is not an angel, but a beast inherited from Virgo!"

Li Xiaofu said strangely.

"What? It turned out to be Yu Beast, then what kind of beast is it?"

Jiang Chen rolled his eyes, and a set of data was reflected in his pupils.

[Name of Monster Beast]: Holding Tao Girl

【Monster Level】: Level 76 (King Level)

[Monster quality]: Legendary quality

[Monster attributes]: Holy Light System/Spirit System/Spirit System

【Monster State】: Calm

[Characteristics of monsters]: Originated from the oil painting "Tao", it is a rare realistic painting in modern times.

The beauty of the combination of Chinese and Western expressed by the woman in the painting has caused this work to be pirated. The number of piracy worldwide has reached more than one million.

After being infested by the breath of different dimensions, it turns into a rare spirit body.

The picture presented by the painting can influence the mental state of human beings.

[Weaknesses of Monster Beasts]: Demon/Fire

[Evolution route]: There are 9 evolution routes...

Jiang Chen explained to Li Xiaofu.

Li Xiaofu patted his forehead.

"I just said, so familiar! It turned out to be the person in the picture!"

Jiang Chen frowned.

"Don't think about that first, if even the power of Shura's possession can't break this holy light barrier, then the Tao Girl is the absolute defense on this battlefield!"

"In the battle of the beastmaster, if there is an absolute defense, Xiaofu, no one knows the next thing better than you, the converted tank!"

Li Xiaofu was speechless.

Then he touched his nose.

"Damn! Then the little master will try to **** him!"

Jiang Chen's eyes drenched.

"How to do it?"

Li Xiaofu made two noises, wet his left and right hands, and lifted the huge Thor's hammer into the sky.

"Eat your fat grandpa with a hammer!"

Li Xiaofu yelled, the giant hammer in his hand suddenly exploded with powerful thunder power.



Hit it down with one hammer and hit the holy light heavily!

Zi Zi Zi!

The current is winding, but it never passes through the junction.

At this moment, the phantom behind Tao Nuv suddenly changed!

call out!

The endless black air is suspended and filled, and a large number of disgusting poisonous insects such as spiders and cockroaches emerge from the fear of dense fog.

This is the mental interference skills of Tao Nuv.

Li Xiaofu was taken aback

"Wow!" he yelled and retreated.

Xiaofu hugged Jiang Chen's shoulders and hid behind him, his arms shaking.

"Oh, why do so many bugs come out!"

Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Too reckless!"

"That's the skill of holding Tao Girl, disturbing the spirit!"

Li Xiaofu was immediately upset.

"I'm going, what can I do! Can interfere, defend, and be invincible?"

The corners of Jiang Chen's mouth rose.

"No! Not invincible yet!"

"Its spiritual impact can only be directed at humans!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Chen waved his big hand, and the two sides of his body burst out with amazing black and white light.

The angel emblem on him flickered, and two graceful figures of A Leng suddenly appeared behind Jiang Chen.

Suddenly a symphony came from the dim laboratory. Listening carefully, it turned out to be Beethoven's classic Ode to Joy!

The piano and the violin are intertwined, like the sound of nature, but mixed with the whispers of the devil.

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