God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1271: Your opponent is me

With the lessons learned from the past, all the Star Palace soldiers behind did not dare to step forward!

Jiang Chen everyone quickly passed through the passage.

Waiting for everyone is a straight upward elevator.


The elevator just reached the floor, Gurulu opened the gate.


There was a sharp roar.

Six mechanical dogs suddenly rushed out of the elevator.

Li Xiaofu waved his hand suddenly, endless yellow sand gushing out of his palm!

The six mechanical dogs did not evade, but directly greeted them.

In the midair, the mechanical bearings are constantly twisting.


The gear makes a harsh grinding sound!


The mechanical dog immediately got into the yellow sand.


The metal machinery forms a powerful structure like a drill bit, which instantly penetrates Li Xiaofu's yellow sand.


Six mechanical dogs broke through the defense and slammed into Li Xiaofu instantly!

Jiang Chen and Shangguan Kitty immediately rushed to Li Xiaofu from left and right!



The two wielded their swords, and amazing energy burst out from the blades!

But when the blade collided with the robot dog, a surprising scene happened suddenly.

call out!

The energy in the hands of Jiang Chen and Shangguan Kitty suddenly disappeared!

Looking up, all the energy was attracted by the mechanical dogs and entered their mouths!

This is not over yet.

An alarm sounded suddenly around.


I saw the collar of the mechanical dog glowing red, accompanied by a rapid noise.

"Not good!" Jiang Chen shouted.

He pushed Li Xiaofu and Shangguan Kitty away.

"Prepare to defend! This thing will explode!"

It turned out that Jiang Chen saw the countdown to the explosion on the circle of the mechanical dog!

These mechanical dogs can actually cause an explosion by absorbing external energy.

Between the electric light and flint, Wang Sicong immediately erected an ice wall!

The next moment the azure energy closes the entire passage.


Six mechanical dogs exploded!


The ice wall shattered.

The tyrannical energy fluctuations blasted to everyone from the cracks.

Jiang Chen everyone flew out.

Boom! !

Fortunately, several people smashed into the elevator.


The elevator gate closed, instantly isolating the violent energy.


The elevator bell rang, and a feeling of pushing back came.

Everyone in Chang'an accidentally hit the elevator by mistake and began to rise slowly.

The elevator instantly crossed a distance of more than ten meters to the second floor of the palace.


The gate opened.

Looking around, there is endless darkness in front of you!

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand, and he could see thirty to fifty meters forward with the light in the elevator.

But this empty and dark hall is definitely more than thirty to fifty meters.

Jiang Chen fumbled forward, followed by everyone in Chang'an.


The air pressure is stable and the elevator gate is closed tightly.

At this time, Chen Zhong fell into total darkness.

But immediately, with a move of Jiang Chen's nose, he even smelled a scent of tobacco in the darkness!

"Who is here!" Jiang Chen shouted.

I saw a red dot suddenly appeared from the darkness.

The leather heel hit the ground, and a figure slowly walked towards the Changan.

"It's me, Jiang Chen!"

The speaker's voice is low, exuding the majesty of a lion, and it also takes away the **** whispering in the ear.

Jiang Chen chuckled lightly.

"Heh! Your voice is somewhat similar to Eoria!"

The blond man walked out of the shadows.

"Huh! I am Eoria!"

Jiang Chen retracted his smiling expression, his face gradually becoming serious.

"No, you are not."

The expression of the blond man gradually collapsed.

"I am Eoria! My appearance is Eoria! My memory is Eoria! Even my beast is exactly the same as Eoria!"

Jiang Chen's face was ugly.

"No, you..."

"You're just..."

Jiang Chen looked very embarrassed.

"You... just a substitute..."

Anyway, the person in front of him looks exactly like Eoria.

Jiang Chen couldn't bear to hurt him.

The blond man gradually collapsed in his shadow.

"Me! Who am I! Who am I!"

Extreme self-denial in the heart.

It usually looks normal, it's him who hypnotizes himself.

But when he recognizes reality, he will be stimulated, which will trigger a chain reaction.

Jiang Chen's face was firm.

"Turn on the lights, I have seen it!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A row of huge chandeliers lit up above everyone.

The surroundings lit up.

Looking around, the endless translucent medical cabins are arranged far away, and you can't see the head at a glance.

Everyone in Chang'an took a breath!

From the small glass ports of these medical cabins, we can see that there is a person in each medical cabin!

In the row closest to Jiang Chen, everyone could clearly see the facial contours of the people in the medical cabin.

The female team members bit their vermilion lips, Huarong paled!

Blond hair, tall nose, and blade-like eyebrows.

The silhouette of that man is Eoria!

Jiang Chen sighed.

"Sure enough, as I expected, you replaced the original Twelve Star Palace with artificial humans!"

"Say! What happened to Eoria by you!"

Jiang Chen was really worried about the benevolent and domineering Eoria.

At this moment, a woman's voice suddenly came not far away.

"The Zodiac has blocked our plan to transform mankind, so naturally we have been put to death!"

The woman’s tone seemed to dislike the high calorie intake for dinner today.

Jiang Chen looked up.

The female leader wearing a ghost mask was standing on the shabby rusty stairs, looking at Jiang Chen from a distance.

The stairs can go up to the second floor, there is also a full medical cabin, full of artificial people!

Jiang Chen was not afraid, and looked at him in the air.

The eyes of the two met sparks in mid-air.

Weng buzzing!

The chandelier on the ceiling kept flashing, and the two men's momentum clashed wildly in midair!

The eyes of the two are in one place.

Jiang Chen saw the solitaire in the eyes of a woman.

And that woman, from Jiang Chen's eyes, read the firmness in his heart.

The war is imminent.

The woman spoke.

"Aiolia, it seems that your soul boundary is not well consolidated!"

"Get out first, you can't handle Jiang Chen now!"

As soon as the voice fell, another familiar voice sounded.

"Mythological lord, if Leo alone can't deal with it, plus us, is it almost the same?"

I saw Scorpio leading the celestial warrior, surrounded from every corner.

Behind every constellation inheritance is a powerful warrior in golden armor.

Roughly speaking, there are at least five or six thousand people!

The mythical lord looked around and suddenly sneered.

"Huh! Jiang Chen, you are afraid that you are dead now!"

"It just so happens that I do have important things to deal with. After all, the fusion experiment that can save humans has just begun. I don't want it to die in my hands as soon as it is born!"

"Scorpio, this is for you!"

The mythical leader wrapped his robe tightly, and disappeared into the stacks of medical cabins in one jump!

Jiang Chen wanted to catch up and was immediately stopped by the Scorpio.

"Jiang Chen! Your opponent is me!"

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