God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1267: sneak into

Jiang Chen pointed to the part carved with gold in the mural.

It probably describes the biography of the Scorpio inheritor in history.

"So this is the Scorpio Star Palace!"

"Look, the mural is about the history and myth of the evolution of Scorpio!"

"It is generally said that Scorpio has leadership and desire to control, Leo has domineering and arrogant, and both signs are born leaders."

Shangguan Fanxing nodded.

"No wonder that Scorpio and Leo both had some leader postures before. It seems that there will be differences between them."

Wang Sicong chuckled lightly.

"Hey! The enemy has differences, isn't it a great thing for us!"

Jiang Chen shook his head.

"It's not as serious as expected."

After speaking, Jiang Chen looked up and looked forward.

But at the end of the long palace corridor, a huge red stone door opened in front of him.

In the gate court, it is not a primitive palace image at all.

White lights and soundproof panels constitute the walls.

Countless glass is divided into various small rooms.

Jiang Chen was instantly sluggish.

"That... it turned out to be a laboratory inside!"

Everyone in Chang'an also had a lot of everything inside the huge red gate.


A harsh drill came from the door.

Countless noisy sounds came one after another.

The soldiers marched into the laboratory carrying boxes.

Little Kun Kun was standing on the edge of the last box.

Everyone finally saw everything inside the door.

Countless glass walls surround the weird corridor.

The alloy floor shone coldly.

A surgical trolley was pushed quickly past Chang'an.

On the cart, lay a woman with a bare body.

The body hair on the body is clearly visible.


The three men, Jiang Chen, Li Xiaofu, and Wang Sicong, were immediately covered with eyes by the girls.

Xiao Kun Kun looked at everything in front of him curiously.

It's not just the people in the surgical cart.

In the glass houses around the corridors, there are humanoid figures everywhere.

Some people in the houses are still incomplete.

Plasma was spilled on the glass, and the miniature cleaning robot was wiping blood.

What is even more strange is that many people here have fatal hideous wounds, but Jiang Chen has never heard a scream.

The experimenter happily took the various dismantling equipment in his hand, disassembled the human body into various "accessories", and threw it on the ground in a disorderly manner.

Looking around, there are such hellish scenes everywhere.

There is no monster, no magic circle.

Every experimental sample in this laboratory is all human!

Everyone felt sick.

"Damn! Chuanmu dog thief!" Jiang Chen gritted his teeth and said.

Li Xiaofu and several others were also angry.

The guards carrying the box quickly left here, seemingly unwilling to watch this cruel scene more.

Jiang Chen's heart suddenly chilled.

A bold and terrifying idea suddenly popped into his mind.

The contents of these guards' boxes are obvious!

All the way through hell, the passer seemed to come to a warehouse,

The tall climbing frames are neatly arranged, and the forklifts for loading and unloading go back and forth.

The workers didn't say a word, and Jiang Chen could only hear the engine of the car.

Looking around, the entire warehouse is densely packed, and there are piles of identical alloy boxes in the hands of the guards.

Soon, a man in a worker's uniform stopped the guard.

"What's the size of the goods in your hands?"

The leader of the guard replied immediately.

"According to Lord Phoenix's request, all the samples of Experiment No. 18 have been brought, and there is no omission, please check it!"

Jiang Chen scratched his ears.

Why does the name Phoenix sound familiar?

A second lieutenant of the guard actually called a warehouse worker an officer. It seems that the worker's background is not small.

Jiang Chen thought, Xiao Kun Kun immediately jumped out of the Hejin alloy box and came to the worker's shoulders.

I saw the workers take off their gloves and put their hands on the left side of the alloy box.

"Okay, call Master Phoenix, I'll ask him to confirm on the spot."

The soldiers nodded in salute and retreated neatly.

After a while, a person walked in the corner of the warehouse.

In that punk outfit, Jiang Chen recognized this person at a glance.

"In Phoenix! That guy!"

The previous series of encounters suddenly appeared in Jiang Chen's mind.

This guy claims to be the lead singer of a band, but he knows the only queen of the royal family.

As soon as his information was announced, he immediately rushed to the spot confirmation office to meet with him.

It turned out to be from Chuanmu!

It's hidden deep enough! Jiang Chen hardly has any malice towards him!

If in the arena before, there has been no accident of Borderlands grabbing death.

Presumably, this Phoenix will do everything possible to destroy Tang poetry on the court!

Jiang Chen had already seen Chuanmu's conspiracy.

Jiang Chen always thought that Gang Daochuan who was killed by him in those years was already sinister enough.

Compared with Phoenix, that guy is a far cry! !

But this was also Jiang Chen's own negligence.

The Hero Contest indicated that all members can participate, regardless of the gentleman.

The royal family, Jiang Chen and others can sign up, and it is not surprising that Chuanmu's people sign up.

At this time, Phoenix had already walked to the alloy box with a smile.

Open your palm and gently press it on the scanner on the right side of the alloy.


"Recognition successful!"


Accompanied by electronic sounds, the alloy box slowly opened, revealing a corner of the contents.

Everyone looked into the box, their expressions were instantly dull!

What Jiang Chen said was right.

It was a Miaoman body, with oddly long legs embedded in a translucent green solid nutrient base.

"Prosthetic body!"

Prosthetic body is a common term in science fiction, and it can also be called artificial body.

Jiang Chen never expected that Chuanmu's scientific research on human physiology had reached such a heinous level!

He immediately thought of the disability that everyone saw in the glass room just now, and he permeated the whole process in his heart.

The alloy boxes found after everyone landed were full of such prostheses.

But there is only a temporary foothold.

Soon these alloy boxes will be transported into the palace and stored in this huge warehouse.

Judging from the busyness of the workers in the warehouse, these bodies will be used for a lot of experiments.

And everyone has just passed through thousands of glass rooms, which may be the place where the failed materials were destroyed!

At this time, Phoenix closed the box and smiled and said to the chief of the warehouse.

"Okay, let's test this one, I guess there will be no problem."

The moment the box was closed, Jiang Chen saw a familiar birthmark on the waist of the body, flying like a butterfly.

Here Phoenix and the worker chief inspected the "goods", Phoenix signed again, and the two soon separated.

"Kun Kun! Keep up with Phoenix!"

Xiao Kun Kun immediately jumped onto Phoenix's shoulder.

Everyone left the warehouse with Phoenix.

When Phoenix left the warehouse so far and entered an alloy corridor marked 08, he pressed the metal ring on his arm to open the call function.

"My lord, what you want has been delivered."

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