God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1260: You are all guilty

Jiang Chen was dull.


Water stains fell on Vinci's **** face.

There were mixed flavors in Jiang Chen's heart, like knocking over a seasoning bottle.

The world is not worth it.

In a word, it seems to be an ordinary online joke, but it accurately expresses the despair in Vinci's heart.

The Zidi Immortal Vine worked tirelessly to provide vitality, and Vinci's body gradually became intact.

But he had already given up the hope of his life, completely denying himself.

Now even though his body has been recovered, his brain has not accepted his own resurrection, and his extreme self-denial has left him in a state of death forever.

In other words, Vinci's soul has abandoned the world, leaving the empty shell rescued by Jiang Chen.

Most of the tragedies and pains in his life were caused deliberately by the despicable Lord, and that nasty guy had been killed by Jiang Chen.

At the moment when the despicable lord died, Vinci's heart also yearned to return to the sunshine!

But because of a few words, Vinci at that moment was completely disheartened, just wanting to be free!

Jiang Chen didn't dare to let go. He was holding this fragile empty shell with his voice still present, and the two of them returned to Changan step by step.

Everyone in Changan was silent, watching Jiang Chen bring Vinci back.

All the audience discovered Jiang Chen's abnormality and stopped talking about Vinci.

Some people have doubts, and some are gloating.

But no one really took Vinci's suicide seriously.

The host is also loyal to his profession and continues to introduce the second event.

It was supposed to be a duel between Shangguan Kitty and the princess Aisi of the Northern Ice Mirror.

Princess Ice Mirror came to the ring, her white lace dress fluttering.

Everyone off the court is also waiting for both sides of the game to take their place.

However, Shangguan Kitty never appeared in the ring.

Despite the host shouting repeatedly, Shangguan Kitty didn't move at all.

As long as Jiang Chen didn't speak, Shangguan Kitty would not go to the game.

At first, only a few minutes later, no one said anything.

But over time, the audience gradually became irritable.

"What do you mean? How can it compare?"

"Did Shangguan Kitty be with Jiang Chen? Did Jiang Chen and the others think they could pretend to be forced by winning a game?"

"Bibi! If you want to compare, hurry up! If you don't, you can quickly roll back to Yanhuang!"

"Coward, call!"

The cheering audience just now seemed to be Jiang Chen's creditor.

This is a very strange logic.

Jiang Chen fought like a beast in the arena.

The viewer does not need any material or effort to enter the arena to see Jiang Chen working hard.

After Jiang Chen finishes his spells, whether he wins or loses, the spectators can comment at will.

It was Vinci who lost, so they scolded Vinci.

It was Jiang Chen who lost, so they scolded Jiang Chen.

Where does this confidence come from?

Just because they feel that watching Jiang Chen match is a gift to Jiang Chen!

Therefore, no matter how vicious they are, it is their right.

But Shangguan Kitty was late for a while and deserved to be scolded.

Vinci, who had been sorrowful in his life, deserved to commit suicide.

They are all bystanders. Who wants to care about others?

But Jiang Chen is not a bystander.

He felt Vinci's despair from his heart.

He is more qualified than anyone to speak for Vinci.

In the noise, Jiang Chen spoke.

"You! All guilty!"

Jiang Chen said.

The audience suddenly became quiet.

"What did Jiang Chen say?"

"Why is he so hypocritical? Isn't he just dead?"

"That is, there is no undead in the competition!"

The audience suddenly talked about it.

Jiang Chen was fed up with these buzzing noisy flies.

"Guilty! All guilty!"

"Even if an avalanche strikes, no snowflake is innocent!"

"The law does not blame the public, it absolutely does not apply!"

Jiang Chen roared up to the sky, astonishing power exploded in his body.


The dazzling white light burst out from Jiang Chen's body and instantly covered the entire arena.

Jiang Chen is as dazzling as the sun, no one can open his eyes!

"Let me take a look at you tens of thousands of people, your fate is geometric!"


Time suddenly stopped.

The world is full of black and white.

The only color in this world is the colorful lines of destiny above everyone's head!

Jiang Chen's eyes are blood red, and his hands are slowly drawing on his chest.

In an instant, a phantom of Styx condensed on his chest!


The gray mist suddenly erupted from the phantom of the Styx!

The energy spreads instantly like a stormy sea.

The line of fate above everyone in the arena instantly becomes a layer of gray!

At the same time, in the shadow of the earth, Venus and the moon passed by.

Vinci's body in Jiang Chen's hand suddenly hugged him.

Looking down, the boy was still peaceful and quiet, with a expression of relief, he hugged Jiang Chen somehow.

Jiang Chen wakes up instantly!

"not good!"

Looking around, the world is full of black and white, and the thread of fate on everyone's head has also turned gray.

Jiang Chen almost caused a disaster!

He was really full of grief and anger, and unreservedly released the power of Styx.

Everyone on the field will be infested by the power of Styx.

Fortunately, he woke up in time.

It's not that Jiang Chen didn't want to avenge Vinci.

He just suddenly thought that if all these people were killed, the power of the Dead River would be unbalanced.

At that time, Jiang Xiaoguo must be the one who suffers.

But Jiang Chen's anger still had nowhere to vent.

With a move of his eyes, Jiang Chen thought of an idea.

It's hard to enter the world of the fate line. Isn't it a loss to just go out?

He immediately flew into the world of lines, changing all the gray lines above everyone's head.

In a few minutes, colorful lines appeared on everyone's head, which means that fate is no longer gray.

But there is no guarantee that it will be the same as the original fate.

Jiang Chen also deliberately changed the color and re-disrupted to ensure that everyone's fate is likely to be different from before.

After that, Jiang Chen repainted Vinci's line in green.

"That's it!" Jiang Chen clapped his hands.


The color of black and white faded and time began to flow again.

In the audience, the couple who had been hugging each other suddenly began to scold each other.

Two unrelated people suddenly kissed each other.

Since Jiang Chen is a mess of mandarin ducks, there are men and women as well as women.

Jiang Chen laughed and clapped his hands!

The host, Ollie, was the worst.

He was surrounded by more than a dozen big bodyguards wearing black suits and sunglasses, and they pressed on the ground to give a kiss.

Jiang Chen immediately explained to everyone in Changan, and everyone immediately laughed.

"Deserve it! Deserve it!" Li Xiaofu clapped and applauded.

The kitten is also very upset.

"No, it's as if they have the right to hurt others with a long mouth!"

Wang Sicong is also a well-known Discipline Inspection Commission.

"The so-called dog can't spit out ivory, that's probably what it means!"

Jiang Chen gave a thumbs up.

"Oh, Cong Shao's comment is really sharp!"

Under the influence of Jiang Chen, the arena was once in chaos.

In the sky, the moon avoided by Venus, I don't know when it will reappear next time.

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