
Chimera let out a sharp growl.


A gust of wind swept the field, and Chimera's huge figure swooped down from above.

Everyone had to lower their bodies to prevent being blown away by the wind.

Thunder broke out, Chimera rushed straight to Li Xiaofu.

The huge phantom is like the famous knife of the island country-Thousand Bird Raiqi!

Li Xiaofu was not afraid, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He hammered down the lightning, like a sharp blade, breaking through the poisonous fog.

Ah Fool waved his claws and instantly caused endless turbulence of yellow sand.

The dust swept across, forming a waterfall of yellow sand.


Tens of thousands of tons of yellow sand poured out into the air, all smashing on the skeleton torso of the poisonous tree spirit.


The poisonous tree spirit let out a painful roar.

His facial features were instantly submerged by endless yellow sand.

The corners of Li Xiaofu's mouth rose up, showing a slightly cruel smile.


The fingers pinch into a gesture, and the index finger is like a fire.

The look of the poisonous tree spirit suddenly became distorted.

Its body swelled up like a balloon, and there was no more yellow sand in its mouth.

Li Xiaofu's palms merged, and his arms swayed like a snake.

In the body of the poisonous tree spirit, the endless yellow sand immediately began to wriggle with Li Xiaofu's gesture.

The body of the poisonous tree spirit burst out with a terrifying light.

The body was torn in an instant.



The dark bark of the giant tree was instantly burst by yellow sand.

Endless particles gush out.

The poisonous tree spirit immediately lost the ability to fight.

The two-headed Chimera went crazy and vibrated its wings.

At this moment, it is only one step away from Xiaofu.

Just lower your body and bite Li Xiaofu's body in one bite.

Chimera thought he could beat this weak human being, but unexpectedly hit Li Xiaofu's arms!

"Hey! I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Gravity field! Twenty times the gravity! Open!"

A strange arc burst out in the air instantly.

The blue-violet strange arc is connected to the ground, fully revealing the blue star's magnetic field.

The arc is getting thicker and the vibration frequency is getting faster and faster.

Thunder Chimera's body is getting heavier and heavier.


With both heads roaring, Chimera could no longer support her weight, and fell instantly!


The electric light shattered, and Chimera's huge body smashed into the ring.

The bricks and tiles collapsed and the gravel flew.

The surrounding players retreated one after another, and the beasts evaded one after another.

Among the rolling gravel, the body of the little tortoise rose from the ground.

The thunder and thorns all over his body erupted fiercely.

Holding two black Rachel blades to cut through the air!


Chimera let out a stern wailing.

Blood splashed and his head flew.

The brutal picture caused countless audiences to exclaim.

The two royal beasts under the commander of the imperial imperial guard fell on the spot!

Li Xiaofu took the crystal core and gave it to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen checked carefully.

"Xiaofu, keep it for now, this little thing is not suitable for dumb, but for turtles."

"When you have the opportunity, you can get a fly of basalt blood, and then take it with the thunder crystal core, you will surely get twice the result with half the effort!"

The loss on Ah Fong's face was already visible to the naked eye.

Little Turtle is very happy, winking at Ah Fu.

It feels like a young guy has a deposit for the first time, and he has to show off when he meets his girlfriend.

Everyone in Chang'an couldn't help but laugh when they saw it.

But Jiang Chen's expression was very sharp.

"Such an ally, what's the use of keeping him?"

"Silver Moon!"


Wolf King Xiaoyue, a terrifying cold breath broke out on the arena again.

A hard ice wall stopped in front of Jiang Chen.

Except Jiang Chen and Chang'an everyone, everyone was stopped outside the ice wall.

The cold breath kept sweeping.

The players on the field retreated in shock.

"Here again! Here again!"

"Jiang Chen! You shrunk head tortoise! ​​Shrink yourself in a shell when you are fine."

Jiang Chen raised his right hand lazily.

"Stop talking nonsense, it's all over."

"Yinyue, push!"

With an order, the refrigerator in front of Jiang Chen expanded rapidly!


Ice crystals rubbed the ground, leaving hideous scars on the ring.

The translucent wall expanded wildly, and the area grew tens of meters in ten seconds.

At this speed, within ten minutes, the entire arena will be occupied by Jiang Chen's ice cover.

Jiang Chen just used the ice wall to push all the players into the gully on the edge of the ring.

Anyway, the allies on the ring had rebelled, and all Jiang Chen looked at were enemies.

Many players have already sensed Jiang Chen's intentions and started to attack the ice wall frantically.

Inside the ice wall, Jiang Chen said softly.

"His Royal Highness, how about it, I came up with this trick temporarily."

Elizabeth was speechless, staring at Tang Yiyi closely.

After a while, she spoke.

"Okay, very good..."

Jiang Chen frowned and touched Tang Yiyi's head.

"Well, I know this plan is very good."

"But your Royal Highness, should we talk about this sneak attack?"

Elizabeth's face instantly turned pale.

Jiang Chen continued to speak.

"I finally understand your battle plan, make alliances, make alliances as much as possible."

"Through the battle, one part is consumed, and then another part of the people is solved by sneak attack."

"In the end, only yourself and the people you are willing to stay."

"How much money did the guard charge you, and dare to attack me?"

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he looked at Elizabeth.

Elizabeth's face flickered, and it was very complicated.

Seeing that she could still bear it, Jiang Chen entrained more private goods in his words, intending to stimulate Elizabeth.

"Have you seen the expansion speed of the ice wall? In ten minutes at most, all of your subordinates will be eliminated."

"When the time comes, you will be left alone to face me."

"If your father is here, you might still be able to escape, but unfortunately, His Royal Highness is not here at all."

Jiang Chen said, gradually approaching Elizabeth.

Until his breath intertwined with Elizabeth.

Jiang Chen approached her ear, the corners of his mouth rose, and said softly.

"Or, do you have greater worries in your heart now?"

"My little sister, Tang Yiyi, what exactly is her identity? I'm afraid you should know better than me!"

Elizabeth's delicate body was shocked.

"You... what do you know!"

Jiang Chen spread his hands.

"Ha! To be honest, I don't know anything."

"I am a Yanhuang man and I don't know anything about your situation in Northern Europe."

"Originally, if you were willing to cooperate and show a sincere attitude, it was not impossible for me to forge friendship with you."

"But now, the person you lied to me and intended to kill me has fallen apart between us."

When Jiang Chen talked, the ice wall summoned by Yinyue had expanded to the edge of the ring.

As time goes by, the place where people can stand on the ring gets smaller and smaller.

As a result, countless players began to push each other.

The most remote player has fallen into the deep gully, life or death is unknown.

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