God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1232: Spit bullet

At the other end, Jiang Chen everyone finally received the information sent by the Zodiac.

"Prince Charles, has been in charge of the Northern Army for many years, and is the peak powerhouse of the Emperor."

"We got married three times, the first two were all marriages, and the third one died of dystocia.

"There is a daughter under my knee."

"After continuous inspections and sweeps in the Fortress of Heroes, Charles is now defeated behind the Green Wall."

"After careful investigation, it has been confirmed that Charles may have four hiding places."

Jiang Chen patted his thigh.

"That's it!"

Wang Sicong doubted.

"Isn't it very efficient? The addresses are detailed like this, why don't they figure it out by themselves?"

Ye Lanyi stepped on Wang Sicong's toe.

"Stupid! The emperor's peak, waved his hand to cut through the building, and lifted his foot to shatter the earth!"

"As long as it is an organized and tactical war, you will definitely pick the persimmon!"

Li Xiaofu smiled.

"Fat, I won't pick soft persimmons!"

Jiang Chen smiled bitterly.

Isn't it not picking?

When did Jiang Chen come across soft persimmons!

He picked up the detailed information and looked at it carefully.

"Fuck! The nearest hiding place, the coordinates are on the side!"

"Fifteen kilometers! It's a bar!"

Jiang Chen looked up and glanced at everyone in the room.

"Brothers, go out tonight?"

A few minutes later, everyone changed their party outfits in the presidential suite and walked out of the hotel.

At the gate, the waiter stopped him.

"Sir, do you have a mission?"

Jiang Chen nodded.


The waiter raised his eyebrows, but still elegant.

"Oh, then remind sir, you haven't bought any equipment yet!"

Jiang Chen was taken aback.

"There is still equipment!"

The waiter stretched out his hand with a gold watch.


He took two shots with his huge palm.



The huge wall of the hall opened suddenly.

The blue low temperature light flickered, and rows of cold killing machines lay on the soft black velvet cushions, appearing more cold and deadly under the blue cold light.

The two-meter-high Kong Wu attendant grabbed a huge rocket launcher.

"9K33, known as the individual air defense system, is a powerful single-soldier guided-detection integrated gun."

The waiter's low voice, a suit, gold-wire glasses, a grim face, and a murderous machine lying on the whole wall behind him.

All these add up to him suddenly become extremely dangerous charm.

Jiang Chen felt that a place in his heart was suddenly moved.

"This is great! Wrap it up!"

The waiter put down the cannon in his hand and picked up two more small shots.

"Slovak V61, scorpion submachine gun."

"Longer magazine, with a silencer. The most romantic thing is that the front grip can be pulled out, and there is a poisoned dagger hidden."

Jiang Chen gave a thumbs up.

"Romance! Really romantic!"

"I want this one too!"

Tang Poems:. . .

The Princess Wang grabbed Jiang Chen's ear and walked out of the hall with everyone.

"Gang Bandit! We are Beastmasters, what do we want these fancy things for!"

"Spending money indiscriminately! Spending money indiscriminately! A box of gold coins used half a box for you!"

Jiang Chen grinned in pain.

"Oh! Ouch!"

"I don't want to be impulsive! I bought this for decoration!"

"Little Fatty! Come and show it!"

I saw Li Xiaofu gently walk out of the special.

His sturdy body is draped in a black woolen coat, which makes his belly look less bulging.

Black leather gloves, pure white collar.

In his hand, he carried an alloy box more than one meter long.

This look, Xu Wenqiang!

The Chang'an people laughed and clapped their hands.

"It's so exciting! It's a complete transformation, you can be a sportsman!"

Several girls in Tang Shishi Ye Lanyi also wore beautiful dresses and windbreakers, and they all carried mysterious boxes in their hands.

Jiang Chen everyone walked across the street swaggeringly, as if a young wind band had just finished their performance, with vigor and joy on their faces.

This scene of people traveling was seen by the telescope in the building not far away.

Tight leather jacket, long blue hair, fluorescent flowing under the skin.

The mysterious woman is reporting the situation to the communicator.

"New situation! Jiang Chen has left the hotel with his partner!"

"Repeat, Jiang Chen has left the hotel with his partner!"

Everyone in Jiang Chen didn't even know that they had been targeted.

Li Xiaofu felt that his outfit was very handsome, and he was at the forefront.

"Walk with the group, please pay attention to passengers, we are about to reach the Louvre ahead!"

Jiang Chen chuckled.

"You stay a little longer, don't flash your waist!"

The voice just fell.

Suddenly, an explosion was like thunder, directed at Jiang Chen.


The tongue of fire spurted out, and the bullet turned into fire, struck Jiang Chen in a perfect straight line!

Jiang Chen suddenly turned his head, golden light flowing in his eyes.

In an instant, everything in front of Jiang Chen was slowed down.

call out!

The bullet kept spinning, the tail wing split apart, exposing the magic circle engraved in the iron armor!


A metal explosion echoed in the quaint bluestone street!

White smoke came out of Jiang Chen's mouth.

Between the ferocious dragon teeth, a fiery red magic circle silver bullet was biting!


Jiang Chen spit out.

Click! Click!

A large group of reporters holding cameras suddenly appeared on both sides of the street.

Click! Click!

The flashlight kept flashing, and Jiang Chen's appearance of spitting bullets was completely photographed.

"Shocking report! New hero comes out!"

"A bullet in the mouth, the new Superman night battles!"

Jiang Chen's photos climbed to the top in an instant. His dragon-like demeanor and the coolness when he spit out bullets made the impact of the lens extremely powerful.

Anyone who sees this photo will definitely be shocked by Jiang Chen's aura!

At the same time, Jiang Chen's mouth sprayed hot white mist.

"Huh! Who attacked! Come out quickly!"

On the opposite side of the remote street, on the European-style pavilion, suddenly a woman laughed slightly.

The chuckle was both sarcasm and contempt.

Jiang Chen was furious instantly, hot blood rushed to the back of his head from his spine.


A fallen leaf swept across, and a wave of air suddenly bounced on the bluestone road

call out!

Light and shadow jump.

Jiang Chen's figure broke off the road instantly.

When it looked, Jiang Chen had already reached the gunman.


After Dragon Roar's life, Jiang Chen turned his fists into claws, and instantly exerted his strength.


The claw mang broke out instantly.


The ancient masonry was instantly cut in half by Jiang Chen!

Behind the wall, a girl in military uniform with short hair stood in battle with a sniper rifle half her head in her hand.

The **** of the rifle was on the ground, the muzzle pointed at the ceiling.


Jiang Chen let out a low growl.

The girl was stunned, her face full of horror.

"Ha!" She took a breath.

Jiang Chen stepped on the window sill fiercely and rushed towards the girl.

"Who are you!"

The girl turned pale.


She yelled, and suddenly a silver circle flashed under her feet.

Jiang Chen's heart suddenly tightened.

"Transportation Array!"


The figure of the blond girl suddenly disappeared.

At this moment, Jiang Chen was like a violent beast.

The sharp claws of both hands flew wildly, setting off countless light blades.

The walls of buildings around him were cut open.


Toot toot!

Flame Harley slowly stopped next to this building that was about to be demolished by Jiang Chen.

Tights, blue curly hair, a strange light across the collarbone.

Looking at the ruins destroyed by Jiang Chen's rage, Miss Charles smiled contemptuously.

"Cut! Worship a **** hero! A group of violent criminals!"

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