God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1230: Fortress of Heroes

Aiolia hesitated immediately, and replied after thinking for a moment.


"The remnants of the royal family are still hiding in the corners of northern European cities, spare no effort to discredit the hero fortress."

"How can the heroic camp that was formed with great difficulty let the remnants of the royal family be easily defeated?"

"However, it's like a mosquito lingering in your ears, very annoying!"

"I am really fed up with their harassment."

"In order to completely eradicate their evil thoughts, the Alliance ordered that the remnants of the royal family, whether men, women or children, are captured, they must be wiped out!"

Aiolia was speaking literally, but the words were full of murderousness, causing Jiang Chen's mind to shift to the direction of pretending.

It seems that the person who plays Eoria is not proficient enough and doesn't pretend to be the same.

In Jiang Chen's impression, Eoriya is definitely a Nordic man with few words.

Although the pretender has a trace of domineering, the words are full of viciousness.

Jiang Chen confirmed that the person in front of him was definitely not the man who used to be passionate and righteous.

After getting through this point, Jiang Chen regarded the person in front of him as an enemy, and no longer left any sympathy.

There are no worries about playing tricks.

"Brother Eoria, I do have an immature suggestion!"

Aiolia raised her eyebrows.

"Oh? I must listen to the opinions of Brother Jiang Chen!"

Jiang Chen didn't hide it, and said.

"I wonder if Hero Fortress doesn't provide work similar to bounty hunters?"

Aiolia smiled.

"Why, brother Jiang Chen, are you on a tight hand recently? I can lend it to you!"

Jiang Chen waved his hand and explained.

"I don’t have enough money, but when I was kicked out of Yanhuang, I always had to live with me, just in case I needed it in the future!"

The two hit each other side by side, and the psychological offensive was ignored.

Eoria frowned and nodded.

"I understand what Brother Jiang Chen meant, but there is no bounty task in the Hero Fortress."

"After all, what we have established is the League of Legends, the mighty division of justice, and we should never bow to money!"

"But if Brother Jiang Chen has financial needs and is embarrassed to ask me directly to borrow, I have a good place to recommend it to you."

Jiang Chen arrived immediately.

"It's good to dare, so that I won't fall into a dilemma!"

Eoria smiled and nodded, and took out a gold coin the size of a rouge box from her arms.

Different patterns are depicted on the front and back of the gold coin. On one side is the constellation hook, which belongs to me at this time, and the other side is the goddess statue.

"Brother Jiang Chen, I took out this thing to express my absolute trust in you."

"This gold coin represents the power of my Zodiac. People who own this coin can obtain assistance from the Zodiac in major cities in Northern Europe, including information on previous missions."

"Take it to the Goddess Holiday Hotel chain in the city, and someone will entertain you!"

Jiang Chen took this coin extremely cherished.

"That's good, so I don't have to worry about having nothing to do in the past few days!"

The two said goodbye to each other, and Aiolia advised Jiang Chen to take care of his body.

When walking out of Aioriya's room, Jiang Chen patted Tang Yiyi on the shoulder.

The girl shook slightly, and gradually eased from the state of tension.

"Stay steady, we are here!"

Everyone in Chang'an put their hands on the girl's shoulders.

Tang Yiyi instantly felt his whole body full of power.

As soon as the camera turned, everyone in Changan returned to the Thames.

The dark clouds dispersed but there was no light in exchange.

As night fell, the sycamore leaves on both sides of the street swayed under the street lights and fell to the riverside.

Everyone in Chang'an walked on the street, wearing casual clothes, just like many young people who went out to play at night.

But everyone's purpose is different from these young people.

Under the leadership of Jiang Chen, everyone came to the Goddess Holiday Hotel.

This hotel building is built with old bricks and stands beside the stone brick pedestrian street.

The entrance of the hotel is surrounded by four glass doors with a revolving door in between.

Several taxis were parked at the door, and the driver sat in the driver's seat listening to the radio.

However, everyone in Jiang Chen hurriedly walked past this beautiful scenery and set foot on the steps of the hotel.

On the steps, the security waiter in uniform straightened his chest and stepped forward to stop Jiang Chen and the others.

Jiang Chen didn't say a word, took out the sunglasses from his arms, and put them on neatly.

A large group of handsome guys and beautiful girls instantly attracted the attention of the hotel guests.

With all the Yanhuang faces and all the youthful attitudes, the residents laughed in their hearts.

They all think that this is just because a rich young master who is not sensible went to Northern Europe to want to stay in a big hotel.

Jiang Chen knew that the people in this room were either killers or agents, and he wore sunglasses for this purpose.

It can be concluded from the intelligence that the Goddess Holiday Hotel is nothing more than an underground stronghold established by the Zodiac and the Nordic Alliance.

Ironically, none of the killer assassins in this room recognized Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's wanted order was also shown on the TV projection in the lobby.

If they knew that they had passed by with 5.1 billion Yanhuang Alliance Coins, they would promise to vomit blood and die.

"Hello sir, do you have an appointment to check into the hotel?"

The waiter in uniform asked Jiang Chen very politely.

Jiang Chen didn't say a word, and took out the twelve-star palace emblem given by Eoria from his arms!

In an instant, the surrounding pictures freeze, and everyone is still.

Jiang Chen seemed to be able to see those people's foreheads, propped up a big exclamation mark.

Jiang Chen and everyone frankly entered the hotel lobby.

The elegant heel clattered on the marble floor.

No one knows how this group of young Yanhuang youths got the approval of the Zodiac Palace to stay in the Goddess Holiday Hotel.

Jiang Chen came to the front desk, took out the gold coin, and put it on the top of the front desk.

Metal and marble collide, making a sweet and crisp sound.

The two waitresses have curly lips, curled blond hair, and a sultry and gorgeous posture.

If you don't look carefully, you can't see it. The areas where the skin is exposed on their cuffs and necklines are depicted with a lot of colorful tattoos, which are even more enchanting.

When the two women saw this gold coin, they just wanted to pick it up.

Unexpectedly, a dark-skinned man walked behind her two.

The two entertainers immediately dispersed and disappeared into the hotel lobby.

Later, this strong man about two meters tall, with a pair of delicate gold glasses on the bridge of his nose, looked more serious.

The dark-skinned man picked up the gold coin and pinched it in his hand, looked down at it, then raised his eyes to look at Jiang Chen.

Then he put the coin into the cuff like magic.

Jiang Chen frowned, just about to ask.

I saw the two enchanting waitresses stepping on high heels clanging, walking beautiful and **** catwalks, and returned to the front desk.


The two of them each carried an alloy suitcase, neatly placed on the bar.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen immediately looked at the dark-skinned man.

The tall man pushed the two suitcases in front of Jiang Chen, and took out a room card from the drawer, and placed it exactly in the center of the suitcase.

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