God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1221: Battle Beast King

Boom! !

The brilliance of energy burst out in front of Jiang Chen.

The fiery red beam of light led by Suzaku was shattered by the energy shelling of the purple-robed man at a critical juncture.

In an instant, the aura of the Beast King returned!

"Not good!" Suzaku elder shouted.

"Young Master! The Beast Emperor broke free from the line of fate, please retreat quickly!"

As soon as the voice fell, no one had recovered from the effort, and the Beast King suddenly broke out.

"Want to go! It's not that easy!"

The huge body of the Beast King exploded with amazing energy.

In an instant, Liu Hongchen and Jiang Chen around him were bombed far away!


Jiang Chen hit the ground.

I saw the Beast King's figure soaring, instantly transforming into a giant with a full length of 20 meters.


With a roar, a bleeding red light broke out in the Beast Emperor's eyes.

With a sudden wave of the huge palm, it hit the divine beast Suzaku.


Suzaku screamed for a long time, and its wings turned into blades, slashing at the neck of the beast emperor fiercely!


Two-phase attack, no one has defense!


The beast king's elegant white hair was severed by Suzaku, the skin on his neck was turned open, the muscle lines were exposed, and the wound was filled with blood in a short while.

And Suzaku was stabbed in the golden claw by the claws of the beast king, and blood continued to flow.

Jiang Chen waved his hand and offered the Purple Emperor Immortal Vine.


The light green fluorescence slowly swayed, and the purple emperor fairy vine exploded with a strong breath of life.

Suzaku's injury healed immediately, and his wings were lifted, and he immediately climbed into the sky.

The next second, the cowboy-like person behind Zong Zheng suddenly threw a grenade.


The earthquake shook, Jiang Chen suddenly felt his body was being pulled vigorously.

"What the hell!"

Not only Jiang Chen, Tang Shishi, and Li Xiaofu, everyone present occasionally read that they were pulled towards the Beast Emperor by the explosion of the grenade.

Even Suzaku descended from the sky and embedded heavily in the ground.

Boom boom boom!

The flames on Suzaku spattered.

Qinglong Shuai has already stepped forward.

"Hurry up Jiang Chen! Leave us alone!"

"The two comers are the Emperor of the Four Emperors who secretly control the arms and the Emperor of the Underground Arena. They are strong, and we can barely make you escape!"

"The four royal leaders have a total of five votes, so as long as the three of Qi are able to control the situation of Yan and Huang, even the leader can only watch, it is impossible to reason!"

"Hurry up, it will be too late if you don't leave!"

Jiang Chen was shocked.

The four emperors of Kyoto are so powerful!

Before the four of them were together, and even the Yu Beast was not summoned, they beat everyone in Chang'an like this!

But Jiang Chen would never back down.

If he has gone through wind and rain and practiced in all kinds of ways, but eventually ended up being framed to death, it means that he has just paid the wrong thing.


An endless charge exploded in Jiang Chen's body again.

Fight to the stars!

Zheng! !

With a loud shout, Jiang Chen's whole body muscles broke out, and the thunder claws suddenly stretched out, stabbing straight at the Beast Emperor!

Qinglong Shuai left Hongchen and several people were dumbfounded.

The speed of the star shift is too fast.

Jiang Chen has appeared above the head of the Beast Emperor.


Cut with both claws!


With a roar, the Beast Emperor crouched and jumped up, using his head hammer to shake Jiang Chen's thunder claws!

Just before the collision, a mysterious ancient beast phantom suddenly burst out of the Beast Emperor's forehead!


Two strikes!

Jiang Chen's claws frantically rubbed against the mysterious ancient beast phantom, making a terrifying roar!

Jiang Chen keenly observed that his attack momentum had actually retreated a bit!

"Sun Luo is dead!"

With a violent drink, a sharp yin and evil spirit gathered in Jiang Chen's eyes.


The extremely penetrating furious light erupted from his eyes.

Weng buzzing!

At this time, Jiang Chen is like the superman in the movie, fighting against the weirdo.

But the weird man Jiang Chen faced was too powerful.

Behind the light of the beast head of the Beast Emperor, a sharp claw phantom struck instantly.

The Beast King raised his right hand.

Nourish! !

Sen Luo's death burst instantly, but was caught by the claws of the ancient beast.

The pitch black energy fluctuated layer by layer, wrapping Jiang Chen and Beast Emperor's body tightly.

Jiang Chen's energy was exhausted, and the state of being possessed by the beast was about to be lifted.

The beast emperor has experienced a hundred battles, and instantly understood Jiang Chen's vacuum period.

"Hahaha! There are flaws! Look at my Beastmaster Fist!"


The beast king pressed behind his arm, and a strong whirlwind swept across.

At the same time, Jiang Chen slowly floated a layer of black magic thunder.

Xiao Hei's figure condenses.

At this moment, the fist of the Beast King suddenly struck!

This is a punch full of confidence.

With years of combat experience, the Beastmaster had predicted that Jiang Chen would soon release the state of being possessed by the beast.

The stage when the beast possessed state is released is when the beast master is most vulnerable.

But Jiang Chen is no ordinary beast master!

The next picture dazzled everyone, and everyone's eyes flickered.

Roar! !

The Titan screamed and angered!

A raging flame burned on the surface of Jiang Chen's body.

In an instant, the Titan phantom broke out!

The strong phantom arm crashed down.



A shock wave smashed up and down, and the ground was smashed into ripples, constantly surging!

The Beast King's feet were plunged into the mud.

Jiang Chen suffered no less impact than the Beast Emperor.

If it weren't for his dragon blood refining, he would be backlashed on the spot, and he would explode to death!

call out!

Jiang Chen flew to the ground.

The Beast Emperor was not injured in any way, but there was a big doubt on his face.


Jiang Chen really shocked him.

"Unexpectedly, you are really capable!"

"What skills do you have to use quickly, otherwise there will be no chance later!"

The Beast King suddenly pulled out his feet that had fallen into the ground.


The energy surged, instantly connecting a golden electric arc between the limbs of the Beast Emperor.

Endless energy flows into the huge body of the Beast Emperor.


The sky was screaming, and a ferocious tiger head burst out from the arc.

The Beast Emperor at this time was like a humanoid mecha.

"Beastmaster kills!"

With a loud shout, an energy cannonball spouted from the tiger's mouth on the chest of the Beastmaster!

Jiang Chen immediately summoned Daikin.

With the eight arms of the big gold, the shadow of Shura suddenly appeared.

There seemed to be a Buddha bell ringing in the dark.

Asura King Kong is not bad posture fully emerged.


The tiger's mouth bombarded Daikin mercilessly.


The Shura phantom shattered and turned into thousands of stars!

Upon seeing this, Jiang Chen knew that the situation was not good.

"Daikin! Shura possessed!"

At the critical juncture, the magic ape handsome emblem on Jiang Chen's eyebrows burst out with a breathtaking black gold light.

Suddenly, Jiang Chen burst out of two Titan phantoms.

The body of Titan guards Jiang Chen from left to right, forming an indestructible defense.

The beast emperor's anger surged, his fists clenched, and he suddenly exploded into a strong spirit.

The horse stepped steadily, and his fists were like one point, crackling at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen controlled the phantom of the Titan, with his eight arms stretched out, the energy situation ran away, and the heat burst out, almost igniting the air.

This is also a dozen hard punches to gradually equal the attack frequency of the Beast King.

But the initiative to fight is still in the hands of the Beast King.

At the same time Jiang Chen bet on his own dignity to be one with the Beast Emperor.

The emperor and war emperor around Zong Zheng rushed into the battlefield.

Seeing this, Elder Suzaku turned his head to meet the emperor and fought into a group.

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