God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1196: Demon singing

The ancient demons who didn't get the sacrifices broke out instantly.


Overwhelming anger swept across the sky, causing hundreds of miles of clouds to surge into waves.

The summoning formation, or the sacrifice formation, it doesn't matter what formation the pornography, gambling and drug awakens.

This terrifying behemoth in front of Jiang Chen is becoming crazy strong!

Although Jiang Chen has worked very hard, trying to prevent this demon from coming to the world by transferring the people.

But obviously, the circle has been established, and it immediately absorbed a large number of monsters in the space, giving this terrifying monster a chance to break through the peak of the king and enter the emperor!

Finally, this horrible coercion against the sky attracted the demon thunder in the sky!

Red and black, two winding thunders spread across the sky, forming a net-like current.


Until the thunder rolled over the ears, the magical thunder was still connected to the ground, shining continuously.

In Wanjun Thunder, there are a few more

"Can't let it continue to be strong!"

Jiang Chen roared, and the purple scales all over his body instantly burst out of his skin, his blood erupted, boiling on the spot!


The turbid air wave washed away the charred black smoke, and the high temperature around Jiang Chen distorted his figure.

Thousands of planets burst out, spreading all over the corners of the Ten Thousand Toxic Caverns.

With the stars shining, Jiang Chen and everyone quietly approached the Ten Thousand Poison Cave domain.

The huge horror king, flame, thunder, seven small warriors.

Everything seems so magical.

At this moment, Gudong!

A strange sound sounded like a drum blasting in everyone's ears.


With the second sound, Jiang Chen clung to the pipe.

I saw him flying away suddenly, and everyone followed.

There was a sudden bulge on the ground.

It's hard to imagine that the burning soil seemed to soften, and it seemed to tremble as if there was life.

A few seconds later, accompanied by a strange drum sound, the ground bulged like blood vessels, and the tremor accelerated.

Jiang Chen's eyes flashed, and he keenly sensed the direction of the underground energy flow.

"No! Someone supports the devil with the power of the king?"

As soon as Jiang Chen's voice fell, this powerful energy whip had already rushed into the body of the ancient demon.

Everyone saw the muscular skin gradually appearing on the surface of the ancient demon's body.

Even the armor made of loess rock is bright and shiny, just like a new life.

It was after this that Jiang Chen felt even more depressed.

A steady stream of energy converged through the underground caverns, and in a blink of an eye, eight energies rushed in again.

Jiang Chen waved his dragon claws, and the Skeleton Pluto instantly materialized.

The arms of the skeleton Pluto are connected to form a special gesture.

The next moment, the chaotic aura in the air immediately merged with Jiang Chen.

The field of annihilation unfolded immediately.

Jiang Chen separated his fingers and pointed at ten places.


The chaotic planet instantly cut through the air, splitting out hundreds of air waves, and smashing into the ground!



All of a sudden, there were explosions in the cave.

The continuous fire is like the explosion of natural gas pipelines underground in the city.

"Huh! Huh!"

Jiang Chen raised his realm by exploding his blood, causing hundreds of chaotic planets to explode, consuming a lot of energy in an instant.

In the cave, the flame is shaped like a ghost dragon, rampaging.

But Jiang Chen was still a step late after all.

The monarch energy that quickly gathered has entered the remains of the ancient demon!


The demon quickly recovered, with a terrifying roar like a dragon.

After that, a hideous face turned straight to face Jiang Chen.

It is even more vomiting, repeating the curse of pornography, gambling and drugs.

But the human-like expression is clearly angrily and provocative!

Jiang Chen instantly realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Last chance!"

"Everyone help me! Interrupt the demon's singing!"

There is already a hint of ominous premonition in the hearts of everyone in Chang'an.

But Jiang Chen has already made an analysis, this is probably the last chance for everyone and the entire Western Regions!

"Ho! Tianshan storm!" Wang Sicong gave an order, and Dabai was the first to erupt

"The flames burn the sky!" Tang Shishi yelled not to be outdone.

The two ice and fire forces suddenly collided in midair.

The power of the elements exploded, forming a large amount of extremely destructive energy turbulence, rolling away.

When Jiang Chen saw this, the situation was not clear.

"Go harder! This is definitely not enough to stop the quasi-emperor-level powerhouse!"

Hearing this, Ye Lanyi Shangguan Kitty and Shangguan Fanxing all came out.

For a time, the brilliance lingered in the sky, and the sharp blade moon arc slashed the ancient demon crazily!

It may be that the combined power of everyone is too strong, and the ancient demon suddenly furious.


It suddenly interrupted its continuous singing, violently roaring into the sky.


Everyone suddenly felt the wind roaring!

Li Xiaofu lined up with dumb people, and suddenly the bear claws pierced the ground, the ground split, and a solid sand crystal wall came out to surround everyone.

Everyone has space to observe the ancient demons.

I saw a powerful wave of air erupting from the mouth of the demon's fangs.

Everywhere they passed, everyone's skills and attacks were shattered!

Even the Tianshan blizzard that Wang Sicong summoned was blown away by the wind.

What a power this is!

Before everyone could react, the ancient demon suddenly changed from blowing to sucking.


Everyone felt that they could not grasp the ground due to the gust of wind.

The thin Shangguan Fanxing was immediately caught in the air by the powerful suction.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Li Xiaofu grabbed his lover tightly, and with his steady body, he hugged Shangguan Fanxing into his arms.

But the next moment, the suction suddenly broke out!

The people around felt a little unsteady.

Li Xiaofu's area was too large, and the wind resistance was also large. When the suction broke out, he suddenly took off. As a last resort, he could only reach out and grab a curl of dumb hair on Ah's forehead.

Adumb was in pain, but in order to have a complete mistress in his family in the future, he could only bear it with tears.

One wave hasn't settled, and another wave has risen.

Shangguan Kitty slipped and was caught in the air.

When Shangguan Fanxing saw her sister in trouble, he immediately offered to help.

She tossed off her sleeves and immediately wrapped the slender waist of Shangguan Kitty.

The stupid bear's eye was immediately caught, but it held on.

Until Jiang Chen's Tang poems and poems flew off the ground one after another, Ah Du finally had no love, and gave up protecting the dull hair on his forehead.

Unexpectedly, as everyone flew, the attraction created by the ancient demons grew stronger.

Ah Fong's claws were inserted into the soil, with sand crystal as the root, struggling to support everyone from being sucked away.

At this moment, the ancient demon suddenly waved the devil's grasp, and instantly blew up a violent wind.

Two dark cracks suddenly cracked in the sky where the demon thunder billowed.

Amidst the bewilderment of everyone in Chang'an, a flame meteorite with countless impact craters descended in the air!

It broke through the clouds within ten seconds and hit the people in Chang'an straight.

At the critical moment, Jiang Chen shouted.

"A fool! Let go!"

A stupid stunned, and said, letting go of the baby bear, wouldn't it be eaten by the big skeleton!

Li Xiaofu immediately gave Ah Duan a firm look.

With the spirit in his heart, Ah Fool suddenly moved from the ground under his feet.


Everyone flew into the air instantly!


The huge meteorite fell to the ground!


The mushroom cloud exploded in place.

In the burnt smoke, everyone rushed out of the explosion range dangerously and dangerously.

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