God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1189: Sneak attack

Xuanyuanshuang knew at a glance that this was not the strongest state of the Changan people at all.

Otherwise, Jiang Chen would directly single out the entire army of beast tides!

"No! My brother Jiang Chen is afraid something went wrong in the tomb of the ghost emperor!"

"Follow me! Strangle the poison! Support Jiang Chen!"

With a shout, Xuanyuanshuang took the lead and rushed forward.

The mechanical King Kong under the seat suddenly raised his sturdy arm, the mechanical connection clicked, and the air wave gushed out from the engine!


The mechanical **** of war smashed out with a fist, the earthquake trembled, and a translucent shock erupted in the air!

The reinforcements came, and everyone in Chang'an finally took a breath.

Tens of thousands of soldiers rushed forward and beat the tide of poisonous beasts.

But the monsters created by these poison emperors have extremely strong vitality.

And every time a wound appears, a lot of poison gas is expelled.

For a time, poisonous gas surged.

Xuanyuanshuang already had a lot of combat experience, so he took out a gas mask to put on himself.

Since the people in Chang'an were far away from the front line, they were not affected by the poisonous gas.

But even with the gas masks, the Chang'an Army still couldn't compete with the ferocious poisonous beasts.

In the center of the battlefield, the stumps and arms of countless poisonous beasts gradually merged.

A purple translucent poisonous body grew bigger and bigger and gradually became like a hill.

Ouch! !

The ferocious beast screamed in terror.

In the Chang'an Army, all the beasts under the seat of the beast master were shocked.

This time, it gave the poisonous beast a chance!

The soldiers in the front row were beaten up!

"The royal beasts below the king level are going backwards!"

"Join the battle above the king level!"

This loud shout was made by Xuanyuanshuang because he really felt sorry for the sergeants.

All the troops are exhausted, and the front line is indeed not dominant at this time and should have retreated.

But behind everyone, no matter whether the city is rebellious or not, thousands of people in the city are innocent.

Because of this, Jiang Chen issued an order that the beast tide must be driven away to withdraw the army.

Although Xuanyuanshuang is Jiang Chen's eldest brother, Jiang Chen is the coach in this vindication war. He is only here to assist Jiang Chen.

Let's not talk about the brotherhood between the two, just to say that this military order is like a mountain, it must not be violated!

Now that Jiang Chen had given orders to his troops, Xuanyuanshuang took the command on his behalf, so he could only bite the bullet and defend.

The situation fell into a stalemate instantly.

Unlike the monster beast, the warriors know that suffering knows tiredness, and they are not as frantic as the monster beast. There is inherent imbalance between the two.

Nowadays, the Poison Beast has even merged into an evolutionary version of existence, with a huge body lying in the middle of the battlefield, suppressing several of the strongest combat power and Xuanyuanshuang in the entire army.

Soon, the war fell into a white-hot stage!

Wang Sicong integrated the purification ability of Tianshan Snow Lotus into the ice storm, instantly restricting the movement of all poisonous beasts and removing toxins in a part of the area.

However, hundreds of thousands of troops fought decisively, and the front was extremely long.

Although Wang Sicong's field is useful, its relative use is definitely not that great.

Everyone in Changan took off gas masks when they saw this, and rushed to the front!

Shangguan Fanxing is responsible for staying behind and looking after Jiang Chen.

"As long as there is an enemy coming, you will start the field of hot dance!" Tang Shishi said to Shangguan Fanxing.

After that, he rushed to the battlefield with Shangguan Kitty.

When the goddess came, the soldiers were all excited.

Tang Shishi was unable to enter the realm of being possessed by beasts due to overwork.

Otherwise, with the **** posture of Tang Shishi Yu Beast possessing him, just nosebleeds will destroy the Chang'an Army spray group!


An Ice Spirit Palace soldier let out a roar.

"The Ice King went to the battlefield with me! It's a great honor to repay me with death!"

As soon as the voice fell, the soldier rushed into the beast tide.

The Tianshan people who are proficient in ice attribute control have special methods to fight against poisonous beasts.

I saw an ice flower, snow and moon sword flying up and down in the warrior's hand, instantly cutting off the bodies of four or five poisonous beasts.

The poisonous wound was sealed with a thick layer of ice to prevent the poisonous gas from spreading.

Look closely, every Tianshan ethnic group is doing this.

But there are occasions when accidents happen!

In the middle of the battlefield, a soldier's gas mask was suddenly cracked by a poisonous beast with low IQ.

In an instant, a large amount of poisonous gas spread into his mouth and nose!

I saw several 10-cm flower-like purple spots suddenly appeared on his face, which spread all over his body in a short while!

The soldier pinched his neck to prevent the poison from spreading.

But within ten seconds, he lost the ability to move!

With such a highly toxic application on the battlefield, the Poison King must be really cruel!

Just as this soldier was about to give up his hope of survival, a chill crossed the sky.

The white beast spread its pure wings and landed beside the poisoned soldier.

I saw Wang Sicong spread his five fingers and pressed them on the soldier's head.


Strange noises continue.

Looking carefully, Wang Sicong's palm opened a horrible mouth with interlaced teeth!

This is the substantial body of Bingshan Saussurea in Wang Sicong's body.

With this small mouth, Wang Sicong has saved the lives of hundreds of soldiers!

At this time, the casualties of frontline soldiers have been greatly reduced!

Wang Sicong was flexibly tossing and turning around on the battlefield, and the moment of danger came to the soldiers, extracting toxins instantly.

At the same time, his ice field exerted a powerful suppressive effect on poisonous beasts.

With Wang Sicong's anti-drug artifact, and the powerful combat power of the people in Chang'an, the battlefield situation instantly changed from headwind to equilibrium.

The 200,000 army fought back desperately, and was about to force these disgusting beasts back.

At this moment, a cloudy wind blew in the sky!

Under the bright moonlight, a black shadow galloped past!

Xuanyuanshuang was in the midst of a fierce battle, and suddenly felt a chill rushing to his back.

Looking back, a tall black figure came in the air.

Holding a gold-patterned fork in his hand, his sturdy arm stabs it in one fell swoop!

It turned out to be a sneak attack on the leader!

The ancient King Kong God of War immediately raised his arm.

Mechanically twisted, the whole body parts of King Kong Ares turned upside down, turning around flexibly in an instant.


The gold-patterned fork slammed into the metal plate of the forearm of the King Kong God of War, and a spark burst out.

King Kong God of War was instantly bounced off by a huge force.

Xuanyuanshuang is facing an imperial beast alone!

"No! Big Brother Xuanyuan seems to have been attacked!"

Li Xiaofu painted on my neck, and a small tortoise bumped right and left in the center of the battlefield.

He stood tall and looked far away, and happened to see the scene of King Kong being knocked into the air!

Everyone was immediately angry.

"Dare to attack!"


Turning his head to look around, Xuanyuanshuang's eyes revealed surprise, staring blankly at the monster behind him.

Human face horse body, jet black wings, full of tiger stripes.

The gold-patterned fork in his hand has been raised high, as long as it falls, the unprotected Xuanyuanshuang will definitely die!

The enemy has clearly understood all this.


The cold light flashed, and the sharp fork fell down!

Xuanyuanshuang is already inevitable!

At this moment of extreme danger, the soldiers on the battlefield slid left and right.

A figure instantly rushed through the crowd of poisonous beasts, turned into a black line, and flew straight!

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