God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1186: Two-headed dragon


"Ice cone into the soul!"

"The sky is extremely cold!"

Dabai Erbai and Yinyue have made their ultimate moves!

Earl Frost simply summoned Absolute Zero.

Ice fell from the sky, and blue aura filled the right half of the battlefield.

At the beginning, the dragon head had the power to parry. With the arrival of absolute zero, the frost dragon head had nowhere to hide, and was smashed.


A cold ice tornado broke out between heaven and earth, and the ghost emperor's remnant soul lowered its noble head for the first time.

It looks like it was hit by an ice meteorite to autism!

On the other side, Tang Shishi and Jiang Chen head-to-head with the fire leader, fighting for nearly five minutes.

At the last moment, Tang Shishi burst out two supernovae one after another!

There seem to be two suns floating above the sky! !

The light shines on the earth, and hot energy surges out, forming radiation.

Fucked on both sides, the ghost emperor's remnant soul has nowhere to avoid it, hitting the supernova's hot energy, as if being splashed with magma.


Two dragon heads hit the yellow sand ground one after another.

Everyone also left their respective fighting positions and fell on the ground, panting loudly.

Li Xiaofu put his hands on his knees, pouting and panting hard.

"Huh! Huh! Finish off!"

The baby fat on his face was shaking with the rapid breathing.

Others are also exhausted enough.

Everyone broke out with all their strength, striving to stop the remnant ghost of the ghost emperor before Taibai attacked the moon.

The current scene seems to be a success.

Jiang Chen looked towards the sky.

The moon is like a hook, and the Taibai Venus is like a chandelier bulb, dotted aside.


"Taibai Venus did not stop, it is still approaching the moon!"

Everyone looked at the sky, and in the next instant, Long Wei, who had been silent beside him, suddenly broke out again!


Two dragons roared together.

An endless gust of wind spewed from the big mouth of the dragon's blood basin, engulfing the tyrannical dragon's breath.

Residents dodge one after another.

Li Xiaofu, Tang poems leaped to the sky.

They are all types of fighters that are more durable and can fight for a long time.

But Wang Sicong, Shangguan Kitten and Ye Lanyi all had high outbreaks.

After playing a set, you must take a breath.

The ghost emperor remnant soul fought back from the bottom of the cauldron and hit everyone by surprise.

Without Ye Lanyi's no-fly domain, the two-headed dragon danced wildly with two wings, and the hurricane instantly swept the battlefield.

The hill-like dragon soared up and rushed into the sky.

While fighting at high altitude, Liuli, who had taken advantage of her flight, immediately fell into a passive position!

Even if the power of the Divine Phoenix was added, it couldn't hurt the dragon at all.

The behemoth fluttered its wings and flew like a dark cloud covering the sky.

Liuli couldn't avoid it, and was smashed by the dragon's collision.

At this time, everyone in Chang'an was exhausted, and there was no way to get the ghost's remnant soul.

Right now, the giant dragon forced back the Nine-Color Glazed Glass Phoenix, and instead launched an attack on everyone!

Two rays of light, one blue and one red, soared down into the sky, like a guanghua bridge connecting heaven and earth.

But everyone knows that this is not a bridge of ascension, but a deadly beam capable of controlling life and death.

When Jiang Chen saw this, he could no longer save his energy.

Now is the time for him to come forward!


With a violent shout, Jiang Chen burst into dark thunder!

Behind Jiang Chen's tall figure, thunder intertwined to form a demonic black face.

That is the facial shadow of Thunder Qilin.

The power of thunder continued to expand and gradually spread, and the body of Lei Qilin began to appear.

But Jiang Chen deliberately kept compressing the power of Thunder.

Seeing, the gigantic unicorn figure slowly shrank, turning into different parts of armor, attached to Jiang Chen's body.


The air oscillates and energy bursts!

The Qilin Possession is completed instantly!

Jiang Chen folded his hands together, his body turned into a pitch black thunder, and he shot straight into the arrogant two-headed dragon in the air!

"There is a flaw!"

Jiang Chen shouted.

Dragons have inverted scales, usually down from the throat.

But the two-headed dragon has some differences.

The inverted scales of the two-headed dragon grow at the cross of the neck.

There is an inverted V-shaped area, below the V, is the deadly inverse scale of the two-headed dragon.

At this time, the dragon soared in the sky to attack everyone, and the dense forest location was exposed.

On the surface of the dark skin, there is the only diamond-shaped white scale, as if a white jade hung on the chest.

With this blow, Jiang Chen rushed against the scales and the altitude of his flight soared.

After almost one breath, Jiang Chen rushed to the sky.


The thunder claw in his hand slammed into the ghost emperor's remnant soul! !


In an instant, Ni Lin was cut in by Jiang Chen!

Fancy Ghost Emperor Remnant Soul seemed to be killed by this blow.

But in fact, Jiang Chen could feel that he hadn't penetrated very deeply at all.

The defense of this dragon is too strong!

Jiang Chen's arm suddenly exerted strength, trying to forcefully break through the dragon scale defense.

But his attack has been discovered by the ghost emperor's remnant soul.


With a roar, the ferocious dragon head opened its blood basin and bit at Jiang Chen!

For a while, Jiang Chen had nowhere to hide, so he had to use his other hand to defend against the collision of the dragon.


The nose of the dragon's head hit Jiang Chen's thunder claws hard.


There was a muffled sound.

Everyone in Changan was so nervous that they stopped breathing.

"Brother Chen?"

"Xiao Chenchen! Are you okay!"

Everyone asked with concern.

The next moment, a miraculous scene appeared in mid-air.

I saw Jiang Chen's unicorn claws pierced into the giant dragon dragon's inverse scales, and went into the joints.

On the other side, Jiang Chen was bitten on his shoulder by the dragon's fangs.

Everyone was stunned.

The super defensive dragon scale was broken by Jiang Chen's attack!

But then everyone reacted.

This was broken by the dragon himself!

When the powerful impact and inertia bite Jiang Chen, a part of it was attached to Jiang Chen's unicorn claws. With this huge power bonus, Jiang Chen's claws fell into the dragon's inverse scales.

As we all know, the inverse scale is the most vulnerable part of the dragon's body. Once pierced, the internally protected organs will inevitably be damaged.

Under normal circumstances, the inside of the inverse scale is either the heart or the throat and trachea!

Sure enough, Jiang Chen went down with this claw, and the dragon's wings in the sky stopped immediately!

The mountain-like double-headed dragon fell in the sky!


A gust of wind swept the battlefield.

The double-headed dragon took Jiang Chen and crashed into the desert volcano!

At this time, everyone was completely dumbfounded.

To talk about how to hit a dragon beast, everyone can combine and think of a way.

But now, the dragon smashed against the mountain with Jiang Chen.

It's like a meteorite falling from the sky being caught up by Jiang Chen!

This is almost impossible to stop!

But the people in Chang'an never believed in evil, they rushed towards the volcano.

But the dragon fell faster.


The impact made the ground tremble three times, and the volcano cracked open with a crack.

When the voice echoed, everyone in Chang'an was shaking.

Smoke and dust billowed, and magma spread out from the crevices of the mountain.

When everyone in Chang'an ran to the place where Jiang Chen fell, the hot lava above his head had already poured down!

When everyone saw this, there was nothing to say, and they picked up Jiang Chen and ran down the mountain.

At this moment, a huge human figure with a height of five meters leaped in front of the crowd and blocked the way.

I saw the ghost emperor ghost in a spacesuit pressing his neck embarrassedly, blood flowing.

The dragon claw in his hand was already on Jiang Chen's neck.

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