God Pets Comes to the World

Chapter 1177: Close!

Jiang Chen scratched his head.

"Although it is not clear what you are talking about, the name sounds so domineering!"

Xiao Dong frowned and said.

"The Phantom Nine Witch Infants have nine consciousnesses, and they also have nine spirit bodies!"

"As a Lich Race, you can control your soul ability by nature."

"What the Phantom is doing now is to isolate its own soul, so that it can double its combat effectiveness!"

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows.

"That's going to start a fight?"

Xiao Frozen nodded solemnly.

I saw nine human faces struggling desperately, and suddenly nine different voices erupted.

Some are crying, some are laughing, some are angry!

The tomb suddenly became extremely noisy and breathtaking.

Jiang Chen exploded out of all his mental power in an emergency, and only then could he withstand the horrible sound like a magical ear.

This Phantom Nine Witch Infant is really amazing!

As soon as Jiang Chen came back to his senses, the Nine Witch Infants of the phantom had already transformed into nine people and nine figures in the lingering mist!

When Jiang Chen saw it, these were just a few lich ghost babies with huge heads!

This baby is very deformed, some have a big head, and some have a big body, as if they were not evenly distributed after being separated.

Moreover, it is said that it is a baby, but there is no innocence and purity of any baby, all are blue-faced fangs, and there is terror in the hideous!

"I'm going! Xiao Dong!"

"Isn't this your Lich race! Even you want to fight?"

Xiao Frozen complexion was green.

"They are only afraid that they have been bewitched by the ghost emperor. The nine souls are already in a mess, and they have no spiritual wisdom!"

Jiang Chen question mark face.

"It turns out that the ghost emperor still has this function!"

Xiao Dong said in a low voice.

"Western ghost emperors fight, possess boundless mana, the phantom Nine Witch Infant's way of survival is to feed on energy, and is eventually affected by the battle intent, and the spirit of the Nine Witches falls apart!"

During the conversation between the two, the symptoms of Li Xiaofu in Tang poems and poems became more and more serious, and they were almost completely affected by the Nine Witch Infants and lost consciousness.

Jiang Chen knew in his heart that everyone would definitely collapse like this, so he didn't feel anxious.

Anxious in his heart, the spiritual destruction of the Nine Witch Infants of the Phantom had an opportunity to take advantage of!


Jiang Chen only felt dizzy.

In the next moment, there was a flower in front of him, and the palm of the huge baby was already photographed!


The smoke billowed and Jiang Chen's figure was missing.

Seeing this, Xiao Dong was also anxious.

But what he faced was his former tribe, and it might be the only lich left in the world besides himself.

Finally, Xiao Dong made a choice between Jiang Chen and his tribe.

Seeing the nine witch infants crawling towards Jiang Chen, Xiao Dong finally made a move.


With a soft cry, endless king coercion broke out.

The sound waves gradually became sharp and harsh, awakening the shocked Chang'an people.

Jiang Chen's whole body turned into a dragon, and he jumped out of the smoke, and gently landed behind Xiao Dong, patted the soil on his body.

"The strength is pretty big." Jiang Chen sighed.

But he was actually unharmed.

Xiao Dong said in a low voice when he saw that Jiang Chen was innocent.

"Xiao Chenchen, everyone has been awakened from the depths of my soul, now I ask them to help you trap the Nine Witch Infants!"

Jiang Chen slowly stepped forward.

"I'm not very good at taking care of children!"

As he said so, the joints still pinched in both hands creaked.

The Titan curse suddenly ignited on Jiang Chen's arms and legs.

The black Titan inherits energy like a strange flame.

At the burning place, Jiang Chen's muscles suddenly exploded, and his figure soared, with blue veins bulging, like a monster.

Everyone in Chang'an woke up and saw that Jiang Chen was already in a fighting state, and all of them burst into force.

Tang Shishi directly guards the animal.

Just listen to Jiang Chen.

"Everyone, pay attention!"

"Do everything possible to control the nine witch infants and never hurt them!"

Li Xiaofu wanted to do it a long time ago, and immediately rushed up after hearing it, and reacted as soon as he took a step.

"Brother Chen, what are you talking about?"

"Can't hurt them? Look at their fierce looks!"

Xiao Rong said immediately.

"I'm sorry everyone, the only heir of our clan at this time, can't let it die like this!"

"The Phantom Nine Witch Infant is going crazy now, but I have a way to calm him down, please buy me some time!"

Everyone was taken aback, and then they all looked at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen spoke.

\"I am willing to believe in Xiao Dong, as a king, he is absolutely capable of ruling his own people!"

"Brothers! Hold these bear kids for me!"

Jiang Chen waved his hand, and the Titan attraction burst out behind him!

The strong coercion created a gang wind in the enclosed tomb, and suddenly swept the Nine Witch Infants!

Everyone in Changan responded.

"it is good!"

A stupid, Liuli, Shasha, Yinyue, big white and two white, big gold and little black.

All the royal beasts jumped out, almost like children fighting in a group, pressing nine witch infants to the ground.

At the same time, manual thoughts changed sharply.

Its mind formed a waterfall-like flow, sifting through each memory fragment of the Nine Witch Infants in the water.

Suddenly, it found a solution!

"Okay! Just use this!"

Xiao Dong, the Lich King, suddenly exploded with a terrifying royal aura, and the blue neon clothes went without wind.

The attention of Phantom Nine Witch Infants was immediately attracted by the breath of the Lich King!

At the moment when these nine strange infants were paralyzed and careless, Xiao Dong sacrificed thousands of ghost and child soul locks!

"Necrotic entanglement!"

The crimson ghost boy kept chattering, pulling Xiao Frozen's ice soul lock in his hand, and almost instantly, all nine deformed strange infant figures were entangled.


The nine witch infants immediately showed that they were prisoners, with shackles on their hands and feet.

I saw Xiao Dong like a spider floating in the center of the web, and a light blue light burst out of her body.

"Soul shock!"

Xiao Rongjiao snorted, but the blue light waves rippled back and forth on the spider web formed by the lock.

This is the soul power of the Little Frozen Lich King!

Wherever they passed, the souls of the nine witch spirits were suddenly stirred out by the power of the Lich King's soul, forming nine terrifying ghost ghosts floating in the air.

At this moment, Jiang Chen only felt that a coercion suddenly dropped behind him.

Even Jiang Chen, who covered the power of the Titans, couldn't help but feel the weight on his spine.

I saw Xiao Dong's eyes deep and blue, as if they had become a channel connecting hell.

Countless undead souls crawled up and down the passage, but they were instantly burned by the anger of the Lich King and turned into dead flames, scorching people.

At this moment, Xiao Dong's thin lips opened slightly, her voice low, but the majesty of the king burst out.

"Wait! Don't kneel down yet!"


The bodies of the nine witch infants crashed to the ground.

There is a ghost face floating on the head of every witch infant.

Looking closely, the skull faces on the nine phantoms have become sober.

Nine-color ghost fire broke out in the dark eyes.

Everyone was frightened by Xiao Dong's terrifying aura.

Angel face and devil figure, but possess the power of the Lich King.

Nine witch infants knelt down in front of it.

Such a combination can be considered breathtaking.

At the same time, the nine witch infant figures slowly gathered, and under the surprised expressions of everyone, they slowly merged into one.

Jiang Chen found that the appearance of the Witch Infant after waking up was greatly changed, and it looked more than ten times better than when it was a madman!

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